The agreed time for the sacrifice was 10 o'clock in the evening. After Su Miao and the other two confirmed the plan, they put on black robes and joined the team of black-robed people, heading to an old apartment building on the quiet main road.

The poor little red-haired boy fainted in the bushes, and the mosquito brothers in the community mercilessly "caressed" the little red-haired boy in groups, biting him one after another.

Soon, Su Miao and the other two entered the apartment building and followed the footsteps of other black-robed people into a basement.

It is worth noting that although this is a basement, it is not divided into single rooms like ordinary communities. Instead, it is more like a small underground parking lot, which seems to have a large space.

In the middle of this huge basement, there is a huge stone platform carved from stone, on which many obscure runes are carved.

For some reason, the basement did not turn on the lights, and all the lighting methods were candles in the corner, which seemed extremely dim.

However, with Su Miao's current vision, the dim scene did not have any effect on Su Miao.

According to the plan discussed by Su Miao and Chu Luoli, Chu Luoli and Little Glasses will block the entrance and exit of this basement and resolutely not let any cultists go. They are all cancers that endanger society.

The original arrest operation was carried out by armed men from the Guan'an Special Forces. As long as Su Miao started the action, these fully armed men could cooperate with Su Miao to arrest.

Soon the time came to 10 o'clock. This was the sacrifice time arranged by the bishop of the "Zhangfu Convent". They would arrange human sacrifices in advance by the bishop, and many believers would lick the blood of human sacrifices to gain strength.

At this moment, there were about 50 black-robed people, but the strange thing was that with so many people here, it was surprisingly quiet. No one whispered to each other, and no one made a sound. The whole basement could hear a pin drop.

In Su Miao's sight, Chu Luoli and Little Glasses had already approached the exit and entrance. They would block the door to prevent all cultists from escaping, but it would not be a problem if they really couldn't block them. After all, there were still hundreds of armed men ambushing outside.

Su Miao frowned. According to Zhang Hai, before the agreed time comes, the bishop will blend in like an ordinary cultist, with his two guards leading the human sacrifice.

Only when the real time comes will he appear from the many black-robed people and then perform the sacrifice.

It must be said that this guy is indeed cautious. Once the sacrificial ceremony is discovered by official personnel, as long as he does not admit it, no one can find out that he is the bishop.

"Everyone, the time for sacrifice has come."

In the quiet hall, a deep voice suddenly spoke, and everyone looked towards the location of the voice.

Among the many black-robed people, a short figure appeared, followed by tiny footsteps, and everyone made way to the altar.

Because of the dim light and the hood, everyone could not see the man's face clearly, but by feeling, they could know that this was most likely the sacrificial bishop.

Su Miao narrowed his eyes and immediately analyzed the relevant information.

Male, short stature, judging by his voice, he is about 50-60 years old, with a deep and recognizable voice.

Following the gazes of the crowd, the priest began to pace, preparing to go to the altar in the middle of the basement.

Behind the short black-robed man, two ridiculously tall black-robed men suddenly appeared. They were about two meters tall and almost reached the ceiling of the basement.

One of them was holding something wrapped in a black robe. This thing looked like a human figure, and he was holding it in his hands.

As the priest moved, the tall black-robed man also moved slowly.

Finally, the short priest stood on the platform and then directed the tall black-robed man to put the human-shaped object wrapped in black cloth on the altar.


The priest spoke again, and all the eyes of the believers fell on the priest.

Although it was very dark here, it still couldn't stop the fanatical eyes of many believers.

"The weekly pilgrimage day of our Swelling Mother Convent is coming. I will bring new life and blessings to the believers of the Swelling Mother on her behalf!"

Then, under the dim candlelight, the priest tore off the black cloth wrapped around the humanoid creature on the altar.

Then the humanoid creature was revealed, and then an extremely foul smell came from it.

Su Miao subconsciously covered his mouth and nose. The smell was so bad that it was even worse than the dirty smell of the "polluted".

But the believers around were sniffing the smell excitedly, as if the dirty smell coming from the altar was braised pork or other delicacies.There was a male corpse on the altar.

To be precise, it was a giant male corpse that had died a long time ago and was swollen beyond recognition.

There was a strange green color flowing under his bloated body. He was not originally so fat. On the contrary, he should be very thin judging by the tightness of his skin.

But because he looked like a giant, his body was extremely swollen, and there were many fist-sized dark green pustules on his body.

Because his skin was stretched tight, his skin was actually translucent, and the dark green thick juice inside could be clearly seen.

And the stench that excited everyone came from the translucent cysts.

There were dozens of these cysts, and because some of them ruptured in his body, his abdomen was bulging and round, as if he was pregnant for ten months.

Chu Luoli, who was at the door, was stunned the moment he saw the corpse, because he had seen that corpse before, the corpse of the man who crawled out of the cemetery and gnawed his wife.

He was not that swollen originally, but his body was somewhat rotten, and there were several smaller cysts on his body. Now, he actually looked like a belly that was pregnant for ten or even twelve months, and his body was covered with smelly pustules.

However, this was not the point. The point was that this body should have been placed in the evidence freezer of the Guan'an Group as evidence. Why did it appear here?

The Guan'an Group's base camp would never be breached. There were fourth-level bosses there to keep the scene, and a body was not enough for these cultists to attack the headquarters.

Then the only possibility was that a traitor appeared inside the Guan'an Group and stole the body.

If there was really a traitor, then his actions today would definitely be exposed. This action had been planned for many days. Although the confidentiality measures were very careful, it was impossible for the traitor to not get any information inside.

In other words, knowing that this was a capture operation, the bishop of the "Swelling Woman Convent" still held this sacrificial ceremony.

Chu Luoli's cold sweat slowly flowed down. Since the bishop was so confident, it was impossible that there was no conspiracy.

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