Especially the mother of poisonous spiders' buttocks, which were stuffed with several mercury bottles by Su Miao, broke directly at this moment, and the discomfort made it suddenly wake up.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak--"

It let out a painful howl, making the spider cave full of poisonous spiders even more chaotic.

The mother of poisonous spiders was stuffed with a lot of "gas mercury bottles" by Su Miao, and now it felt a severe burning sensation all over its body.

It howled while crawling, and silver gas and mucus flowed from its buttocks after being corroded. The mother of poisonous spiders had red eyes and tried to find the culprit who made it like this.

Finally, it found a very conspicuous fat guy standing in place, his whole body was emitting green water, and dirty and sticky gas gushed out.

Most importantly, what came out of this guy's belly was this kind of silver abominable gas.


The mother of poisonous spiders howled, and sent instructions to all poisonous spiders, telling them to kill the culprit with silver gas coming out of his belly.

The scene was in chaos for a while, with spiders crawling all over the ground. They carried gaseous mercury and filled the entire spider cave, causing more poisonous spiders to be corroded by gaseous mercury.

They gathered together and prepared to kill the disgusting green creature together, determining that he was the culprit.

The polluted person's brain was in a mess. He didn't understand why these creatures suddenly became so aggressive, and he didn't know why the spiders attacked him.

However, although the polluted person couldn't move, the powerful attributes provided by being polluted also allowed him to stand firm in such a miserable situation.

The polluted person looked like a madman, and his whole body was almost rotten. Almost all of his skin was corroded by gaseous mercury, and the scars all over his body were terrifying gullies, revealing white fat and disgusting green juice.

There were several long knives neatly inserted in his lower back. At this moment, he suddenly pulled out the long knives from his lower back and slashed at the attacking poisonous spiders.

He was like a crazy chef next to a chopping block.

The first attack of these spiders was very painful, with a permanent damage of more than 10, and a terrible toxin could be superimposed, which put the polluted person on the verge of death.

Fortunately, these toxins were not of high rank, and were usually suppressed by the polluted rank as soon as the state was hung up, thus disappearing.

Su Miao naturally understood that the spiders would riot, so after throwing the gaseous mercury bottle into the belly of the polluted person, he immediately moved away from this place to avoid becoming the target of public criticism.

He was always alert to the black wizard and stayed away from the battlefield between the spiders and the polluted.

He was not sure about the spider riot, so he just tried to arrange it. Even if the arrangement was not successful, it would not delay Su Miao's escape.

[System prompt: You have killed the "Void Poison Spider", and the "Destruction of Mythical Creatures" took effect. 】

【System prompt: "Mythical Creatures' Destruction" has reached the maximum health limit, and has restored 7 health points. 】

At this time, a spider actually died from gaseous mercury, providing life for Su Miao.

But this is actually normal. After all, Su Miao used almost all of his inventory to arrange the void poisonous spider cave, and they crawled all over the ground and almost filled the gaseous mercury into every corner of the cave. Only Su Miao and the black wizard survived.

"Oh, what a surprise, these spiders are out of control and out of my "bewitching"."

The black wizard looked at Su Miao with interest, and then continued.

"How did you do it? Just relying on these inferior alchemical creations? "

Faced with the Black Mage's question, Su Miao did not answer his question, but looked at him coldly.

Almost every sentence of this guy's language contains a trap, and Su Miao will never be fooled again.

A few more red lights came from the place where the spiders fought with the polluted, restoring the corresponding health value for Su Miao.

The gaseous mercury released by the gaseous mercury bottle is passively affected by the "Destruction of Mythical Creatures", so these mercury bottles will cause 25% more real damage.

In the case of so many spiders fighting with the polluted, it is estimated that Su Miao's health value will be replenished soon, and he will also be qualified to fight the Black Mage.

His purpose is not to fight the Black Mage to the death, his purpose has never changed, that is, to kill the polluted.

With the character of the Black Mage, a conspirator, it is very likely that a means similar to a bomb or mental attack has been installed in the body of the polluted.

Originally, Su Miao wanted Lucy to use her space walking ability to sneak attack the contaminated person until he died, and then use Lucy's space walking method to avoid the trap after the contaminated person died.

However, these spiders completed the task of reducing the health of the contaminated person for Lucy, and only Lucy needed to give the contaminated person the ability to walk at the right time.The last blow of the polluter is enough. After all, the monsters killed by Lucy, Su Miao, also enjoy the killing effect.

Some of Su Miao's seemingly strange operations actually formed a perfect closed loop at this moment.

"You are really different from them, and different from those players who claim to be second-level or even third-level players."

"You can do this in the first level. Even in other clones, you are the one I want to conquer."

He raised the red crystal cane, pointed at Su Miao, and then said with a smile.

"What's more, you have "the color of the stars", which is the most dazzling light when the stars fall."

Then, the black wizard looked at the rioting spider cave, rubbed his cane and talked to himself.

"The fall of the stars will shine with the most brilliant and dazzling brilliance. "

Then, he looked at Su Miao again. Although he was smiling, this smile was corrosive to the bones and soul.

Su Miao suddenly dodged to the left without any warning. At the moment he dodged, the place where he was standing suddenly exploded, and a big hole blew up on the ground, and stone chips flew everywhere.

Su Miao glanced at the place where he was standing, and he didn't say a word. He moved quickly with a long knife in his hand.

His current health value is almost full. Spiders died one after another. In the few seconds when the black wizard spoke, seven or eight red streams of light entered Su Miao's body to restore his health value.

He didn't listen to the black wizard's words , and did not think about it, but wrote it down. It didn't matter whether it was true or false, Su Miao would naturally distinguish it in the future.

But he never let down his guard against the Black Mage. This guy likes to set traps in language and attack you when you are thinking.

It turns out that Su Miao's vigilance is very effective. This time he avoided the Black Mage's sneak attack in advance.


His dark face showed a hint of displeasure, but it was soon replaced by a hearty smile, holding a red crystal cane and preparing to attack again.

At this moment, the moving Su Miao also approached the Black Mage. Su Miao's long sword flashed fluorescent light, and he quickly attacked after approaching the Black Mage within three meters.

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