There are many items such as ores and metals being sold in the main city. Su Miao bought some ordinary iron blocks, copper ores and other ordinary ore metals at the stalls, as well as some magical exotic metals such as magic silver ores and silver scale ores.

These ore metals can be used to make equipment, armor and weapons, so the magical ores are not cheap.

Su Miao didn't buy much, but it still cost him about 2,000 game coins.

Excluding the game coins he just used to buy the ores, he now has about 18,000 game coins.

The remaining game coins Su Miao needs to buy equipment in the three slots of auxiliary equipment, shoes, and pants.

These three parts have been broken during the final weapon smelting. Equipment with too low quality will have a greater probability of damage, and even if it is not damaged, it will still be worn out in battle.

In the email, Su Miao received the repaired equipment card and customized bullets sent by Liu Momo. 50 rounds of 12.7mm sniper bullets and 200 rounds of 7.62mm rifle bullets.

When he pushed open the door of the exclusive space, Su Miao found Lucy lying lazily on the ground. After seeing Su Miao enter the room, she did not pay attention to Su Miao, but continued to lie on the ground with her head buried deeply.

Why is Lucy so obedient? Could it be that she was naughty before and just entered the exclusive space and was too excited?

Su Miao looked around and found nothing unusual. The training equipment in the room was not damaged, and there was nothing unusual in the sword training room.

Su Miao opened the weapons room and found that his remaining dagger and pistol were also lying quietly on the shelf, and were not gnawed by Lucy.

"It seems nothing unusual... Wait..."

After Su Miao opened the drawer under the weapons rack, he found that all the 9mm bullets inside had disappeared, and there were traces of dog licking and tooth marks in the drawer.

Su Miao opened the door of the weapons room expressionlessly and took out a card from his backpack. He flipped his hand and the card immediately turned into a piece of equipment.

This is a chain hammer full of black spikes. There is a metal ball on the tail of the chain. The ball is covered with spikes and flashes with strange black light.

"Evil Thorn Cone"

Quality: Light blue

Attack: 10-15

Item Introduction: It can cause great pain to the victim.

"Lucy, you can avoid punishment if you admit your mistake now..."

Su Miao's devilish voice came, and Lucy secretly glanced at Su Miao, then began to pretend to sleep, and even pretended to snore while sleeping.

"Hu... Hu..."

Su Miao narrowed his eyes and slowly swung the Evil Thorn Cone.


The metal head of the chain hammer full of spikes fell to the ground, making a metal collision sound.

The next scene was horrible. The "Evil Thorn Cone" beat the thin dog Lucy and made her cry. It didn't pretend to sleep and hid frantically in the room.

But its attributes were not as high as Su Miao's, and it was easily caught up by Su Miao, and finally greeted with a "Evil Thorn Cone".

30 minutes later, Su Miao finished beating Lucy. Presumably, after being beaten, Lucy would not gnaw the guns in her arsenal.

Looking at the listless dog Lucy, she was looking at Su Miao with tears in her eyes.

"You are not allowed to gnaw things at home without my permission. Do you hear me?"

Su Miao's tone was cold.

The dog Lucy nodded and curled up, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Then, Su Miao threw a pumpkin-sized iron ore to Lucy and let her gnaw it herself.

After seeing the iron ore, Lucy did not look listless after being beaten. She immediately wagged her tail and gnawed the iron ore in the corner.


Su Miao exhaled. He really felt that turning Lucy into his contracted creature was a torture for himself. This dog was too restless.

Looking at Lucy, who was gnawing the iron ore until the powder flew everywhere, Su Miao sighed and then entered the weapon room.

There is a large table in the weapon room, which is used to assemble weapons and place items. There is a large shelf on the table, which is mainly used to place finished weapons.

But there are only two lonely weapons on the huge shelf, so Su Miao simply puts the weapons in his backpack.

Since Lucy has eaten all the bullets, it would be nice to transform this place into a pharmacy.

Then, Su Miao took some bottles and jars from his backpack. These things are all alchemical items used to make "gas mercury bottles".

Su Miao placed glass bottles containing mercury, ore powder, and mandrake leaves on the shelf, and then took out alcohol bottles, beakers and other chemicals to prepare to make "gas mercury bottles".

"Gas mercury bottles" production (primary) proficiency 0/10.

"Gas mercury bottles" production requirements: glass bottle x1, mercury 10g,1 mandela leaf, 10g of any ore powder.

Su Miao followed the steps to add ore powder, mercury and other items, and finally added a mandela leaf.

Finally, put the mixture into a glass bottle.

[System prompt: Failed to make "Gaseous Mercury Bottle"! ]

The liquid in the "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" made by Su Miao was black and did not have the luster of pure silver.

Su Miao then checked the information of the item.

Item name: "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" (failed product)

Item characteristics: None

Item introduction: Inferior failed product of the trainee doctor!

Su Miao was not discouraged, and he still had 99 alchemical materials left to make "Gaseous Mercury Bottle".

In the next 5 hours, Su Miao started a crazy alchemical time, turning the alchemical items that could make "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" into piles of waste.

When 100 alchemical items were consumed, he succeeded in a total of 13 bottles, and the rest all failed.

But the good thing is that after so many failures, Su Miao got the following system prompt.

[System prompt: "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" production (primary) proficiency 10/10, proficiency has reached the peak, your "Gaseous Mercury Bottle" (intermediate) is unlocked. ]

"Gaseous Mercury Bottle" production (intermediate) proficiency 3/100.

The proficiency obtained by making a bottle of mercury bottle is 1. The primary production only requires 10 proficiency, but the intermediate mercury bottle actually requires a terrifying 100 points, which means that Su Miao needs to make 100 successful mercury bottles to reach the advanced proficiency.

After a simple lunch, Su Miao spent another 2,000 game coins to buy 100 alchemical items from the alchemy workshop and started the afternoon alchemy time.

The poor wallet only had 16,000 game coins left at this time.

In the repeated failures or successes, Su Miao's production time was greatly shortened, from 3 minutes to make a bottle to now only 60 seconds to make a bottle.

After one afternoon, Su Miao successfully made 57 bottles. Together with the mercury bottles he had made before, Su Miao now owns 70 bottles, which are enough for his own use. If he feels that there are some extra, he can even set up a stall to sell them.

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