At this moment, only Hill was confused, and the other poor people were very excited, shouting loudly, looking forward to a better life in the future.

The mood of the crowd was high, even the previous opposition poor people were infected by this terrifying atmosphere, and they shouted loudly.

At this moment, whether they were old, weak or disabled, as long as they were poor, they were all caught up in the carnival, even if it was only the pie drawn by Su Miao.

Then, Su Miao threw the remaining barrels of weapons on the ground, and the rusty weapons inside fell to the ground.

"Long live the princess, long live the princess!"

Many poor people raised their weapons in their hands and shouted the names of the nobles.

And Su Miao naturally went with the flow, and did not disappoint the poor people's carnival, and took out all the remaining rice.

"Ding ding ding!"

Several large iron barrels fell on the ground in the slums, and the poor people around were scared and hid aside, fearing that it was something dangerous.

But soon, someone smelled a very wonderful smell.

"Wow! What a nice smell, what is this?"

Mo Ben touched his gray beard and guessed, "This smells like barley, but the fragrance is stronger!"

Everyone was hungry, and no one could eat enough in the slums. At this moment, they couldn't help smelling this fragrance.

These steamed rice grains are crystal clear and exude the unique aroma of staple food.

"Everyone, this is the food given to us by the princess, and we won't just eat this meal."

"Tomorrow we will attack the Jeff gang and take away all their gold coins and food. We want to live in a spacious house, drink refreshing beer, and eat meat!"

With Su Miao's pre-meal declaration, these poor people went crazy. Not to mention eating, they have never smelled this kind of fragrant staple food.

In the slums, having half a piece of moldy black bread a day is a very good food, which can allow a poor person to live one more day.

But they have been suppressed by hardship, disease, and disaster for long enough. These fragrant staple foods aroused the desires of these poor people who were like evil spirits.

With Su Miao's permission, they began to scramble for these foods. Under Su Miao's powerful military force, no one dared to waste food, and no one dared to attack their companions maliciously.

Watching these poor people eating food crazily, Su Miao's mouth slowly raised a smile.

There are about 200 poor people. Although these foods are a lot, they are not enough for 200 people. They can only feed about 100 people.

But each of them will eat half full. After eating such delicious food, who would miss the moldy black bread?

They will remember this feeling firmly, and then the desire will fill their minds.

It is worth noting that there are actually several poor people who did not participate in this carnival, including the gray-haired Mo Ben, the one-armed middle-aged man, and the teenager with a monocle.

As if sensing Su Miao's gaze, the boy wearing a monocle looked at Su Miao timidly, then gritted his teeth, seemed to have made up his mind, and then walked towards Su Miao.

He walked firmly in front of Su Miao, looked at Su Miao, and then looked at Hill who was drooling, and said: "Brother Yuan, Queen, I want to be with you, I want to stand out!"

Su Miao narrowed his eyes. He knew this boy. He was the boy who made the relevant suggestions and wore a pair of monocles on his eyes.

Su Miao did need manpower to manage the poor. He couldn't do everything himself, but his first choice was the old man Mo Ben and the one-armed middle-aged man.

The former was quite prestigious among the poor. As long as he made a decision, there were still many people willing to listen to it.

As for the one-armed middle-aged man, from Su Miao's feeling, he was probably someone who had experienced a real bloody war. When killing thugs, he was ruthless and merciless.

"Let me introduce you."

The young man swallowed his saliva and said, "They all call me Little Skinny Monkey. I can count and allocate and integrate resources. If I can't, I can learn!"

"Very good, Little Skinny Monkey, I'll give you a chance to show your abilities."

Su Miao opened his mouth and said to the Little Skinny Monkey, "You will call Grandpa Mo Ben and the one-armed uncle to my house later, and then do a simple classification of all the people. Can you do it?"

The Little Skinny Monkey nodded excitedly and said firmly to Su Miao, "I guarantee to complete the task!"

Watching the Little Skinny Monkey leave, Su Miao took the drooling Hill back to the temporary residence. Hill was originally thinking about eating white rice with others, but was stopped by Su Miao.

The reason is: The princess is not allowed to eat with subordinates.

This made Hill tearful. She didn't want to be the princess in Su Miao's mouth. What's wrong with her just wanting to eat?

But in the end...Was it because of Su Miao's tyranny and threats, or did she follow Su Miao back to the dilapidated house obediently.

Since Xier could cooperate with Su Miao in acting, he would not be stingy with food at all. He directly brought a bucket of rice for 20 people and let Xier eat enough.

In fact, it was not that Su Miao was stingy and did not give Xier delicious food. It was mainly because he was worried that she, a wild boar, could not eat fine bran.

After staying in the slums for a long time, Xier felt that eating these rice was a delicious dish. If she was given professional boxed lunches or other delicacies, I am afraid he would not be able to accept it for a while.

The main reason was that a boxed lunch with the energy of a first-level player cost 5 game coins, which was just right for eating by oneself. If it was given to the NPC in the dungeon, it was indeed a bit expensive.

After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door outside the house. Of course, it was not the door that was knocked, but the wooden fence made of rotten wood.

"Yuan, Princess, Uncle Mo Ben and I are here."

Su Miao glanced at Hill who was eating next to her. Her cheeks were puffed up and she looked at Su Miao innocently.

"Come in, Jinglaiwa..."

Hill spoke vaguely as a response.

Then, the one-armed middle-aged man and Mo Ben walked into the dilapidated house one after another.

Su Miao waved his hand and took out the table and chairs from the backpack, and placed the table, chairs and benches in front of the two.

"Sit down."

Su Miao briefly asked the two to sit down, and then took out two cups of Pulse and placed them in front of them.


The one-armed middle-aged man was not polite, and sat directly opposite Su Miao, picked up the cup and drank a sip of Pulse.

"Fresh taste, refreshing taste, so refreshing!"

The one-armed uncle smiled and spoke, without any doubt whether there was poison in it.

As for Mo Ben, he seemed worried, and did not drink the Pulse in the cup, but remained silent.

"Old Moben, I know you have a lot of questions, I will try my best to answer them for you."

Su Miao did not beat around the bush, but spoke openly. Su Miao still attaches great importance to Old Moben.

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