A convoy was running rampant in the desert next to the wilderness. In one car, Tony and the soldiers were talking about the cover girl he had slept with recently.

Suddenly, the car shook and was overturned by the huge impact force. Tony flexibly escaped from the car, and a missile detonated the car.

Leaning against a boulder, Tony quietly input chakra into the stone next to him.

He was about to pick up the phone to ask for help when a missile landed next to him. Stark Industries was clearly written on the missile.

"Oh! Shit!"

The missile exploded and the impact force knocked Tony away.

With a bang, after a burst of smoke, Tony and his body turned into stones, and Tony appeared behind another boulder.


The anesthetic needle with a red tail shot from a distance and hit Tony's neck.

"Oh! Shit!"

Tony's nerves became weak and he fainted.


In a corner of the desert, around a cave, there is a gunpowder depot.

In the cave.

Opening his eyes suddenly, Tony Stark looked around and saw only some simple equipment and earth-colored stone walls besides a bald middle-aged man.

"Where is this? Who are you?"

Not feeling threatened by Ethan, nor thinking that his four times the overall quality of the human body could not beat a thin man, Tony asked Ethan directly.

"This is the base of terrorists. I am also a hostage like you. My name is Ethan."

As a hostage, Ethan answered Tony's question without much hesitation.

After all, he knew in his heart that he would not survive if he was not a tool of the terrorists.

He got up and felt that his body was not injured, but there was no communication tool to contact the outside world. It was obviously confiscated.

"Do you know why I was captured?"

Not familiar with the environment, Tony wanted to know more information from Ethan.

"I don't know much either. They should want you to help them build something. After all, you are the world's strongest weapons developer."

Ethan was captured here for only two days, and he didn't know the purpose of the terrorists.

At this time, there was a shaking sound, and the iron door that was closed tightly next to it was pushed open, and a fat man with a beard and two terrorists with guns walked in.

Ethan hurried to Tony and asked him to raise his hands.

In view of the power of the gun in the other party, Tony raised his hands.

The leader of the other party came over and talked a lot, and Ethan next to him translated.

"Their idea is to ask you to build them the latest version of the Jericho missile, so that they will let you go."

"Are you sure?"

As an arms dealer, Tony, who has a little understanding of terrorists, does not believe that the other party will keep his promise and let him go.

"Tell them, I refuse!"

He refused decisively.

Ethan translated, and the leader of the other party was furious and asked the two people with guns to torture Tony.

Tony's eyes condensed, just as the two people of the other party pointed their guns and grabbed him with four hands.

Tony stretched out his hands, grabbed the arms of the two men, gritted his teeth and exerted four times the strength of an athlete, throwing them against the wall.

Two thumps, the two were smashed against the wall, screamed and fell to the ground, holding their stomachs and backs and unable to get up.

The leader of the other side immediately reacted, picked up the gun that was put down beside him, and fired at Tony.

Bang bang bang! Puff puff puff! Puff!

The gunshots rang out, piercing Tony's body. After a cloud of smoke, Tony was replaced by a wooden bed beside him, and he appeared in the position of the wooden bed.


He jumped on the spot and fought with the leader from the side. Although he was not as good as the other party in fighting skills, fortunately, his physical fitness was much higher. In a few moves, Tony knocked the leader of the other party unconscious.

"Quick! Tie them up!"

Take out a hemp rope from the side and throw it to Ethan. Although he didn't know the other party very well, Tony believed that he had such a big advantage, and the other party would not just watch from the side.

Ethan took the hemp rope quickly, but did not tie up the leader immediately. Instead, he raised his gun and fired twice, sending the two screaming people to the west.

Seeing Tony's confused eyes, he explained with an innocent look.

"They don't know anything, and there is no point in staying."


Although Tony was speechless, he didn't say much.

He walked to the iron gate and glanced outside.

The cave was very dark and looked very long, and there were hurried footsteps and many people running.

"Earth escape·Earth flow wall!"

Looking at a narrower place, a large amount of chakra was output. Tony made a seal and slapped the ground with both hands, and a huge earth wall rose up, completely blocking the cave.

Repeated the seal and slapped the ground several times, and a full seven earth walls rose up and completely blocked the cave.

"Only half of the chakra is left. I hope this can delay for a while."As he spoke, Tony already had a feasible escape plan in his mind.

After closing the iron door tightly as the eighth line of defense, Tony walked in front of the leader.

"Ask him how many people and weapons are outside."

Ethan looked at Tony in a trance. Although he wanted to ask him if he was a man or a god, he held back and did not delay asking the leader for some specific information here.


Soon, before Ethan could ask any information, there was a loud noise. It was obvious that the people outside reacted and tried to destroy the earth wall to enter here.

"You have to hurry up!"

Bang bang bang!

Reminding Ethan, Tony picked up the gun on the side, blew up the camera in the corner, put down the gun and began to collect some usable materials in the cave.

Since the materials for Tony to build the Jericho missile had not been brought in, there were only some abandoned missiles, furnaces, blacksmith tables and hammering tools in the cave.

After disassembling a missile, he got some copper wire, magnets and explosives.

The waste was quickly transformed into a trigger bomb by Tony's deft hands, and was tied to the iron door handle by Tony.

"There are about thirty people outside and countless weapons and missiles."

Ethan translated the latest important intelligence that was forced out.

Tony soon realized that what he had done was not enough.

"It seems that this is not enough!"

He once again looked for something that could be used from the abandoned missiles, and input some chakra into them one by one.

"Titanium... Titanium... Titanium..."

Tony silently prayed in his heart that there was an alloy with some titanium in these alloy materials.

Titanium is the second element in chakra circulation and storage capacity according to Jarvis' calculations. As for why the first element was not found, it was because the first element was leucism, an artificially synthesized radioactive element with a very short half-life, which could not be found here.

After a period of searching, Tony finally successfully input some chakra into the launch tube of a rifle.

Apparently this barrel has some titanium components.

After a busy day, he found several similar gun barrels and a piece of iron sheet, threw it into the furnace, and waited for it to be deformed by hammering.

Boom! There was a bang, and the source of the sound became closer and closer. It was obvious that the second earth wall was blown up.

"Any more information?"

Tony asked Ethan.

"He said he admires you very much and hopes you can let him go. Does this count?"

"You can kill him!"


After the gunshot, the fat man led the way and fell in a pool of blood.

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