This is the skill "Toxic Acid" belonging to the Fatty Chef.

This "Toxic Acid" seems to have a penetrating property, and part of it penetrated Su Miao's shield and attacked his body.

Stimulated by the pain, his spirit seemed to recover a little, and he quickly stepped back to take out the "Klein Spirit Bottle" and drank a drop quickly, recovering a little San value.

I didn't expect this Fatty Chef to be so terrible, and he howled suddenly, almost shouting Su Miao's reason out of the blue.

After recovering some San value, Su Miao began to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the fat man.

The Fatty Chef who turned into a "Moon Man" had terrifying attack methods, but his defense seemed to be obviously insufficient. Su Miao could cut his flesh with a knife using the "Star Color".

This also gave Su Miao some confidence. Although the attack power of his mouth was terrifying, he only needed to chop his mouth.


He sneered, with a cruel expression on his face. Su Miao seemed to feel no pain and stepped forward with a knife again.


He cut the moon man's mouth with one knife!

Its screams and spitting of corrosive liquid are all related to its mouth. The moon man launched an attack in fear, but it opened its mouth and could only howl silently and spit out a lot of liquid.


Another knife cut off the moon man's butt!

The blade cut through the flesh and blood, revealing his body that was as hollow as cheese!

The horrible liquid became more and more, flowing faster and faster, and soon merged into a red "stream".

"Steel Flash!"

Su Miao directly turned into a five-color fluorescent light, rushed forward with the long knife, and appeared behind the fat man in an instant.

With this last knife, Su Miao gave him a "caesarean section" from beginning to end.

His stomach, like a ball, gushed out a lot of horrible acidic liquid.

The moon man was completely turned into a pile of fragments, gushing all over the ground, red and green with scalp, broken limbs, and fat overflowing.

[System prompt: You have killed the "Devil Worship Chef", and the God Slayer's exclusive passive is triggered. ]

[You gain 10 maximum health points. ]

[You gain 30 reputation points]

Only 10 maximum health points are added, which means that the "Fat Chef" is stronger than usual.

At the end of the flow of the chef's body, a palm-sized piece of human skin with a moon tattoo rolled out.

It seemed to have hands and feet, and the two horns of the skin moved, trying to escape from here!


A long knife fixed the human skin on the floor. Su Miao stepped forward, pulled out the "Star Color" pierced on the human skin, and lifted the human skin with one hand.

This strange item, but I don't know what it is specifically used for, but Su Miao has made an accurate judgment just now that this tattooed human skin is related to the moon demon.

Su Miao suddenly shuddered.

At this moment, he actually had an urge to swallow this piece of human skin. This piece of human skin was so delicious and the color was so tempting...

"There is a problem!"

This thing... There is a problem... It seems to be able to control... part of my thoughts...

However, in the tug-of-war between desire and will, Su Miao still suppressed the desire, threw it into the backpack, and was completely quiet.

At this moment, there was still a "demon relief" on the belly of the "fat chef" that happily absorbed blood and flesh, and Su Miao also put it into the backpack.

This battle with the "demon worshiper" was a victory. Although there was almost no injury, the San value was greatly damaged. At this moment, Su Miao's San value is: 6/12.

[System prompt: You have put "human skin tattoo" and "demon relief" in your backpack. Handing them over to the organization will gain a lot of reputation points. Do you want to hand them over? 】

"Hand it in."

Su Miao hesitated for even a second, which was disrespectful to his reputation points, because this weird "human skin tattoo" that was eaten by people and the "demon relief" that could eat people were too weird, and he might suffer if he took them out, and they were too practical.

[System prompt: You get 50 reputation points, you get 100 reputation points]

[System prompt: Your current reputation points are: 186 points. ]

Currently, Su Miao can exchange for the following two items, and the others have not been unlocked.

"Gaseous Mercury Bottle" (5/5) requires reputation points: 15

"Pure Silver Hand Axe" (1/1) requires reputation points: 50

Su Miao thought about it for a while and chose what he wanted to exchange, 2 bottles of "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" and a "Pure Silver Hand Axe".

"Gaseous Mercury Bottle"

Item Introduction: After throwing it out, it releases gaseous mercury gas, which can cause great damage to "monster" creatures.

As a consumable, Su Miao plans to exchange two bottles to test the waters. If it is really that effective against "monster" creatures, Su Miao will exchange all the remaining ones.

"Pure"Silver Hand Axe"

Quality: Dark Blue

Attack Power: 10-15

Attributes: Each attack has a 20% chance of triggering "Mercury Explosion", causing 15 points of real damage to the "Monster".

Item Introduction: Want an axe?

As for this pure silver hand axe, it is an equipment that can only be exchanged once. The attribute is very good. Even if Su Miao does not use it, he can sell it for a good price after the dungeon is over.

Su Miao looked up at the hotel, and then looked down at the messy ground.

He thought this hotel was very strange before, but there must be other service staff or guests in the hotel if there is a chef, otherwise who would eat these foods?

But why is there such a big commotion in the kitchen, but no one comes to check?

"This is very strange."

Su Miao narrowed his eyes and felt that this hotel might be like the kitchen, doing things like devil worship.

Su Miao was going to enter the hotel from the kitchen to investigate further.

As an informal member of "B&C", he is the "surgeon" who removes abscesses for the Fog City.

If he encounters a player with bad behavior, Su Miao doesn't mind forcing him to look at the moon for a while, and then get reputation points.

He did not put away the "Color of Stars", but held this long knife with a stream of light, ready to enter the hotel from the back kitchen door.

Su Miao turned the bolt, but a huge resistance came from inside the door, and it was obvious that it was locked from the inside.


Su Miao narrowed his eyes, chopped the bolt with a knife, and then kicked it.


With the blessing of twice the power of an ordinary person, he actually kicked the door directly out and landed somewhere in the hall, attracting many people to look for the sound.

This is a very ordinary hotel lobby, with glass revolving tables placed one by one, and a few listless waiters stared at Su Miao blankly.

"Call security quickly, there is a monster!"

Su Miao raised his eyebrows, he looked like a monster?

Perhaps Su Miao, holding a glittering long sword, wearing a black windbreaker, and smelling of blood, really looks like a "monster" or a "butcher" to some extent.

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