But all this was in vain. In order to get away from Su Miao's long knife, the rattlesnake's body was actually wrapped in the Star Color, and its end was extremely miserable.

Any part that touched the "Star Color" blade broke immediately, and the whole rattlesnake broke into several pieces and fell into the hot sand.

Looking at the blood stains flowing out of the rattlesnake, Su Miao didn't hesitate to pick up a piece of the broken rattlesnake body and began to suck the blood from it.

Although the blood of the rattlesnake is very unclean and may contain various bacteria and parasites, Su Miao didn't care whether it was clean at this moment.

As long as he can restore his strength, drinking snake blood and eating raw snake meat is not such a painful thing.

What's more, Su Miao was already thirsty to the extreme, and he probably could drink any liquid. Snake blood is already a very good liquid.

After a short rest, Su Miao drank the rattlesnake's blood and ate most of its blood and flesh raw, and felt that there was indeed something in his stomach, and his physical strength and water were restored a little.

But this is only a temporary solution, and it won't be long before Su Miao will face the danger of dehydration and heat stroke again.

However, this heat is not without benefits. Judging from Su Miao's physique, he has recovered most of his wounds, and many bone fractures have basically healed. As long as the wound is not touched, it will basically not hurt, only a tingling feeling.

Su Miao wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, swallowed a mouthful of rusty saliva, wiped the long knife with the skin of the rattlesnake, and then continued to move forward along the boulder road.

In the next few hours, Su Miao was very unlucky and did not find any animals or plants. Even the dry grass he encountered before was only a small piece.

A small pile of dry grass consisting of three or four dry grasses, let alone a rattlesnake, it feels that even a desert lizard can hardly be fed.

Su Miao felt that he had returned to the hungry and thirsty state before drinking the rattlesnake's blood, and a feeling of heat stroke came over him again.

If he couldn't find the latest water source within half an hour, Su Miao might really be sunburned to death.

About 15 minutes after Su Miao walked, he saw a small hill blocking the boulder road.

But just a glance at Su Miao revealed the difference of this small hill. Its main component is soil, which is finer than yellow sand and can ensure that water and soil are not lost.

But why is there a small hill made of soil in this desert ruins full of yellow sand?

Su Miao spent a little time circling the small hill and found that the small hill was not very big, with a diameter of only about 20 meters.

A lot of soil spilled around the small hill, indicating that the small hill has existed for some time, not to mention decades or hundreds of years, but probably more than a dozen years.

When Su Miao was circling, he actually touched some relatively mild soil.

You know, in this hot hell of 50 or 60 degrees, almost everything seems to be cooked by fire. It is very unusual to touch something with a slightly normal temperature.

So Su Miao decided not to waste time and directly use the long knife to clean it up.

Su Miao first pierced into the interior of the hill, and then used the sharpness of "Star Color" to dig out a long piece of soil. Although the top of the soil was still dry, it was already a little cool.

There must be something hidden underneath, either groundwater or plants that survive in the depths of the desert.

Fortunately, the sharpness of "Star Color" is extremely terrifying. The long knife is very efficient in cutting soil. Su Miao excavated a space as high as a person inside the hill like cutting tofu.

Su Miao opened up about 10 meters in the middle, and then continued to open up downwards. The soil here has felt a little moist, but it is still not enough to dig out water.

Therefore, Su Miao dug down at a very fast speed. Fortunately, although the things in the backpack could not be taken out, the soil could be put in, and it only took up one grid.

The same was true for the gasoline barrels before. The same items could be stacked in a single grid. When the stacking reached a certain level, the things in a grid would be divided into two grids.

The gasoline he stored before was not a whim of Su Miao, but to use the gasoline to test the stacking limit of items in a single grid.

Su Miao dug about 30 meters, and the soil here was almost the same as normal soil, moist and cool.

Although staying here could not quench Su Miao's thirst, it could make him feel a little better and not get heatstroke.

Then, Su Miao seemed to think of something, and quickly opened his information bar and slid down to the contracted creature column.

He almost forgot that there was a small dog who liked mining in his backpack.As Su Miao clicked the contract creature column to summon, a white light flashed in the dim cave, and a weak thin dog appeared in front of Su Miao.

"Woof woof!"

Lucy's dog barked twice weakly, not knowing what happened.

"Lucy, don't sleep, help me dig the hole downwards, there must be ore metals or something you like to eat below."

Upon hearing the ore metal, Lucy's dog ears immediately stood up, her legs and waist were no longer sore, and she directly burrowed into the soil, scratching with her two metal front paws frantically.

Su Miao tricked the thin dog Lucy to mine with just a few words, and Lucy was worthy of being called a mining expert by Su Miao. Under Su Miao's gaze, the land under her feet was directly one meter in 2 seconds, at an extremely fast speed.

Fortunately, when digging downwards, Lucy still had a conscience and did not dig away the place where Su Miao was standing, but dug downwards in a spiral shape, giving Su Miao enough space to go down.

Lucy is silly, but she can understand Su Miao's idea. She used a spiral structure while digging downwards. In these spiral downward passages, Lucy also dug some stairs for Su Miao to go down.

But it is not quite accurate to say that she is smart. Su Miao just said that there are ore metals below, and she started to act frantically, fearing that something would take away her ore.

The soil below is more moist, and there are even some water drops hanging on the stones. The color of the soil is darker, and the soil is also extremely moist.

But there is one place that makes Su Miao puzzled. Such moist land should allow some insects or earthworms to survive, but this soil is extremely pure, and even stones rarely appear.

According to the previous rattlesnake, it is not that there are no creatures here. There are creatures, but because of the cruel high temperature environment, there are few creatures here.

While Su Miao was thinking and filling the soil, Lucy suddenly disappeared, and a huge hole appeared at the bottom of the spiral passage.

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