On this side, Yu Hui began to prepare for the next round, while in the Ninja World, a huge disaster occurred due to a huge tsunami.

Under the tsunami, the coastal areas of the Land of Fire, the Land of Soup, and the Land of Lightning suffered huge disasters. Millions of people were directly affected by the tsunami, and hundreds of thousands of people died in the tsunami.

Afterwards, ninjas from various countries went to the Land of Water to investigate and found that the entire Land of Water had long been destroyed in a battle between unknown people. So the entire Ninja World called this disaster "Water Sorrow". In order to prevent civilians from panicking, the Ninja Village and the country jointly blocked all news.

In fact, all this was because the Six Paths Sage had no way to deal with Yu Hui's ability to become a virtual being, and forcibly used a hugely destructive technique, even a technique that could create a shape like the moon.

(Don't think that the real strength of the Six Paths Sage is too outrageous. You don't know that the Six Paths Sage created the moon with his brother to seal Kaguya. In Marvel, the one who can create a star like the moon must be at least sub-god level or god level. The real strength of the Six Paths Sage should be like this.)

After the "Water Sorrow" incident, the most eye-catching thing in the ninja world was that the strongest ninja village, Konoha, changed its new Hokage. Tsunade was forced to become the Hokage. In fact, she didn't want to do it. Who made Jiraiya disappear and there was no suitable person in the village.

Tsunade learned about the disappearance of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto three days after being appointed. She was furious and scolded the Anbu ninjas. The Anbu ninjas were also helpless. They thought they could find it themselves without alerting the Hokage.

Then Tsunade suppressed the matter in the village to prevent other villages from knowing and triggering a war. She secretly sent a large number of ninjas to search for him.

In fact, what Tsunade didn't know was that other villages had already known about this. The Raikage even wanted to take advantage of this to cause trouble, but was strongly stopped by the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning. He was really afraid that this group of ninjas would make a big fuss like the "Water Sorrow". If it happened again, his little heart would not be able to bear it.

The affairs of the countries of Thunder and Fire were over, and the perspective came to the countries of Wind and Earth.

The countries of Wind and Earth were the last major countries to explore the Land of Water. When the two countries received this news, they were happy at first, and then they were worried like all the countries.

They knew in their hearts that even if they were strengthened ten times, they would not have the ability to fundamentally destroy a huge island country. They were afraid of people who could cause such destruction. Coincidentally, under this fear, the small conflicts between the countries also stopped.

The ninja world entered the most peaceful period since the Ninja Village era. All this did not change until a week later, when the Toad Sage Jiraiya said that the ninja world had encountered an unprecedented powerful enemy!

The time came to the third day after the huge tsunami, and the Six Paths Sage stepped on Myoboku Mountain and proposed to jointly get rid of Yu Hui.

The atmosphere in Myoboku Mountain at this time was extremely solemn.

"So the method of the Otsutsuki is extremely tricky. I suggest that we work together to solve it. What do you think, Gamaru!"

The Six Paths Sage said to the lying Big Toad Sage, his tone full of solemnity.

"I think there is no problem, Yuyi. I saw the fight between the two of you. The opponent's magic is very tricky. It seems to be a magic that can edit real phenomena. I can't deal with it easily."

The Big Toad Sage also said solemnly. Although he was in Myoboku Mountain, he could clearly see the whole process of the battle between Yu Hui and the Six Paths Sage.

It can be said that the Six Paths Sage showed a strength beyond the Six Paths, but he did not take advantage of Yu Hui, and even fell into a disadvantage in the magic wave.

Everything stems from the opponent's mysterious magic, a magic that can edit everything.

"I will send Sesame, Fukasaku and Little Jiraiya to the Ninja World to spread the word about the power and danger of the Otsutsuki, and let them consume the opponent first."

The Great Toad Sage said, and the Six Paths Sage nodded.

"I will revive a part of Ashura's reincarnation and come out to deal with that person. It is also a good choice to let the shadows of the Ninja World consume him first."

After the Six Paths Sage finished speaking, he looked outside at Jiraiya who was practicing the Sage Mode in stealth.

"Gamamaru, have you decided to teach the real fairy arts to an ordinary person? You know, he is likely to spread the fairy arts and let the Ninja World get out of control!"

"No problem, Jiraiya is a very good child. If he wants to spread it, he will ask for my opinion."

"That's good! Then let him learn it as soon as possible and quickly build an army in the Ninja World to surround and kill the Otsutsuki!"

Four days later.

The Land of Fire, Konoha.

Jiraiya, who didn't know the real conspiracy of the Six Paths Sage and the Great Toad Sage, returned to Konoha as soon as he learned the celestial art that could really increase his lifespan.

At this moment, Tsunade was in the office, busy signing documents and sorting out the complicated affairs of Konoha, when an Anbu ninja with the Uchiha clan emblem behind him suddenly appeared."Tsunade-sama! Jiraiya-sama is back and heading to the Hokage building."

Tsunade nodded to show that she understood, and the Anbu ninja disappeared instantly.

Due to the extermination of the Uchiha family, only a few hundred people were left. In order to appease them, Tsunade asked the Uchiha ninja to join the Anbu and the Hokage guards.

After a while, a middle-aged man with white hair, oil-lettered forehead protector, and weird clothes climbed up from the window.

"Hehehe, Tsunade, I'm back!"

Bang! Tsunade punched Jiraiya without hesitation and shouted

"You guy! Where the hell did you go after the old man died!"

"Tsunade calm down, calm down!" Jiraiya said with a smile: "This is what happened..."

Then in order to appease Tsunade, Jiraiya explained to Tsunade why he didn't come back immediately, and told Tsunade everything that the Great Toad Sage and the Six Paths Sage told him.

"So you mean that old toad foresaw an unprecedented enemy in the ninja world and asked us humans to unite to solve it? And my grandfather and several members of the Senju clan were resurrected? Why don't I believe it? How could there be such an outrageous thing in this world!"

After listening to Jiraiya's explanation, Tsunade's first reaction was unbelief, and then shock.

"Not only these Tsunade, but also the water disaster was caused by the evil Otsutsuki. In order to obtain the power of the tailed beast, he attacked the Hidden Mist Village and destroyed the Land of Water. The Six Paths Sage also said that he killed the Jinchūriki kid named Uzumaki Naruto. It's too crazy. We must unite to organize him!"

"What! The Jinchūriki was killed? Didn't the Nine-Tails die too? What should I do! What should I do! Ahhhh!"

Tsunade smashed the table in front of her with a punch in frustration, and the whole office was covered with sawdust and document fragments.

"Tsunade, this is not the point. The Six Paths Sage has agreed to help us revive the Jinchūriki, but what we should do is unite the entire ninja world to deal with the Otsutsuki!"

Tsunade calmed down, "It's easier said than done! How can we unite the ninja villages that are full of contradictions with each other and fight against an illusory and extremely powerful enemy together with us?"

"This... I don't have any good solution for the time being, why don't we do this!"

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