The following scene was in a strangely harmonious state.

Lucy put one of her claws on the Swift Scout's neck. The metal dog claws were sharp and could tear the Swift Scout's throat with a slight movement.

Lucy's mouth was biting the gun in the Swift Scout's hand, making a loud noise.

The Swift Scout was half paralyzed on the ground, cursing and crying.

"Hey! Don't eat the black dog, my front grip is specially made!"

"I'm sorry, brother Dog, I was wrong, don't bite my holographic sight!"

"Wow! You even didn't let go of the metal keychain, you are really a beast!"

In the end, the Swift Scout was stripped naked by Lucy, almost all the metal was bitten off by Lucy, and even the metal zipper on the Swift Scout's pants was not spared.


The thin dog Lucy made a disgusted sound towards the Swift Scout. It was hard to imagine that this was a tone made by a dog. Then Lucy took her claws back from the Swift Scout's neck.

The Swift Scout wanted to cry but had no tears. He was now naked. The mechanical arm behind him had been gnawed off by the thin dog. Any metal objects on his body, even the zipper, were not spared. As a result, he was holding his crotch with one hand and wiping tears with the other hand.

It was hard to be nervous for a 1.9-meter-tall, 200-jin man to put on such a shy expression.

Finally, with Lucy watching him go, the Swift Scout finally found the surrender button and pressed it with tears in his eyes.

[System prompt: Are you sure you want to surrender? If you surrender, you will lose this game! (Yes/No)]

"What the hell, what surrender button should I press if I don't surrender?"

The Swift Scout felt even more wronged, and his little mouth pouted, revealing an even more aggrieved expression.

"Confirmed, confirmed, confirmed!"

Then, he was teleported to his own lounge, and then he heard the desperate system prompt.

[System prompt: Your equipment "M4" has been damaged. ]

[System prompt: Your equipment "Exoskeleton Armor" has been damaged. ]

[System prompt: Your equipment "Titanium Alloy Level 5 Armor" has been damaged. ]

[System prompt: Your item "High Explosive Grenade" x3 has been lost. ]

The Swift Scout stopped crying and stood there in a daze.

"What... damaged?!"

Then he put his face against the system prompt in disbelief and read it carefully.

"Hmph, ahhhhhh..."

A painful cry came from this lounge. The lounge was well soundproofed, but some players still heard the painful cry.

Generally speaking, the arena will restore all the status of the players. As long as the equipment is not damaged, it can be restored to the pre-war status.

It's just that consumables can't be restored, such as bullets, grenades, potions, etc., can't be restored.

This is to prevent ranged players from easily winning with a large number of bullets or high-explosive grenades. If consumables can be restored, then most of the players in the arena are mages or ranged professional players.

Just enter the arena, throw spells or directly bury the enemy with bullets, meat shields and warriors are pure clowns.

But it's rare to directly damage weapons...


Official channel, under a post.

Player (Swift Scout): "I'm back..."

Player (Cute and Cute Rabbit): "@Swift Scout, what's going on? Did you meet a queen?"

Player (Swift Scout): "Family, who knows, I was violated by a big dog!"

Player (Swift Scout): "Woo, woo, it's not a human, it's a beast! Woo, woo..."

Player (Long Ming): "..."

Player (Mirror Flower): "?? Big dog, what else can it be if not a beast? It's so hard..."

Player (Cute and Cute Rabbit): "Tell me about the violation in detail. @Swift Scout"

Then the player Swift Scout began to tell about his miserable experience and the details of being "violated" by the hateful big dog, how miserable it was, how he was caught, and how his pants zipper was chewed off...

Player (Cute Cute Rabbit) "It's exciting, (nosebleed) you chewed off the pants zipper..."

Player (Long Ming): "Pass it on, I took off the underwear of Swift Scout!"

Player (Mirror Flower): "Pass it on, Swift Scout was fucked by a dog in the arena."


Su Miao really couldn't hold it back, and sprayed all the drink on the face of the thin dog Lucy.

Lucy jumped up and looked at Su Miao innocently, as if to say, she didn't do anything wrong, why bully me.

"Good Lucy, go find food by yourself in the future, I believe you."

Then Su Miao pattedThe thin dog Lucy's head, but touched a hand of drink, then Su Miao reached out his hand to wipe Lucy's other dry hair without leaving a trace.

"Eating more 'grains' is good for the body. Eating dog food every day is not nutritious."

Su Miao directly withdrew a portion of dog food, and prepared to use the money for Lucy to buy ore and metal to make alchemical creations in the future.

Lucy will go to get food by herself when she is hungry, which also makes Su Miao worry less.


Lucy's belly gurgled again, and it had no choice but to continue to participate in the dungeon for Su Miao, and rob some metal from those players while getting a ranking.

As Lucy, the "big black dog", became more and more famous on the forum, some players even took the initiative to send it to the door, just to see what this non-player creature looks like.

Basically 80% of the players have been "invaded" by Lucy, and all the metal items on their bodies have been gnawed off. The worst among them are heavy armored warriors and players with exoskeleton armor.

Most of their shields, helmets and other items were made of metal, and Lucy gnawed them clean. The same was true for players wearing exoskeletons, and Lucy gnawed metal parts everywhere.

Moreover, the players found that this guy was too meaty, and a few shots were like tickling, and could not break the defense at all.

In the battle with the players, what Lucy hated most were those archers who were not wearing any clothes, or mages in robes, who had nothing delicious on them.

Sometimes Lucy failed to match "delicious" for many times in a row, causing her belly to keep howling.

It especially hates players with two lumps of flesh on their chests. Not only do they have little equipment, they also don't have much "food", and they will curse people, no, curse dogs...

Once, when Lucy was biting a player wearing armor and with two lumps of flesh on her chest, it just wanted to bite off her armor, but it actually bit her ball flying, so Lucy was scolded...

After Lucy "foraged" for three hours, she actually beat Su Miao's level from 1000 to around 300.

Lucy also became a little famous in the official channel, and was nicknamed "The Ultimate Lustful Dog".

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