The card is on the reverse side, which is gilded in gold. The reverse side depicts tough lines and huge buildings.

Although Su Miao could not feel the existence of his body, he still tried to use his mental power to open this gilded card.

What surprised Su Miao was that he turned over the card easily, allowing the content on the front of the card to emerge.

On the front of the card is a boy in linen clothes, who is tied upside down on a cross, head down and feet up.

But if you look closely, you will find that the boy in linen clothes is the same as Su Miao.

In other words, he is Su Miao, and Su Miao is the boy in linen clothes who is hung up.

Along with the front of the card, two system prompts appeared.

[System prompt: "Tarot Card·Hanged Man" has triggered the activation conditions and the corresponding ability has been activated. ]

[System prompt: You are resurrecting and reshaping your body. 】

As the two system prompts ended, the specific information of "Tarot Card·The Hanged Man" also emerged in Su Miao's mind.

Item Name: "Tarot Card: The Hanged Man"

Quality: Legend

Passive Skill:

"The Man Who Dies": Go to death in a battle with a huge disparity in strength, and you will be resurrected in courage and faith. (Cooling time: 3 copies.)

"Tarot Card": When you activate a Tarot card, you will gain a permanent legendary passive skill. The currently activated Tarot card is "The Hanged Man".

"The Hanged Man": Whenever your health in the current copy drops below 10%, you will gain "1" time all the following effects.

1: Clear all negative states, restore physical strength, and restore 100% health.

2: Gain a shield based on 100% of maximum health, lasting 3000 seconds.

3: When the shield is broken, it will cause 100% true damage to all hostile creatures within a 100-meter range.

Item Introduction: After dying once, you will look at the world from another perspective.

Su Miao swiped down in his interface, and sure enough, he saw the permanent buff, "Hanged Man", under "Blessing of the God of Machinery" on his personal panel.

And the Hanged Man's passive skill is undoubtedly powerful. Su Miao thought it was a piece of rubbish at first, not as good as the blue and green equipment from the silver treasure chest. After all, those things are real improvements when worn.

But when Su Miao saw the two terrifying passives given by "Tarot Card·Hanged Man", he knew he was wrong. First of all, it was the passive skill of the Tarot Card itself, which could be used by himself when placed in the backpack.

"The Man Who Goes to Die", the passive is clear and straightforward, and you get a chance to revive every 3 copies. This is the first time Su Miao has come into contact with an item card with a resurrection attribute.

The passive skill "Hanged Man" attached to Su Miao after the Tarot card is activated is a powerful passive skill of the same bug level as "The Dying Man". It restores physical strength and all health points, and will give 100% shield. When the shield is broken, it will also cause true damage of the maximum shield value.

A single passive skill is enough to replace all of Su Miao's equipment except "Star Color". Moreover, these equipment have great restrictions. Equipment that has not obtained void certification cannot be brought into the void.

The subspace and desert ruins are good examples. The former cannot be carried due to the constraints of the rules, and the latter area belongs to the void. Equipment that has not reached the void certification will be broken if it is forcibly taken out.

In other words, these equipment are all broken copper and iron in the void, at least they cannot be taken out before the golden attribute equipment, because Su Miao's best equipment at present is "Golden Eyes", and all the old-day-level (fake) equipment is fed to "Star Color".

After activating "The Hanged Man", Su Miao did not feel like he had survived a disaster or had a blessing in disguise.

Although he learned the true use of "Tarot Card·The Hanged Man", and also gained a nearly perverted passive skill after activating the Tarot Card, this was not worth celebrating.

He was only afraid at the moment. Su Miao clenched his illusory fists, and a sense of powerlessness slowly emerged in his heart.

The resurrection armor was beaten out, which was indeed an insult to the always cautious Su Miao.

Normally, with Su Miao's cautiousness, he would not fall into a dangerous situation in the dungeon. If he might fall into danger, the degree of danger would be under his control.

Su Miao did not expect Lucy to do this. After all, nothing can be completely controlled except himself.

Moreover, because of the revival of Lucy's power, something that did not belong to her in her body also awakened, which made Su Miao's control more difficult.

Lucy, who was running around, was hiding deep undergroundThe temple, the incomplete demigod sealed in the temple, everything is unpredictable.

This is definitely not a blessing in disguise, it is a complete disaster and tragedy. If he hadn't accidentally obtained the "Tarot Card·Hanged Man", then Su Miao's story would have ended.

But Su Miao has a good quality, he will review his behavior and way of thinking after the battle.

He has never been a perfect person, he has never been the smartest player in the dungeon, and even because of his indifference, sometimes he will have no sense of existence, and other players will subconsciously despise Su Miao.

Maybe some of the strategies decided before will be a little naive or even stupid now, but Su Miao never regrets the decisions he has made.

Su Miao will always grow up, and in the battles and reviews, he will be polished into a sharp blade pointing at the gods.


The king of beasts looked at the huge stone pillars around him in confusion, and then looked at his claws, and several cysts showed a puzzled expression.

"Why did I crawl out of the cemetery again?"

Then, it looked at the surrounding scene, which was full of traces of its own destruction, but there was no sign of the intruder.

Then it found the inferior Weeping Angel statue that had lost its head, and nothing else.

"Where is the Continental Gem..."

The thing the Weeping Angel statue was guarding was gone, and even its head was gone...

The Continental Gem was gone, and even its head was lost, which made the Beast King a little angry.

"The world is about to collapse, it doesn't matter whether there is a Continental Gem or not, I'm dead, it has nothing to do with me..."

It was silent for a while, really couldn't think of anything in its mind, then sighed deeply, and a huge teleportation array slowly appeared under its feet.

The teleportation array exuded blue light, and the Beast King Panggu slowly descended in its silence, and then completely left this place.

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