Fortunately, this suction force was not fatal to Su Miao. Although the speed slowed down, he was not sucked away by this terrifying suction force and fell into the void.

As for Lucy, it was even less likely to be sucked away. He directly performed spatial displacement and could steadily advance more than 20 meters each time. His speed was indeed a little faster than Su Miao.

Just when Su Miao and Lucy were about to reach the exit, the space at the exit was distorted, and a middle-aged man in black formal clothes and holding a red crystal cane appeared.

He had long lost his previous nobleness, and the hearty smile on his face seemed to disappear, but he stared at Su Miao gloomily.

The black wizard, who used to talk a lot, did not speak, but silence was his most precious language.

Still a little short.

He almost escaped from the subspace and reached the real world, thus staying away from the game between the two terrifying beings.

Su Miao took a deep breath. He had already imagined many things that might happen, and the same was true when he was blocked at the door by the black wizard when he was running away.

He had already prepared to fight the Black Mage to the death, because the warp was about to collapse, Su Miao did not make any extra moves, and he quickly attacked with a long knife in hand.

Lucy had already eaten a large number of Warp crystal fragments, although Su Miao agreed that Lucy could dig three and eat one.

But who can accurately calculate the amount of swallowing into the stomach, so basically half of it entered the stomach of the thin dog Lucy and was digested by him.

At this moment, his control over the space has also reached about 35 meters, and he sneaked behind the Black Mage in almost an instant.

The Black Mage no longer had the previous demeanor. He loosened his tie and held the red crystal cane in his hand. He was dressed in a formal suit and had a murderous aura.

He no longer cast those heavy spells, but swung his arms and used the red crystal cane as a baseball bat.


He smashed the thin dog, which had just exposed its head, and smashed it to the ground and flew backwards, deeply stuck in the wall.

He was good at casting spells and playing tricks, but he was forced by Su Miao to use close combat.

Su Miao approached quickly, and the long knife in his hand was like a rainbow, and he chopped it down fiercely.


In the subspace maze, in the throne hall.

Because of the collapse of the subspace, some transparent display cabinets began to show winding cracks. Without the suppression of the power of space, these exhibits began to gradually recover, and there was a faint hope of awakening.

On the "operating table", the dragon girl with red hair suddenly stood up with a confused face, looking around blankly, and then she suddenly remembered something and jumped up from the table quickly.

"My God, what's going on..."

She first saw the gradually collapsing throne hall, the whole hall was full of cracks, and outside the hall, where it led directly to the starry sky, there was this terrible glow, as if the protective shield above the dragon's head would break in the next moment and suck her into the void.

She didn't see the Black Mage, and combined with the gradual collapse of the Labyrinth Throne Hall, she seemed to have noticed something extremely outrageous.

That "God Slayer" might have caused the warp to collapse. Although it was unknown what method he used, success was success.

So much so that the Black Mage had no time to pay attention to the awakened Dragonborn and the collapsed throne hall.

In various places in the throne hall, there were "creatures" for appreciation and display. Each of them was extremely distorted and looked extremely weird.

The Dragonborn knew what they were.

In the Black Mage's boastful introduction before, she had already understood that these terrifying works of art were players before, and although they are still players now, they do not belong to the same race as before.

The Dragonborn girl looked at these terrifying creatures. They were living humans like herself, and they were the same kind who walked out of the same place.

But at this moment, they were all transformed into terrifying non-human creatures. The horror of the Outer Gods far exceeded human imagination.

This is a fear beyond death.

Their existence is contrary to the existing morality of mankind. They have twisted and deformed bodies. Weirdness and weirdness are their normal state.

They have a common name, that is "Graceful Girls".

Dedicating eternal dance to a certain existence, they will spend their entire lives in mechanical and boring dance.

At this moment, without the restraint of the power of space, they began to open their eyes, shaking their twisted limbs, trying to leave the crystal display case.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

As the crystal cabinet exploded, elegant creatures floated or walked out one by one.

They are slender and graceful, with white skin. If the label of distortion is removed, they are like fairies falling from the sky to the earth.

Then, they gathered together.Various emotions such as confusion, panic, and incomprehension broke out among them.

Having emotions means more humanity, and they did not become monsters.

"My interest... What's going on..."

The Dragonborn was dumbfounded. She didn't expect that these graceful women had not yet become irrational and became creatures that only knew how to dance forever.

Then, they communicated in a strange way, as if they were discussing something, and the discussion ended in a few seconds.

The players who were made into graceful women seemed to have acquired some kind of efficient communication language, and they could discuss many conclusions in a short time.

Among the graceful women, a strange creature suddenly walked over.

From the perspective of the Dragonborn girl who was only 1.65 meters tall, this creature was at least more than two meters tall.

Her whole body seemed extremely coordinated and graceful, exposing the most primitive and boldest organs.

Her body seemed to be made of warm jade, with a light blue translucence, shining under the streamer outside the hall.

Her head resembled a squid that had been squashed, and many long and thin tentacles were floating in the air like her hair.

There was an extra pair of hands on her abdomen, and at this moment, her hands were crossed, with a dignified demeanor.

It is worth noting that she did not have lower limbs in the traditional sense. Her lower limbs were flocculent objects that were similar to flesh, spirit, and other energies. These flocculent objects supported her as she walked.

Then, a cold voice came into the mind of the Dragonborn.

"Dragonborn, we meet again."

"Don't panic, I am talking to you with my spiritual power."

The Dragonborn girl took two steps back, widened her eyes, and looked at the strange creature in front of her in disbelief.

"Your voice, you are "Star Dancer"? !"

"Yes, my previous name was indeed "Star Dancer", but now, we have a new name. "

The Star Dancer's spiritual power was transmitted here, and then paused for a moment. More graceful ladies behind her conveyed the same spiritual power words.

"We are all "graceful ladies." "

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