Su Miao, holding a long sword, was going to explore the first floor first, and then go to the third floor. As for the second floor, Su Miao walked around and didn't find anything strange. There were only empty rooms.

Only the middle-aged man's son lived on the first floor. The most important thing was that if there was a problem with the family, the son would be relatively easy to bully.

When he arrived at the living room on the first floor, Su Miao didn't see the middle-aged man sitting at the front desk. He didn't know where he went, but fortunately the door was closed and there was no sign of damage.

Although he didn't know where the middle-aged man went, his actions had to be carried out according to the original plan.

Su Miao carefully checked the first floor and found a basement entrance and several rooms.

The entrance to the basement was a locked iron door. If it was forcibly destroyed, it would probably make a loud noise.

Why did this weird B&B install a big iron door in the basement when there were no tenants? Su Miao's intuition told him that the secret hidden in the B&B was in the basement behind the big iron door.

He didn't plan to break the door of the basement, but to check those rooms first to see if he could find the key to the basement.

The rooms on the first floor were the same as those on the second floor, with all doors tightly closed.

After a careful investigation, Su Miao found that every room was locked and none of them could be opened.

He frowned, remembering what the middle-aged man said before, that there was no tenant living in this B&B building except himself, or there was, but it had disappeared for some reason. And the first floor was where his son lived.

"Perhaps, there is only one room that is his son's real room? But what is the purpose of so many locked rooms?"

"With so many rooms, do I have to kick them open one by one?"

Su Miao murmured, but denied his idea the next moment. There must be a reason for locking the doors here, and acting rashly might cause some kind of chain reaction.

"Bang, bang..."

This is the sound of something hitting the ground, the tone is dull, and it seems to be at a locked door.

Su Miao squinted his eyes, holding the "Star Color" and carefully looking for this sound, and finally locked the room farthest from the front desk, where the dull tone came from.

Su Miao pushed and found that the door was locked and did not open. Then he increased his strength, showing his strength twice that of an ordinary person.

Suddenly, with a click, the door lock was broken by Su Miao and fell to the ground, revealing the dark scene inside.

If you can barely see things in the corridor of the house, then there is no light inside, only a dull sound similar to something hitting the ground.

"Hey, are you the new tenant?" A child's voice suddenly came from the dark room, judging from the sound, it is estimated to be about 7-8 years old.

"I'm sorry, I have a serious skin disease and can't see the light, not at all."

The little boy's voice came next, and the sound of banging on the ground became more obvious.

This is a kind of sticky object with little elasticity. There is also a quacking sound when it falls to the ground. It is obviously not a ball.

"My ball is lost. It is in the room on the first floor. Can you help me find it?" The boy's voice came, sounding a little lonely.

"Of course, you are not the first person who wants the key to the basement. If you help me find the ball, I will tell you the location of the key."

"Okay." Su Miao nodded and spoke briefly.

Then, the little boy's room suddenly closed, and Su Miao could not open it no matter how hard he tried.


Just when Su Miao gave up pushing the door, except for the little boy's room, the other 9 locked doors suddenly opened at the same time, revealing a dark room.

Under the cold moonlight, all the doors had some ominous breath, and Su Miao felt a little dangerous.

Su Miao narrowed his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and still entered a dark room with a knife. There seemed to be a bloody smell in the dark room.

Su Miao walked into the dark room and saw clearly what was in front of him with the help of the fluorescent light of "Star Color".

This was a smelly room. On the bed board, there was a creature with chopped limbs howling in a low voice, and under the creature was a white hexagram array.

On the table next to it, in the bookcase, and under the chair, the creature's internal organs were smeared all over. It seemed that some terrible ritual was being held here.

Su Miao casually threw a "detection spell" over and checked the information of the dying monster.

"Mutated Sacrifice·Incomplete"

Level: 3

Average attribute: 2

Introduction: The sacrifice corroded by the ritual originated from a failed sacrifice.

IncompleteThe broken sacrifice lay in the center of the magic circle, its limbs disappeared, and its internal organs were scattered all over the room, just lying quietly in the magic circle.

But it was not dead yet, and its bloodshot eyes looked at Su Miao, without resentment or hatred, but with some kind of prayer.

"Rest in peace."

Su Miao saw his eyes, so he directly smashed his head and ended his sad life.

[System prompt: You killed "Mutated Sacrifice·Incomplete" and gained 12 experience points, 20 reputation points, and 5 maximum health points. ]

As Su Miao entered the second room, he also saw a more cruel sacrificial ceremony. It seemed that the sacrifices were not enough, so 10 sacrifices were directly sacrificed in this sacrifice. They were tortured in a cruel way, and they were still cursed for failing the sacrifice.

In the third room, the sacrificer seemed to understand that it was not because of the number of people, and reduced the number of 10 humans to 5, but the ceremony was still cruel.

In the fourth room, they were dug out their eyes, cut off their tongues and noses, and their internal organs flowed freely.

In the fifth room, they were stitched together, looking like a giant centipede.

In the sixth room, they were "strung" together.

Until the ninth room, after Su Miao helped them get rid of the curse of sacrifice, he walked out of the room covered in blood. The Star Color dripped dark blood in his hand, and his left hand was holding a colorful small ball.

This was what Su Miao found under the bed in the last room. The ball was a little shriveled and not so full of air.

At this moment, Su Miao finally understood why there were no tenants in this homestay, because they were all kidnapped to sacrifice to some kind of creature, a cruel sacrifice.

He did not feel angry and sad for these former humans, but only felt a little sad. In this world of the survival of the fittest, only the fittest can survive.

He shook the dark blood on the knife and looked at his gains on this trip.

Killed 51 poor sacrifices.

He gained 255 maximum health points, but because he reached the upper limit of 300 points, Su Miao's maximum health points stabilized at 550 points.

In fact, his experience points were full after killing the fat chef, but the experience points did not increase after reaching 100%. It should be accumulated. It is estimated that the unified level will be settled after the end of the dungeon.

Su Miao was really curious about how much his level would be raised after the end of the dungeon?

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