Su Miao felt that Hill was too unreliable. She had such powerful attributes, but Su Miao didn't know why she was so cute.

It was the same when she was in the slums before. In order to keep the secret of the original owner of Su Miao's body, she was even beaten by cattle farmers.

At this moment, she was also extremely unreliable. Su Miao felt that it was a wise choice not to have her as the main force in his plan.

Sure enough, her powerful strength was exchanged for her IQ.

There was actually nothing to do with Su Miao next. After Duibi called Xiao Shouhou from the slums overnight, Xiao Shouhou showed his strong logistical talent.

Although Xiao Shouhou's attributes were not very good, it must be said that he did have a talent for resource integration.

After he came to the gathering place of Jeff's gang, he immediately arranged for the people in the logistics department to clean the three floors inside and outside the villa. In less than half an hour, the third floor was arranged into a comprehensive office integrating rest, office and entertainment.

As the leader, Su Miao was naturally arranged on the third floor of the villa, which was his office.

It is worth mentioning that in the second half of the night, Mo Ben actually sent the sleeping Hill to the third floor and wrapped him in several layers of quilts. Those who didn't know would think that a big landlord called a maid to sleep with him.

According to Mo Ben, this was for the safety of the princess. After all, with Su Miao's strength and the leader of the guards, this was the safest place at present.

So, she was thrown on the bed next to Su Miao as Hill's temporary residence.

Although Su Miao was a little speechless about this, he reluctantly acquiesced.

Tonight was the night when the poor guards completely became the guards of Harmony City. They cleaned up the gangs and completely took over the gathering place of Jeff's gangs.

According to the statistics of Mo Ben and Xiao Shouhou, about 150 gangs were captured this time, plus more than 30 disabled gangs, and more than 20 gang members responsible for logistics, a total of about 200 people.

The wealth looted this time was a three-story luxury villa, two rows of houses that could accommodate 150 people, antiques, silverware, and several famous paintings.

In the backyard of the villa, the guards found Jeff's private collection of items, including not only 500 sets of leather coats, but also nearly 400 fine steel weapons, 500 tons of barley flour, 1,000 barrels of ginger beer, about 1,000 gold coins, about 4,000 silver coins, and several copper coins.

It is worth mentioning that Su Miao told the little skinny monkey that in the future, if he encountered precious calligraphy and paintings, antiques or silverware, he could go to the market on the third street to exchange for food, weapons, coats and other supplies without his approval.

What he looted was never wealth, but supplies.

In the war, these riches were hot potatoes, and owning supplies was the kingly way.

Of course, Su Miao would naturally have hard currency such as gold and silver coins in his hands. The purpose of these money was to win over and maintain stability.

After all, Su Miao's slogan of equality for all and overthrowing the chaebols to share the treasures is based on the guards being well fed and well-fed and having money in their hands, so that the guards will die for you.

After arranging the general strategy, there is no more Su Miao's business, and the next step will basically be arranged by Xiao Shouhou and Lao Moben.

It must be said that Xiao Shouhou is indeed a genius, but he is still young, and often needs Lao Moben, an old but experienced old man, to provide support. The two complement each other and successfully complete the arrangement in the gathering place.

In the gang gathering place, the guards were so excited that they couldn't sleep. When they thought of the announcement that Moben had just announced that the celebration and commendation meeting would be held at noon tomorrow to divide the property, weapons, and supplies, they were extremely excited.

Even some guards who couldn't sleep followed some poor people from the logistics department to build the gathering place. Everyone here regarded the gathering place as their new home.

These people went from poor people to guards, from the bottom of society to owning a gathering place, from the lowest level of human beings to the middle class of society, in just one night.

Their excitement can be imagined, and they were also full of excitement for the great wishes made by Commander Yuan and the princess, and they were full of confidence in their future.

In this enthusiastic atmosphere, they were busy until the next morning.

Harmony City, from the second street to the seventh street, was covered with small notes. According to the observation of Med, a night owl who did not sleep, these miscellaneous troops were still scattering small notes until the morning.

He also secretly picked up a lot from the ground and checked the contents of the notes.

You don’t know until you see it. The pickpocket of Harmony City was shocked. The paper actually said——

Just when Med was shocked, the brothel’s madam calledYawning, he went out and saw the sneaky Med.

"Little Med, why didn't you sleep all night?"

Med ignored the madam's question and pointed at the small piece of paper excitedly.

"Aunt, those miscellaneous troops have started handing out small pieces of paper again!"

The madam didn't care and asked with a sneer, "What's written on the note?"

Med swallowed his saliva, held up the small piece of paper under the rising sun, and then said.

"The guards have completely wiped out the Jeff gang, captured and killed all the gangs, and invited all civilians in the city to attend the honor ceremony on Third Street. All civilians present can receive a free cup of ginger beer or a sweet barley sprout candy."

"It even says on the note that as long as you attend the celebration, you can have a free meal of Losman barley soup at noon."

The old procuress immediately got anxious when she heard it, and grabbed Med's ear, "You lazy guy, what are you waiting for? You will only be knocked unconscious, stripped naked and thrown in a dark alley?"

"What?" Med asked unconsciously, he felt that his aunt was scolding him.

"Go and call all the girls in the brothel to attend this ridiculous oath-taking meeting. They are almost eating up all my food!"

"The market is not good now. I don't want to provide these girls for free!"

At this moment, people-to-people transmission occurred in the Second Street and the Seventh Street. Whether young and strong laborers or children, they all hoped to eat a candy or drink a glass of ginger beer.

Even housewives at home were willing to attend this strange meeting. After all, they could eat a free Losman barley soup at noon, which was great for ordinary civilians.

After only two or three hours, many members had gathered in the venue of the Third Street, waiting to drink ginger beer and eat barley soup at noon.

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