After the conversation, the two sides finally found each other.

Next, Tony carefully informed Howard of the content of his communication with the current director of SHIELD last night.

After careful analysis, Howard gave his guess about Nick Fury.

"I know Nick Fury. I had a lot of communication with him when he was still a young agent. In my opinion, he is not an undercover agent of Hydra."

Tony thought about it and nodded:

"Although I don't like the way that guy makes himself mysterious, he is already the director. It should not be possible to be Hydra, otherwise SHIELD will be hopeless."

"Is it possible to cooperate with him and let him provide us with more information?"

Tony asked.

Howard thought about it.

"This shouldn't work. That guy is very suspicious. Even if he sees me, he will doubt whether I am a 3D projection created by you or an illusion of your magic."

"Although my magic includes illusions, I don't know any of them."

Howard suddenly thought of something and looked at Tony.

"Since you know magic, why don't we maximize it! Think about whether your magic can read the memory in people's brains, or use illusions to control people to tell the truth! In this way, we may not need to spend too much time on collecting intelligence!"

As a scientist, capitalist and atheist, Howard can quickly accept the existence of magic and have the idea of ​​relying on magic to solve problems. It can be said that it is really amazing.

He did not get stuck in his own cognition and could not break through. When he learned about things outside of cognition, he chose to accept and use them as soon as possible. His wisdom was not inferior to Tony, who was cursed by knowledge.

Tony was also quickly awakened by Howard. He thought of the several secretaries he glanced at when he slid the scroll, and it seemed that there was really something about mind reading.

Then he quickly turned his head and looked in the direction where the 20-meter scroll was spread.

"Who are you!"

Tony's use attracted everyone's eyes in the garage to turn to him, and then to the direction he was looking at in surprise.

They followed and looked, and there was a charming figure in a black robe in front of the huge scroll spread on the ground.

The person looked at the scroll spread on the ground quietly, holding a two-meter-long sickle in his right hand, and turned his head when he heard Tony's words.

"Tear~!!!" ×5

Everyone present took a breath, and cold sweat instantly seeped out of their hair mouths, of course, except for the Starks.

The person who turned his head, no! Can't be considered a person! Under the black robe that was as dark as the deep space of the universe was a complete female skeleton. From the figure of the black robe, it was obviously a completely young woman, but there was not even a bit of flesh on the skull.

The woman who turned around was one of the five creators of the multiverse, the aggregate of the concept of death, death!

Seeing the surprised looks of several people, she smiled slightly. Although her jawbone did not move at all, everyone strangely felt that she was smiling.

Death spoke.

"Did that man give you these magic tutorials?"

She looked at Tony with a smile in her eyes, her jawbone trembled slightly, and an indescribable sound reached everyone's ears.

Tony's eyes almost popped out. He felt that he was powerless at this moment. Only the language system was allowed to operate. He could only give orders to his mouth and tongue with all his concentration.

"Yes... yes."

Tony also knew who he was asking in front of him. He didn't want to be tortured like this, so he immediately answered Death's question.

Death nodded thoughtfully and continued to ask.

"Can you help me contact him?"

"No... can't..."

Tony simply answered the question and suddenly felt that the unknown death was staring at him (in various senses). The observation Haki that he had fully realized not long ago was warning him frantically.

"Do you have anything else?"

Death sensed the second power from outside the circle transmitted from Tony's mind, and his curiosity was aroused, so he stopped staring.

"Yes... yes!"

Except for Tony, no one else had the power to move, and even Tony could only get a moment's rest after answering the question.

"Really? It seems that his ability is really not simple. Tell me! Why can't you contact him?"

Death asked with interest.

This time, there was a lot of information to answer, but Tony didn't feel the pressure on him weakening at all. He could only organize the simplest answer with difficulty to answer this question.


"Oh! Really? Interesting~"

Death understood Tony's meaning in an instant and put away his momentum.

Tony and the other four people breathed a sigh of relief, and Happy hurriedly took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat off his face.

Tony hesitated for a moment and spoke.

"Although I don't know how to contact the master, there is someone who may know how to contact him."

Death, who was waiting for this sentence, smiled and looked in one direction.

A vortex-shaped spark circle appeared in that direction, which immediately attracted the attention of the five people.

A bald woman in a coarse yellow robe walked out.

As soon as Gu Yi walked out of the portal, he bowed to Death and spoke in an extremely respectful tone.

"Respected Lord Death, I sincerely thank you for your kind words for me. Please feel free to propose any tasks. I will do my best to execute them!"

Gu Yi's words were full of sincerity. As an ordinary person, she could survive for hundreds of years, and it was inevitable that she would come into contact with death. It was also thanks to death that she was allowed to survive for a little longer. Otherwise, even the time gem of a single universe could not allow a person with certain strength like her to survive for so long.

Through the time gem, Gu Yi had seen the purpose of death's visit from Tony's future, but even so, she needed to wait politely for the other party to say the task in person.

Death also knew Gu Yi's thoughts, and she spoke directly without being verbose.

"I want to see him."

Gu Yi immediately understood the words calmly without any emotion, glanced at Tony, then took out the scroll given to him by Yu Hui, unfolded it in the air, and used magic to open a channel.

Then, she silently sent a message to the channel, and then waited silently.

Originally, not to mention the powerful existence of Death, anyone who knows a little bit of magic related to dimensions can contact the dimensional demons in the multiverse without much effort.

But the special nature of Yu Hui's dimensional magatama world is that the magatama world does not belong to an independent world universe at all, so it cannot be hidden in the sub-dimension of a single world universe, and can only be in the endless chaos of the world universe.

Even Death, the abstract body of Death representing the multiverse, cannot walk out of the story world universe where he is, so he cannot find Yu Hui who is now in the magatama world.

And Gu Yi has the contract scroll that links the magatama world given by Yu Hui. As long as she has some magic means, she can easily connect the two dimensional spaces and contact Yu Hui.

Death did not wait for long. After a while, Gu Yi opened a portal with a light blue frame and a small pavilion behind it, and Yu Hui, who looked like an ordinary person, walked out of it.

The portal was aimed at the direction where Death was standing. Yu Hui saw Death, who looked like a white skull, at first glance.

"What a coincidence! I was just looking for you!"

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