The Black Mage did not attack Su Miao, nor did he leave. Instead, he stared at Su Miao, his eyes flashing with strange light.

After a short silence, he seemed to say the following in a declarative tone.

"You are the follower of Lilith, and you are also a human being watched by the God of Machinery."

He stroked the red crystal cane in his hand, and his dark face was full of confusion.

"It's really strange, do you belong to the Dreamland or the Broken Church?"

Su Miao looked at the Black Mage expressionlessly, and he did not show any hostility.

This guy's strength is unknown, and even if you use the reconnaissance technique, you can't check his attributes, unless you can get the right to use the "Golden Eye". It is estimated that only by using the high-level reconnaissance technique of the "Golden Eye" can you get his information.

If you act rashly without knowing the level, attributes, and skills, you will eventually pay the price for your recklessness.

As long as the other party has no intention of hurting you, there is no need to risk fighting.

On the contrary, Su Miao can use the law that villains talk a lot to make a trap and profit for himself.

"What do you mean by the Lord of the Dreamland and Lilith?"

Su Miao asked the Black Mage slowly, in a tone that was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Well, Lilith is the Lord of the Dreamland, which is what you call the "system."

The Black Mage smiled brightly and continued.

"Of course, His state is very strange, even my main body may not be able to know its state."

Then, Su Miao narrowed his eyes and continued to ask. Since the villain was so talkative, he didn't mind asking more questions.

"Who is your main body?"

The Black Mage seemed to have expected it. He smiled and knocked the red crystal cane in his hand on the ground.

"Ah, you finally asked this question. I am so knowledgeable, isn't it obvious who my main body is?"

"My main body is: "Yog-Sothoth". "

The moment he heard the name, Su Miao felt that the world had collapsed. In his sight, it seemed as if the stars in the world had come to him, and countless luminous stars began to expand and collapse rapidly.

Su Miao lost his five senses. He felt that his mind and body were being watched by the stars. A golden light rapidly expanded from the depths of the sea of ​​stars to Su Miao.

Damn, I was tricked...

[System prompt: "The blessing of the God of Machinery" is in effect, and you are free from the mental pollution of the outer gods. ]

Although Su Miao lost all his five senses, he still retreated quickly by relying on his fighting instinct, trying to restore his five senses by delaying time.

After the "Blessing of the God of Machinery" takes effect, the mental pollution received this time will be exempted, but the pure mental attack received can only be resisted by one's own intelligence attributes.

In fact, even if the real name of the outer god is heard, it will not cause such a big reaction. It should be that the black magician added some ingredients to the name, such as mental attack, pollution and other abilities.

This is also consistent with Su Miao's understanding of the "polluter", a conspirator who bewitches people's hearts, an existence that is good at bewitching and confusing.

The black wizard is definitely not the clone of "Yog-Sothoth". His words are half true and half false, and he must not be completely believed.

When Su Miao regained his vision, he saw the black wizard 20 meters away. He did not chase, but smiled with a hearty smile.

"Haha, you are so interesting, I like it very much."

"How about you become my messenger, I will use a special method to parasitize you, you can return to your world through the power of the "Lord of Fantasy Dreamland", and then I will help you get more power, how about it? ”

“After I have eroded the Lord of the Fantasy Dreamland, I will distribute part of His power to you. By then, you will become a great cosmic creature, and even become a fourth-order or fifth-order creature...hahahaha..."

Su Miao didn't want to listen to any nonsense from this guy. He looked directly at the Black Mage, leaned down, and the long sword was in the right position to cut.

The Black Mage had already seriously threatened him and must be killed. There was no room for negotiation.


The black stone under Su Miao's feet broke, and the stone powder crushed into powder by his feet scattered everywhere.

With the scattered stone powder, Su Miao's figure had disappeared on the spot. His eyes were like torches, and he rushed straight to the Black Mage.


In just 1 second, Su Miao had already engaged the Black Mage in close combat, and "Star Color" suddenly slashed at his head.


The black mage dodged Su Miao's direct attack by leaning sideways, and the long sword fell on the ground and easily cut a large hole in the ground.

"Good speed."

The black mage smiled and casually poked Su Miao with his cane. The light on the top of the cane began to flow, and the red light stream covered the entire cane.


A burst ofThe sound of fine iron clashing rang out. The attack of the Black Mage seemed slow and careless, but in fact, it was full of killing moves. Su Miao barely blocked the attack with the blade.

Su Miao's body was greatly impacted. He was bleeding from his knuckles, his arms were numb, and his body flew backwards.

But he flew backwards for only a few tenths of a second, and Su Miao used a skill towards the Black Mage in mid-air.

"Steel Flash!"

His body, which had just flown backwards, suddenly paused, and in a way that violated the laws of physics, he turned into a stream of five-colored light and rushed towards the Black Mage.

The blade flashed, and a few strands of hair slid down the top of the Black Mage's head. This knife only cut off a few strands of his hair.

As the hair fell in mid-air, it actually began to twist and move, quickly transforming from thin hair into thick broken tentacles like arms.

They struggled and twisted wildly on the ground like giant earthworms that had been cut off, and soon began to rot and turn black, and quickly disappeared from the ground.

"I'm really familiar with this long sword..."

The Black Mage didn't have the solemnity of the battle. Instead, he spoke with a relaxed look, staring at Su Miao who had just landed, with a smile on his lips.

He tidied up his formal clothes a little, and tapped the ground twice with his ruby ​​cane.

"Human, I need to get knowledge from my other clone now, and I don't have time to play with you."

As he spoke, the red crystal cane began to glow, and the red light condensed, and then suddenly released a powerful space ripple.

Lucy, who wanted to sneak attack, had just torn open the space crack, and was thrown into the darkness of the passage by this terrifying space ripple.

Then, the Black Mage's body began to slowly disappear just like when he came.

Su Miao gritted his teeth, he half-crouched on the ground, and the long sword quickly inserted into the ground, and the space ripple suddenly hit him the next moment.

Su Miao only felt a huge force rushing over, and his internal organs felt like they were about to be squeezed and shattered. Su Miao's mouth was sweet, and a lot of blood spurted out.

Fortunately, the space ripples did not bring any follow-up attacks. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the place where the black wizard left, his eyes becoming increasingly cold.

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