The FBI learned that robbers in the city center had used RPG rockets to rob a vault. They immediately dispatched.

In a short time, a large number of police officers rushed to the Chase Bank vault.

In order to better control the robbers' movements, helicopters were dispatched.

One was to prepare for rappelling and seize the commanding heights.

The other was to observe the robbers' movements through the helicopter searchlight.

While the police were fighting with the assassins, the residents living nearby and the office workers who had not yet left work were all shocked.

"Damn, this is too scary. Is there a war going on down there?"

"Oh my god, that police car was blown up."

"It's amazing. Who are these people? They are so powerful that the police can't even raise their heads."

"Fuck! I bet these guys must have been soldiers. Their combat skills are unmatched by ordinary people."

"It's scary"

"God, I hope they don't hit us."


Located in the center of New York City, there are tall buildings everywhere. There are still a lot of people who haven't gotten off work at night. Such a gunfight scene,���For many Americans, this was the first time they had seen it. They had seen it through movies in the past, but that was a Hollywood movie after all, and what was shown below was real guns and live ammunition.

Just as countless ordinary people were watching the show, there was a sudden roar in the sky, and two civilian helicopters flew over with huge searchlights, and began to look for the robbers' hiding place.

One of them flew towards the bank vault.

Robert, who served as the observation team and was also responsible for supporting the sniper team, also noticed the two helicopters in the air.

He took the walkie-talkie and ordered,"Shoot down those two helicopters in the air for me."

After that, he continued to observe the surrounding movements with night vision goggles.

After receiving Robert's instructions, the observation team soldiers on the rooftops of the other two buildings immediately carried the Stinger anti-aircraft missiles that they had prepared in advance on their shoulders and directly locked onto the two civilian helicopters.

"call out!"


Two Stinger anti-aircraft missiles decisively pulled the trigger the moment they locked onto the target. They flew towards the target at high speed, trailing smoke.

Before anyone could react, the tail propellers of the two helicopters were hit, and the explosions in the air were like a gorgeous flame.


"Look, those two helicopters were hit."


"It's over. The people on the two helicopters are probably going to die."

"This group of mysterious people is so powerful that they even shot down a helicopter"

"Scared to death"...

The two helicopters that were hit fell rapidly, first hitting the houses on both sides of the road, then rolling down the road and colliding with a car that had no time to dodge.


There was an explosion and a raging fire.

The other one was not much better.


Johnson's eyes turned red when he saw this scene.

As for the other team members, they were all scared and looked at the two burning helicopters with fear. If I remember correctly, there seemed to be a team of special police on them.

Just like that, dead?

Facing such powerful firepower robbers, these ordinary police officers dared not go up. They just wanted to make a living, but they didn't want to sacrifice their lives.


Looking at the empty vault, Ed shot the person in charge of the vault.

""Bang!" The person in charge of the vault received the lunch box directly.

At the same time, a fierce gunshot rang out in the parking area outside the vault. The security guards who were just helping to carry the banknotes were all killed at this moment.

Ed looked at the black bags filled with US dollars in several vans and showed satisfaction. There were at least 700 to 800 million US dollars.

You know, this is the vault of Chase Bank in New York.

Chase Bank is not an ordinary bank. It is also ranked among the top five banks in the United States. It is also located in New York, a highly developed financial city. You can imagine how rich its vault is.

This is US dollars.

I didn't want things like gold, which was too heavy.

However, I did fill a bag of gems, diamond rings and other things.


Bill came over.

Ed said,"Retreat as planned."


The team members got in the cars and then drove the van out quickly.

On the rooftop, an observer had been observing the vault basement. When he saw Ed and the others coming out, he quickly reported to Robert:"Captain, they are out."

Hearing this, Robert quickly used the night vision goggles to look at the basement, and several vans drove out.

"According to the plan, notify everyone to evacuate"


Soon, the members of the observation team lurking on the rooftop received the order to retreat.

The sniper team was also preparing to retreat. They got on several Chevrolet SUVs, shouldered rocket launchers, and fired at the police blocking the road.

Seeing the rockets flying over, the police blocking the road were terrified and quickly dodged.


A police car was hit, and the blast caused it to fly into the sky, then it fell heavily and hit a police car, smashing it directly. Several policemen who were unable to dodge were hit by the flying glass shards and wailed in pain.

"Shit! Damn robbers!"

"Da da da!!"

More than a dozen M416 assault rifles opened fire at the same time, and several grenades were thrown over.



In just one minute, more than 20 police cars were intercepted at the intersection, and nearly 100 police officers, including the FBI, were lying on the ground. Facing powerful firepower, no matter how many people there were, it was useless.

Blood flowed on the ground.

The lead car stepped on the accelerator and knocked away all the roadblocks. The convoy behind followed and disappeared into the night, leaving only the mess and burning cars at the scene, and the police officers lying on the ground wailing, indicating that a high-intensity gun battle had just taken place here.

"Call home...Calling headquarters, the robbers are heading towards Linton Street, please intercept!! Please intercept..."

A slightly injured police officer got up from the ground, found a working walkie-talkie, and called out loudly.

That night, the entire New York police force was mobilized, and the FBI was fully tracking. The assassins also quickly drove to the previously arranged transfer station.

They replaced the van with a car, SUV and other vehicles, and then dispersed.

Several of the vehicles responsible for transporting money rushed to the previously designated warehouse location, and Louis was also here.

"Boss, all the money we robbed this time is here."

Ed reported.

Looking at the dozens of black pockets in front of him, Louis nodded slightly, selected the recharge button, then selected the direct non-bank recharge method, and then selected US dollars. He circled the dozens of black pockets filled with US dollars in front of him.

"Ding! Recharging in progress...10...8...5...3..."

"Ding, recharge successful."

The next second, he saw the amount in the system account change from 1.75 million US dollars to 786 million US dollars.

In other words, this robbery robbed a total of more than 780 million US dollars.


"Well done."

Louis was overjoyed.

It turned out that robbing the vault was the best way to make money.

He made more than 700 million US dollars.

"Burn all the bags and leave immediately."

Looking at the empty black bags, Louis gave an order and left in a hurry.

Although this place has not been exposed yet, it is better to leave early.

That night, all New Zealand police set up a net to track down the robbers.

However, it was doomed to be in vain. The weapons were thrown directly into the boat that had been prepared long ago and then sank to the bottom of the sea. There was no face to see, the license plate was fake, and even the car was stolen. In this era when there are no surveillance cameras on the roadside, how can we check it?

(Ps: It's so deserted, is there anyone watching? I'm just posting a bubble, the author is panicking.)

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