However, in the following alchemical synthesis, Su Miao summed up the reasons for his failure and then started a new alchemical synthesis.

[System prompt: Congratulations on your success in making "Fire Phosphorus Mercury Bottle" x1. ]

[System prompt: Congratulations on your success in making "Fire Phosphorus Mercury Bottle" x1. ]


[System prompt: Congratulations on your success in making "Water Poison Mercury Bottle" x1. ]

[System prompt: Congratulations on your success in making "Water Poison Mercury Bottle" x1. ]

Finally, two special mercury bottles were refined with these two pieces of strange ore powder, about 11 bottles of each.

Su Miao picked up two bottles of gaseous mercury bottles, the colors of the two bottles were fiery red like magma, and black-green like mud. Without exception, they all had a metallic luster on their surfaces.

Item name: "Fire Phosphorus Mercury Bottle"

Item attributes: After throwing it out, it forms a gaseous fire dragon that erodes the enemy. It can exist until the energy of the gaseous fire dragon is exhausted, and it can cause more damage to enemies without armor.

Item strength: First-class.

Item introduction: Made of fire phosphorus ore powder as the main material, it is extremely powerful.

"Similar to an automatic tracking incendiary bomb."

Su Miao commented on this. Although Su Miao has not experimented with the power of the advanced gaseous mercury bottle, it is definitely many times more powerful than an ordinary mercury bottle. The advanced gaseous mercury bottle manufacturing process plus the ore powder with flame attributes have created this terrible burning mercury bottle.

The fire phosphorus mercury bottle will provide a lot of help to Su Miao whether in exploration or in battle.

The other dark green gaseous mercury bottle displays the following information.

Item name: "Water Poison Mercury Bottle"

Item attributes: After being thrown out, it forms a poisonous gaseous water snake, causing terrible toxin damage to the enemy, and the toxin lasts until it is purified.

Item strength: First-class.

Item introduction: Made of water poison ore powder as the main material, it is extremely poisonous.

This water poison mercury bottle is different from the "incendiary bomb". The fire phosphorus mercury bottle can cause large-scale fire damage, while the water poison mercury bottle is more like an attack on a single target.

Once the gaseous water snake released by the water poison mercury bottle is entangled, the enemy will continue to be hurt. As long as the enemy does not have a strong antidote or purification skills, he will continue to lose blood without an upper limit.

However, the attack strength of both is only the first-level upper level, which means that it may have little effect on the peak first-level Outer God, and it is completely immune to the second-level Outer God.

"Not bad."

Su Miao was very satisfied with this. In addition to the "Caldwell Heavy Revolver" and "Heavy Sniper Rifle", his long-range attacks also supplemented the alchemical creations like summoning magic at medium distances.

In order to test their power, Su Miao also took out a bottle of each and threw it at the "Stick Slime".


With a burst of intense fire, a three-meter-high dragon-shaped flame gradually formed in the flame. The flame was surrounded by a terrifying flame halo, burning the surrounding scene every moment.

Moreover, the gaseous flame dragon is not just a decoration. It can use its teeth to bite, claws to attack, and even flame spray.

The normal existence time is 20 minutes. If it releases its energy at full power, it is estimated that it can only exist for about 10 minutes.

The "Water Poison Mercury Bottle" is a dark green venomous snake as thick as an arm. After it attacks the "Wooden Stick Slime", it will hang a debuff on it. This negative state can calculate damage every three seconds.

The damage value was not very high at the beginning, jumping 13 or 14 points of damage, but as the dark green venomous snake continued to attack, this number actually became higher and higher, and finally capped it directly, 50 points of damage every three seconds, and it only took one and a half minutes to cause 500 points of damage.

In fact, as the alchemical synthesis skill of Su Miao's secondary occupation "B&C Apprentice Alchemist" took effect, after Su Miao released the fire dragon and the venomous snake, there seemed to be a trace of alchemical elements attached to the surface of Su Miao's body.

[System prompt: Your "Alchemical Element Affinity" has reached the minimum requirement, and the "Alchemical Energy Cycle" is turned on. ]

"Alchemical Element Affinity": You gain affinity with alchemical elements, you can slightly manipulate alchemical elements, and the damage caused by alchemical elements to you is reduced.

"Alchemical Energy Cycle": Every time you release an alchemical element creation, you can increase the intensity of your alchemical energy.

The current "Alchemical Energy" intensity is: 0-level lower. (Provides energy attributes corresponding to the level.)

"This is energy circulation."

Su Miao muttered, and then looked at the skill description carefully.

In simple terms, it is to release alchemical with elemental attributes.After the creation, he gained the ability to control alchemical elements. For example, Su Miao could simply order the fire dragon to change its attack target, or spray flames immediately, etc.

Moreover, after throwing out the alchemical creation, he could increase the "alchemical energy", which was a change from human to superhuman.

Although the energy level of alchemical energy may not be that high, it is still an energy cycle. After the energy level is increased, even if Su Miao fights in the dungeon, he can prolong his life and strengthen his body through the energy level.

"Since the "B&C Alchemist" has energy circulation, then the "God Killer" should have it."

Su Miao guessed so, and his guess was actually correct. With the energy level of mortals, no matter how powerful your strength or spirit is, if the energy level is not high, then you are always a mortal.

The energy cycle of the "God Killer" should require more stringent requirements.

For some reason, Su Miao thought of the fact that he had opened the "Secret Realm of God Killers" and obtained the "Blood Burning Secret Technique" from it.

In the "Secret Realm of God Slayers", Su Miao saw a sea of ​​blood and corpses, a vast ocean of blood, and a mountain of corpses that were always bleeding.

Perhaps, the energy cycle of the "God Slayer" requires killing enough mythical creatures, or the blood volume is stacked to a certain level.

"Huh... I can only take it one step at a time."

Su Miao exhaled, and then successfully made the remaining 50 bottles of gaseous mercury bottles. He currently has a total of 100 bottles of "Advanced Gaseous Mercury Bottles", 10 bottles of "Fire Phosphorus Mercury Bottles" and "Water Poison Mercury Bottles".

These gaseous mercury bottles are enough for him, and he does not plan to continue selling them.

After Su Miao washed up, he rested for 8 hours in the exclusive space. Sufficient sleep is a good medicine to ensure full spirits.

Su Miao slept until noon the next day. He was going to purchase some blood and mana potions. Although he might not use them, he must have stocks.

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