Besides, if Su Miao really formed a war group or something, would he help his friends when they were in danger?

Su Miao had no obligation to help them when they were in danger. In the case of a trading relationship between the two, he had enough reasons to watch from the sidelines.

Su Miao put down the milk tea cup and said in a calm tone: "That's it, I'm going to the arena."

"Okay, bye, boss!"

After saying goodbye to the chattering He Zilong, Su Miao prepared to go to the arena through the street, but when Su Miao arrived at the strange shop, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the strange shop was not open, the plump young woman dressed as a wizard was not "soliciting customers" at the door.

Su Miao felt in a good mood instantly, and the street was unobstructed all the way, and he arrived directly at the arena.

The arena still looked like the ancient Roman Colosseum. After identity recognition at the entrance of the arena, Su Miao successfully entered the interior.

But what surprised Su Miao was that there were quite a lot of people in the arena.

There are 100 rooms on the first floor, but more than 80 rooms have red crosses, which means that at least 80 players are fighting.

"Strange... I don't see so many people usually..."

But if you think about it carefully, this is actually very reasonable. After all, the elite players have gone to Losman Continent for support, and most of the players left in the main city are "old, weak, sick and disabled".

In the situation of chickens fighting each other, some players may improve their rankings a lot, and they will get more rewards after the season ends.

After Su Miao entered Room 99, he sat comfortably on the cowhide sofa, and a familiar system prompt sounded.

[System prompt: "God Slayer" Your current division is the first-level "Strongest Newcomer King", and your current ranking is: 2958]

"Why did it rise by dozens of places..."

Su Miao was a little surprised. If I remember correctly, his ranking had reached 3000 after the last dungeon, but this time it did not drop but improved a lot.

Perhaps, it was because dozens of players were promoted from the first-level main city to the second-level main city, so they moved from the first-level "strongest rookie king" to the second-level division.

The current strongest rookie king division will end in about two weeks, and it is unknown what the rewards of the arena will be.

When Su Miao was preparing to participate in the competition, the rules interface of the arena suddenly popped up.

[System prompt: Due to some reasons, the system reiterates the rules of the arena again, please read carefully. ]

1. The arena is a real-person PVP, there are no robots, non-player creatures participate in the competition, if you encounter it, please report it to the system in time.

2. Please do not report normal players. If you encounter the situation of matching the same player multiple times, it is normal, and there is no player with a backstage.

3. If you encounter a player who kills you within 5 seconds, please carefully identify it. A normal player with a professional title is not a robot, and there is no need to report it to the system.

4. If you get injured while participating in the competition, the system will give you a free ride...

The latest update of several arena rules, except for the first one, the remaining two are actually aimed at me...

"I think I'm overthinking it..."

On the contrary, the first one is still placed in the most eye-catching place in the rules. Su Miao was not afraid of any robots or other strange creatures participating in the war, but the system actually mentioned it a few times, which did make Su Miao a little suspicious.

Maybe this is another foreign god who wants to steal the authority of the system? In fact, this is not unreasonable.

Su Miao remembered the previous chat with the "Black Mage". Although that guy often set traps in his language and was a complete master of language conspiracy, it must be said that some information was still very useful.

The most shocking information Su Miao got from him was that the system was not a product of a certain civilization and technology, but belonged to an ancient god who had existed since ancient times, the ancient god Lilith.

"Heavenly Egg" and "Black Mage" both called him "Lord of the Fantasy Dreamland" Lilith. Su Miao had never heard the name of Lord of the Fantasy Dreamland Lilith from other foreign gods.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find the horror of this matter.

But who are the real bodies of these two outer gods? One is called the "Great Mother Goddess" who is the origin of all life and reproduction, and the other is the "Thousand-Faced God" who represents the original chaos.

Su Miao has offended two of the three pillar gods, and only Senior Sister Bubble has not been met by Su Miao, and his attitude towards him is unclear.

As for the two outer gods he met in the copy "Mist City", one is the "Mother of Mist" who wants to create eternal life, and the other is the "Fissure Intervener" who controls space.

If you think about it carefully, aren't these two the same model as "Nameless Mist" and "Tindalos"?Carved by a child?

Su Miao pursed his lips. Unconsciously, he had fought with so many big guys' "vests".


Su Miao took a deep breath. He would not have thought so much if he had known. The more he thought, the more pressure he felt.

"It seems that I need to kill more people to release myself."

Su Miao muttered, then sat on the sofa and clicked the screen a few times with the remote control, and finally clicked the "Start Game" button on the system interface.

This time the match was very fast. Almost at the moment when Su Miao clicked it, he heard the system prompt sound.

[System prompt: Matching successful! No. 2958 "God Slayer" VS No. 3001 "Pyromancer"]


At the same time, in the lounge of another arena, a middle-aged man in a fiery red robe looked at the pop-up system interface a little strangely.

"Hey? This job name is so strange, I've never seen it before..."

"Forget it, the people who are still staying in the main city at this time are probably the old, weak, sick and disabled. Haha, it's time for me to get points!"

"Passionate solo, ha ha get big points!"

Then, the middle-aged man adjusted his fiery red collar and stepped into the mirror teleportation array.

In just ten seconds, with a flash of deep blue light, his body appeared in the lounge.

"Hey? Something's wrong... Why did I send it? The opponent is fast, but there is no damage..."

He looked at the surrounding environment with a confused face, then sat up from the sofa, looking at the big screen with a puzzled face.

He only remembered that a player in a black windbreaker appeared in the venue, and then he turned into a dark and blurred shadow, and then he received a failed system prompt sound.

"No, he didn't even attack me, and I gave up without any damage numbers. This must be a robot!"

"Damn it, I knew there must be something fishy about the system repeating the rules for us. I didn't expect to encounter a robot again. I must send this battle to the stupid netizens!"

The pyromancer spoke angrily, then opened the official channel on the tablet and posted a message.

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