It seems that as long as Su Miao meets a certain condition, he will soon be able to obtain the energy cycle of the God Slayer.

This is definitely much more powerful than the energy cycle of a pure auxiliary profession, after all, it is the only "God Slayer".

Then, Su Miao opened the two skills split from "Steel Flash".

"Sword Slash": Release an arc of sword light, causing 100% attack power damage to all enemies within a range of 1-3 meters, mana consumption 10 points, cooldown time, no.

"Sky Breaking Flash": Aim at any direction, sprint flash within a range of 1-5 meters, and provide a "Sky Breaking" status effect that lasts for 10 seconds after the sprint flash ends. Mana consumption: 5 points. Cooldown time: no.

"Sky Breaking": Increase movement speed by 10 points.

In general, the attack strength is weakened, but the attack range is greatly increased and the mana consumption is reduced.

For example, "Sword Slash", this skill weakens the attack power bonus from 130% attack power bonus to 100% attack power bonus at this moment.

However, this skill has changed from a single-target skill to a group skill, and the mana consumption has also been reduced from 15 points to 10 points.

The five-color blade light that Su Miao just released, which killed seven or eight gang members in one blow, is the skill of "Drawing the Sword".

The corners of Su Miao's mouth curled up unconsciously. He had always been envious of group attack skills, and had always lamented that he could not attack a group, but only a single target.

It is probably because the "God Slayer" profession felt his own needs and evolved "Steel Flash" into "Drawing the Sword".

As for the second skill, there is nothing to say. It is a displacement skill that only requires 5 mana points. The way of use is similar to the previous "Steel Flash", but there is no damage skill, and the 10 points of movement speed provided by "Breaking the Air" also improves mobility.

Overall, it is a very good displacement skill, which makes up for Su Miao's shortcoming of only being able to walk on the ground.

In fact, the two skills of "Breaking the Air Flash" and "Steel Flash" have a common problem, that is, when moving, because the scene is quickly zoomed in, a residual image that lasts for several seconds will be generated on the retina.

Fortunately, Su Miao was already familiar with this afterimage, and it did not have much impact on him.

After Su Miao analyzed his skills, the battle between the death squad and the gang members was coming to an end. Most of the gang members were captured. Although their attack power was indeed good, they did not have the momentum and courage of the death squad, so they were beaten back step by step.

The most important thing was that Su Miao's sword-drawing slash gave them a huge psychological shadow. Many gangs were willing to surrender, and the remaining stubborn platoons were executed by the one-armed and the death squad members.

At the same time, outside the large row of houses in front of the villa, Mo Ben led 100 guards to guard the place, as if waiting for something.

Hill, wearing a pink pig head sweater, hung upside down from the tree branch, and then suddenly fell to the ground. He reached the door of the large row of houses in a few steps, wanting to open the house and go in to kill.

"Princess, wait a minute!"

Hill turned back slowly and found that it was old Mo Ben who stopped him: "Ah, Grandpa Mo Ben, why did you stop me?"

Mo Ben said earnestly: "You are the princess, Duan Ran can't be so reckless. If there is any accident, I and the guards will be sinners."

"Besides, I have already thrown two cans of hypnotic gas in advance according to the instructions of Commander Yuan. Just wait a few minutes and they will become lambs to be slaughtered."

"What, anesthetic gas..." Hill muttered.

Mo Ben said seriously: "Hypnotic gas."

Hill nodded and said: "Oh, okay."

Then, she quickly opened the door of the big room and rushed in quickly.

Mo Ben was stunned. This princess really didn't play by the rules. She had promised him to wait a few minutes before going in, but she went in in front of everyone the next moment...

Mo Ben's face was gloomy, and he quickly issued an order: "Everyone, attack as planned, tie them up with hemp ropes, and if you encounter a sober thug, kill him directly!"


The guards shouted in unison, and then quickly took action. They opened the door of the large room and ventilated it first. They were ready to go in only after the sweet apple smell of the gas disappeared.

Mo Ben and the guards searched anxiously, and finally found Hill sleeping on the ground in the large room.


Mo Ben was almost mad at Hill, his lips trembling.

"Guards, escort the princess to a safe place, and the rest of the team will act according to the original plan!"

"Yes, legion commander!"

Although these poor guards were not serious military soldiers, they were committed to lofty ideals, adequate food, andand the desire to get rich, they seemed very active.

They began to tie up all the gangsters sleeping in the row house, basically in groups of 10, tying them up together, so that it would be much more difficult to escape.

After Mo Ben counted them, he found that there were about 150 gangsters here, basically all strong men wearing leather jackets and holding iron knives.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible for his poor First Army to defeat these 150 fully armed gangsters, even if they have the advantage of sneak attack.

But now they have done it, and the few things called "hypnotic gas" given by Commander Yuan have easily succeeded.

Without wasting a single soldier, the 100-man poor army captured all 150 gang members, which is also a unique thing in history.


Almost everyone began to cheer. Although the poor guards did not experience a brutal battle, it was still a great and comprehensive victory.

"We really won! We actually captured all these gangsters!"

"Is Commander Yuan sent by God? There are such strange items that let us win a great victory!"

"As long as we follow Commander Yuan, no matter how difficult the situation is, no matter how terrifying the enemy is, we can win!"

Looking at the cheers around him, Mo Ben was also a little excited at this moment. He had half a foot in the coffin. He had no interest in facing anything.

But at this moment, a surge of blood surged up. It was the ambition and ambition that appeared on the battlefield in the past. It was an indescribable passion.

He held a long knife in one hand and a cane in the other.

Perhaps, the former orphan of the slums, now Commander Yuan, plus the fake princess of the only true emperor, may really be able to unify the royal family and save Losman from civil strife.

Mo Ben coughed twice, and the celebrating poor guards immediately quieted down.

He looked around, raised his iron knife high, and ordered in a firm tone: "Leave half of the people here to guard the sleeping thugs, and the rest will follow me to support Commander Yuan!"

"Eradicate the Jeff gang completely!"

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