No wonder the image of the clown flashed through his mind from time to time. Although he would feel terrified at ordinary times, he would never be as scared as he is now.

It seems that the moment he came into contact with the clown, his San value was dropping wildly, but the system did not prompt him.

He hurriedly opened his backpack, took out the "Klein Spirit Bottle" and took a drop of "Rational Water", and his San value returned to 6 points.

The appearance of the scary clown in Su Miao's mind also weakened a bit, and the degree of fear slowly developed in a direction that Su Miao could control. He just had to wait for the number of times the "Klein Spirit Bottle" was used and drink a drop every 10 minutes.

"I hope there will be no accidents in Area 11 of the cemetery..."


In the Fog City, somewhere in a building similar to a big hotel.

There are many players in this building, estimated to be about 15, standing in twos and threes. The most eye-catching one is a woman with bold clothes and a rose tattoo on her back.

"Haha! Haha!"

At this moment, a female player who was alone suddenly stood up and suddenly started laughing.

"Look, the moonlight outside the window is so beautiful!"

She suddenly sighed, then pushed the door open, ran to the street, took out a dagger, and cut her neck.

She suddenly widened her eyes, with an incredible expression in her eyes, as if she didn't know what happened to her, and could only helplessly cover the wound gushing out of her neck.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and an indescribable sense of despair surged into everyone's heart.

"Damn, I knew that this security guard was definitely not that easy to be. There must be something wrong with this hotel, which can drive people crazy." A rough voice sounded, and it was a bald uncle shouting.

"Is there a spiritual mage? Or who has a spiritual defense scroll?" A girl's voice sounded, a girl dressed as an elf.

The girl's question caused more calls, but no one admitted that they were spiritual mages, and the whole scene seemed messy.

Seeing more and more people joining the discussion, the situation became more complicated, and they were all looking for whether there was a spiritual mage, whether he could protect everyone, etc.

At this moment, a graceful figure stood up in the group of four and shouted loudly.


She looked around indifferently and then spoke.

"In the conversation just now, the player seemed to have been looking at the moon. It is estimated that there is a big problem with the moon in the dungeon. Everyone should try not to look at it."

She cleared her throat and then reminded.

"We have all received the work of "trainee security guards", so we must guard the hotel lobby. Only by completing the main task can we survive."

After saying this, everyone sighed and the place gradually became quiet.

There were three female players around Rose. They did not participate just now, but stayed quietly in place.

These were the spiritual players in the group that she carefully selected, namely the spiritual knight, the spiritual warrior, and the spiritual nurse.

As one of the senior executives of the "Steel Rose Group", she has a rose tattoo and is qualified to be so willful.

These three spiritual players were arranged to enter the same dungeon together to assist themselves and help Rose participate in this dungeon.

This consumed her three random copy admission tickets.

Thinking of this, Rose's heart was bleeding. If she got the "Klein Spirit Bottle", she would save the money for three random copy admission tickets, and she wouldn't have to agree to the dirty deal with the wretched guy Tiedao!

Thinking of this, she hated the guy who took away her sanity-restoring equipment even more.

Rose clenched her fists tightly and stared at her hands.

If she met that guy, she wouldn't mind letting him know what real torture was.


No accidents happened in the rest of the journey. After 30 minutes of travel, Su Miao finally saw an iron fence.

It was an iron fence surrounding a wasteland. In the middle of the iron fence, there was a gate made of steel, and above the gate was a huge steel font.

"Cemetery No. 4"


Su Miao pushed open the dilapidated iron gate of Cemetery No. 4 and walked in with the shopping cart. He saw a small hill with many tombstones standing in all directions, and a wooden sign stood at the bottom of the hill.

"Area No. 5"

"Lucy, do you know where Area No. 11 is?" Su Miao was about to ask Lucy, who was very smart and could understand Su Miao's words.


Lucy woofed and then ran to the right side of Area No. 5, while Su Miao followed with the shopping cart.

Soon, they passed by a series of strange graves., Su Miao finally saw a sign. The sign was covered with moss, and the wood was severely corroded. The words on it could not be seen clearly. Fortunately, a piece of iron sheet was nailed on the wooden board, and it was written on the iron sheet.

"Area 11"

This seemed to be a small swamp, and there were many severely corroded tombstones in the swamp, and the words on them could not be seen clearly.

"Huh, I finally arrived at Area 11 of Cemetery No. 4, but how to deal with this body? Just throw it down?"

While Su Miao was thinking about what to do, a hand suddenly stretched out from the swamp cemetery.

It was a muddy, rotten arm with almost only bones left.

Soon, a two-meter-tall monster with a strong stench crawled out and staggered towards the shopping cart.

"Woof!" Lucy was eager to try and was ready to take a bite.

Su Miao frowned, quickly grabbed Lucy, stepped aside, and casually cast a detection spell.

Creature name: "Rotten Corpse"

Level: 5

HP: 17/25

Attack power: 5-7

Rotten toxin: The attacked person loses 1% HP per second for 10 seconds.

Introduction: A rotten corpse that likes the smell of blood. Every attack of it carries deadly rotten toxins.

Su Miao exhaled, squinting his eyes and looking at the rotten corpse gnawing on the flesh.

So his task is to put the flesh in area 11 and then lure out the rotten corpse?

There is not only one rotten corpse in this swamp cemetery. The first corpse overturned the shopping cart while gnawing, and the limbs with a stronger bloody smell were scattered all over the ground. Soon, many more rotten corpses crawled out of the swamp.

Su Miao counted them. There were about 6 in total, and their levels were all around level 5.

Soon, the six rotten corpses finished eating the flesh in the shopping cart and set their eyes on Lucy.

They spoke in broken, distorted voices: "Dog, give me the dog, eat..."

"Woof woof!"

Lucy bared her teeth, ready to fight to the death, but was stopped by Su Miao again.

"Lucy, you stay where you are, and I will take care of these monsters."

Su Miao exhaled, dragged out a long sword with a glittering color from the void, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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