As time approaches, even though Su Miao has prepared himself mentally, he is still a little nervous and expectant, but at the same time, he is also a little itchy, with all kinds of complex emotions intertwined.

"Calm down."

Su Miao closed his eyes and gradually entered a state of meditation.


A short and sharp phone call suddenly sounded, and Su Miao suddenly opened his eyes from meditation.

Almost all he saw was pitch black. This was not Su Miao's exclusive space at all, which meant that he had entered the copy.

Under the slightly blue moonlight, he could see his hands-the white palms were slightly thin, the joints were obvious, and the pale back of his hands looked very clean.

Even without a mirror, Su Miao could confirm that this was not his original body.

Su Miao looked around, and in front of him was a shabby low table.

On the low table were a few handfuls of flour, some shriveled fruits, an extinguished candle, and a fruit knife.

He immediately judged that this copy was in the form of "soul crossing", not "teleportation".

In other words, I have traveled to the body of some unlucky person.

However, my weapons and equipment are still on my body, and my appearance has not changed much, so what is going on?

Maybe I have traveled to a "parallel world".

Then, Su Miao quickly confirmed whether he could use the "Star Color" attribute and whether it still worked.

The result made Su Miao feel relieved. The weapon can still be used, and the attributes of his equipment are still there, but they are hidden.


The short and sharp ring of the phone echoed in the silent darkness.

Su Miao hesitated for a moment, but still answered the old-fashioned phone and put it to his ear.


"My name is——Su Miao, um, hello Su Miao."

The other end of the phone was not angry because he took a long time to answer the phone, but spoke in a strange tone.

"Congratulations on your successful application. You are temporarily an intern at "Cemetery No. 4". ”

“If you want to become a formal employee of “Cemetery No. 4”, then push the body on the corpse cart outside the door to “Area No. 11” of the cemetery.”

“Don’t worry, I will let “Lucy” accompany you to prevent accidents.”


The phone was hung up.

Su Miao gently put the telephone receiver back to its original place, thinking about the meaning of these words.

It seems that this body of his had applied for a job at the cemetery before. Should he perform the task according to the arrangement and become a formal employee, or explore on his own...

While Su Miao was thinking, a few lines of white words suddenly appeared on his retina.

The content of the white words is as follows.

Instance: “Misty City”

Difficulty: 3 stars

Instance introduction: This is a harmonious and peaceful city. Whenever the fog comes, it will take away some fresh lives, and the Misty City will add some “new members”. Remember, be alert to the people around you, be alert to B&C.

New San value system: San value is the player's rational system. A high San value can keep the player clear-headed and rational. The lower the San value, the easier it is to go crazy and the easier it is to see the horror hidden in life.

San: 12/12 (2 points have been added)

Ladder main task: 1. Find a formal job.

The copy information and main task were released, which made Su Miao raise his eyebrows and analyze it carefully. After all, reckless people are most likely to die.

According to the introduction of this copy, it seems that a thick fog will come every once in a while, turning normal people into normal monsters.

Otherwise, there would be no reminder to be careful of people around you, but what B&C is, there is no clue for the time being.

The San value system unique to the copy can be understood as the "terror value". The higher this number, the lower the probability of encountering terror and madness.

If this value is too low, then the probability of going crazy and encountering terrible monsters is higher, which is easy to understand.

Su Miao carefully considered the description of the additional 2 points. Could it be that the 2 points that he gained from his self-torture training? Su Miao guessed that it was very likely true.

Su Miao opened his backpack, selected an item, and checked its value.

"Klein Spirit Bottle"

Quality: Light purple

Active skill: Replenish 1 drop of Klein Spirit Liquid every 10 minutes. After taking the spirit water, it will restore a certain amount of mental damage.

Item introduction: To walk in this strange world, you need a bottle of Klein Spirit Liquid, which will restore your sanity.

The description of "Klein Spirit Bottle" restoring sanity is very similar to the San value. If this item can really restore his San value, then he doesn't have to worry about this game.His own San value.

These things need to be verified later, and do not need to consume Su Miao's brain cells.

He waved his hand to disperse his distracting thoughts and looked at the last description.

The step-by-step main task is to find a formal job, so he just became a formal employee of "Cemetery No. 4", which is probably a formal job.

Now Su Miao's difficult choice syndrome is directly cured, and he must complete the task of his "boss" on the phone and become a formal employee.

However, this step-by-step main task is estimated to have new tasks refreshed after becoming a formal employee.

After understanding the information, Su Miao began to formally investigate the room.

The room is very dark, but it can be vaguely seen that it is probably a simple dormitory.

The windows of the house are sealed, and the dark world outside the window has no vitality of any living people. To be precise, it is a piece of dilapidated ruins, just like a scene of doomsday wasteland.

Under the moonlight, Su Miao saw collapsed buildings, abandoned cities, abandoned houses without any human breath, and all kinds of abandoned garbage piled up on the empty roads. The wind blew up scattered plastics, shredded paper and other industrial waste.

This is a standard apocalyptic wasteland.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing a strange light. Through the tiny gaps in the window, Su Miao noticed the moon full of strange colors, azure blue, the color is very bright, but looking at it for a long time may even make you dizzy and nauseous.

This is definitely not the bright white moon in the original world, and this moon seems to have some problems.

There are no clues in the house for the time being, and the only thing to do now is to complete the task assigned by the "boss".

"Find Lucy and use a corpse cart to transport the body."

After he moved the other party's debris at the door, he slowly opened the dormitory door, and in an instant, the dazzling blue moonlight shone over.

The moonlight was so cold and dazzling, just like the real sun. Su Miao's brain seemed to be pierced by a steel needle, and the pain made him quickly retract his gaze.

[System prompt: Your San value is reduced by 1 point because you looked directly at "???" and the current San value is: 11/12 points]

"What's going on?"

Looking directly at the moon can reduce the San value? Doesn't it mean that kicking a trash can on the side of the road may also cause San?

Without much hesitation, Su Miao took out the "Klein Spirit Bottle", took a drop, and then put it in the backpack.

[System prompt: You took "Klein Spirit Water" to restore 1 point of San value, and the current San value is: 12/12 points. ]

Sure enough, just as Su Miao guessed, this San value is indeed similar to mental damage, and Su Miao happened to have a lavender "Klein Spirit Bottle" that could restore the damage caused by the mind.

Su Miao exhaled and looked at the blue streets around him, a little confused.

So, where is the "Lucy" the boss mentioned?

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