Harmony City, First Street, High Table Alliance.

This is a luxurious villa built of granite, with intricate carvings on the walls, depicting the glorious achievements of the nobles in Harmony City.

The magnificent hall occupies the center of the villa, and the high ceiling is hung with gorgeous chandeliers, illuminating the entire hall.

The fireplace built against the granite wall is the core of the villa, which can keep the villa warm even in the cold winter.

The walls around the hall are covered with priceless paintings, which are not only works of art, but also symbols of noble status.

Every detail of these villas is full of art and history.

In the center of the villa, there is a tall dining table that can accommodate 20 people, and the center of the table is filled with precious vases and antiques.

At this moment, 10 noble lords dressed in luxurious silk and satin clothes are sitting next to the dining table, and they are tasting the exquisite and luxurious meals on the plates.

Sitting in the main seat is an old man with gray hair and beard, wearing a blue tall hat.

His stool was obviously higher than other nobles, and even when he was sitting, he was slightly higher than other nobles. It was obvious that he was the leader of the entire nobles.

Although many nobles were eating, no one made any sound, and the atmosphere seemed dull and depressing.


The old man in the tall hat put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with white silk, and looked up at the nobles.

His shrill voice reached everyone's ears: "The day before yesterday, the Jeff gang on Second Street was wiped out by a group of poor people. What do you think about this?"

After speaking, he raised his slender eyes and looked at everyone.

A fat middle-aged man smiled and said, "Alliance leader, I think they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs, vulnerable, as long as we send troops, we can destroy them instantly."

"Hehe..." The elegant lady next to him laughed sarcastically, and then squinted her eyes and said, "Oh, Master El Ray, you said to send troops, are you from your family's guards? You really know the big picture~"

The fat middle-aged man named El Ray blushed instantly, gnashing his teeth: "Of course we will send troops together, Madam Rose, you are not afraid of those poor people?! Those poor people are just a group of stupid low-class people."

At this moment, a strong noble man suddenly said solemnly: "A group of low-class people will not completely wipe out the Jeff gang overnight with only a few rusty iron knives, and they only lost less than ten soldiers."

"What?!" Fat El Ray was a little shocked and couldn't help standing up.

Madam Rose covered her mouth with a handkerchief and said, "I heard that their leader is a very talented and inspiring person. It was because of his participation that the whole battle ended so smoothly, and they also held a celebration party on Second Street yesterday."

"Haha, you really don't take our noble alliance seriously... What do you think, Master Steel Teeth?"

The strong man named Steel Teeth ignored Madam Rose's advice, and then he said to the leader of the High Hat Alliance: "Alliance leader, they knew that the Jeff Gang was our people, but they still launched this battle. I think they will definitely pose a huge threat to our High Table Alliance in the future."

After Steel Teeth finished speaking, the remaining nobles began to communicate with each other, offering suggestions to the leader of the alliance, and most of them were divided into two factions.

One faction thought that they were useless and could not cause any trouble. The other faction hoped to nip the so-called Harmony Guards in the bud.

The nobles of the two factions argued endlessly, and they quarreled with each other.


The leader of the alliance patted the table, and the High Table Alliance immediately quieted down. Everyone looked at the leader of the alliance in a high position.

"Multiple parties unite to jointly eliminate the lowly guards!"

After saying this, the leader of the alliance stood up and looked at the other nobles of the High Table Alliance, and suddenly showed a sneer:

"He wants to reform and overthrow the entire aristocratic system, so let him know why our aristocracy has lasted for a hundred years!"

Then, the old man with a high hat knocked on the table and signaled silence.

"I'm going to let her do this, and Madam Rose will assist."

After saying that, he pointed to a person at the end of the High Table Alliance.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and it turned out to be a hooded person. The hooded man stood up, put down his hood, and revealed a young and beautiful face.

It is worth noting that he actually held a staff emitting a faint green light.

"My name is Xia Qianye, please give me more advice."


The gathering place of the guards, the third floor of the villa.

Su Miao was sitting at his desk, flipping through the documents in his hand.The person standing there was not someone else, but the bartender of the old friend's tavern.

According to the communication not long ago, Su Miao had already recognized this bartender, who was also a former Royal Guard trainer.

His level was 35, and his skills were "Vital Piercing +5" and "Sword Mastery +7".

He was 20 levels higher than Lao Moben, so his combat power should not be underestimated.

However, this does not prove that Lao Moben is weak. On the contrary, in war, the most important thing for a general is not military force, but the ability to accept and issue orders, which Lao Moben did very well.

"I actually always wanted to ask a question."

Su Miao put down the file and then looked at the bartender seriously.

"Why don't you just be a good bartender and come to me to join the Harmony Guard?"

The bartender's face was still cold, but he thought about Su Miao's question seriously and then said.

"You pay more."

Su Miao raised his eyebrows, "Just because of this?"

The bartender nodded and said, "Originally I just wanted to be an ordinary guard and get one gold coin each time, but you said that I can get 10 gold coins as a legion commander, so I agreed."

Su Miao couldn't help but smile and said, "What's your name?"

The bartender shook his head and said to Su Miao seriously, "Commander, I don't have a name, you can continue to call me bartender."

Then, he saluted Su Miao, "Then, I'll go down, Uncle Mo Ben and I need to train guards together."

After the bartender left, a panicked figure suddenly opened the door of Su Miao's office.

The person who came was the nervous little skinny monkey, his face was a little pale.

"Commander, no, it's not good!"

Su Miao frowned slightly and said, "What happened?"

The little skinny monkey first panted loudly for a few times, and then said to Su Miao breathlessly: "Mrs. Rose of the Noble Alliance invites you to attend the noble dinner. The time is tomorrow night, and the location is at the Rose Mansion on the First Street!"

"The Noble Alliance invites me to the dinner?" Su Miao smiled, and then said to the little skinny monkey: "What do you think?"

Hearing Su Miao's question, the little skinny monkey said without thinking: "Commander, I suspect this is a It's a trap. They will definitely ambush many guards when we attend the dinner, and there may even be magic warriors from the Fei clan. It's very dangerous to go there!"

"Yes, we made such a big noise, which will definitely attract the attention of the noble alliance behind Jeff's gang, and they want us dead."

"So, inviting me to the dinner is a very abnormal move."

Su Miao stood up and told the skinny monkey: "Notify the one-armed man, the bartender and Jeff, and you all come to me. I want to announce the next action and plan."

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