The multiverse is a collection of infinite or finite possible universes in theory, including everything that exists and may exist.

There is a saying that if this world is a novel, then every guess of the reader about the next plot of the novel will produce a completely independent single universe.

Even the small speculation about every thing will produce a new timeline, which is unstoppable.

In theory, the aura emitted by the whale from the heavenly world originally gave birth to only one Yu Hui who awakened the talent of "Ten Thousand Races".

And every thought and every action of this Yu Hui since his birth has produced different variants. In theory, no one is the subject, everyone is a variant, and everyone has the possibility of becoming the subject.

There is only one way to become the subject, that is, to take back all the timelines.

So how can all the timelines be taken back? Then you have to become the first world-class (super-large universe-class), and one of the conditions for becoming world-class is to become the only one in the entire world.

Although the multiverse-class also has the same conditions, it is not necessary, but it is necessary to reach the world-class.

Yu Hui doesn't know this now, but he is not far from understanding it. At this time, he is interrogating the little Deadpool in his hand, the real little Deadpool.

After Deadpool's pleading, after Yu Hui confirmed that the death who liked this Deadpool was the death who made a deal with him, Yu Hui, who did not have the complete Phoenix power, chose to spare Deadpool's life. The price was to leave Deadpool with a finger, and use the Phoenix power to turn the rest of his body into subatomic atoms, so that the Deadpool who was reborn from the finger could feel the complete pain.

After all, he couldn't put the cause of harming himself on a mercenary, after all, this Deadpool was still useful.

"Tell me! Who is the man in white you mentioned? Why did he want to kill me? And why did he choose to send you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll answer!"

Deadpool, who had just felt his body being completely disintegrated, now had no energy to resist or talk nonsense at all. He began to answer Yu Hui's questions one by one.

"The guy in white is the original Transcendent. He said that you bit off one of his ears and he felt humiliated. But you disappeared after that, so he wanted to seek revenge on you in the past, so he found me, a famous mercenary in the universe."

"Originally, he was going to come with me, but news of you appeared in the universe again, so he gave me the power of the Phoenix and the power of time travel, and told me which timeline you should be killed, and went to find you in the future."

"When I traveled through time, I forgot the specific timeline, but I heard about you in this timeline from the mouth of the Death Sister, so I came to find you."

What Deadpool didn't know was that the Transcendent who was looking for Yu Hui who became world-class from another route, his body in the future was lying in a corner of a dimension in the future world.

Yu Hui got a lot of information from Deadpool, such as Yu Hui in different timelines, the original Transcendent whose ear was bitten off, and the future Yu Hui who went to the universe that the Transcendent couldn't find but still came back.

At this time, Yu Hui had a closer understanding of how to achieve higher levels of power.

In another timeline, Yu Hui, who had grown to the point where he could fight the Transcendent, bit off the Transcendent's ear, most likely to devour the Transcendent's genes.

Although Yu Hui didn't know whether that powerful being would have genes, he believed in his conceptual ability, and even without Yu Hui, he could still obtain the other party's racial power.

And this kind of challenge to someone stronger than himself, using a small to win a big, and devouring their genes to improve himself is the fastest way for Yu Hui to become stronger.

Originally, Yu Hui, who didn't have multi-level power, had no way to challenge the big guys like Eternity, the Life Tribunal, and the Transcendent. Yu Hui in another timeline should have gone through a long period of time to devour the universe with the power of the dimensional demon to reach the power to challenge them.

But now Yu Hui feels that he doesn't need to do that at all. He who gets the power of the Phoenix can directly rely on the second method, first get the complete power of the Phoenix, and then go to other big worlds to devour the genes of the multi-level big guys there, and then go back to adjust Marvel to be more powerful.

In short, all Yu Hui on the original timeline, because they didn't get the power of the Phoenix and didn't study the specialness of Jean Grey, walked on the path of slowly growing in a small world like an absorbing insect.

But because of the only existence

The only Deadpool sent by Yuezhe to kill Yu Hui came to this universe by mistake and found himself.

This Yu Hui got the power of the Phoenix and discovered his ability to perfectly absorb the power of the Phoenix. Everything changed. Yu Hui's growth rate became different, and the only different Yu Hui was born.

Yu Hui immediately figured it all out and put the mini Deadpool into his pocket.

In order not to affect the existence of the Phoenix Power, Yu Hui only slightly transformed a little gene and opened the portal back to the Earth-199999 universe.


Earth-199999 universe, the North Pole.

In order to collect the fragments of the Phoenix Power scattered in the multiverse, Yu Hui needs to find some people who know about this matter. He thinks Ancient One is a good choice.

Purple lightning exploded in the air, and Yu Hui appeared above the North Pole of the Earth.

Below are Tony and Howard working on the ice using a professional icebreaker.

In the X-Men universe, Yu Hui suddenly wanted Tony to give Captain America the Flame-Flame Fruit, so that Captain Torch would be born and tell Tony that Captain America was still alive.

In order to defeat Hydra as soon as possible, Tony and Howard discussed and decided to dig out the old soldier stick as quickly as possible.

Yu Hui landed on the ice and sent a message to Ancient One.

"Oh! This is too slow! I think I should take out my strongest armor!"

The ice-breaking work was slow, and Tony began to get impatient.

Howard also stopped his work and looked at his son.

In order to prevent the news from spreading, only the two of them came here. Although they brought professional equipment, it was inevitable that two people would be stretched.

Tony took out a box full of metal texture from the camp, and then Deadpool in Yu Hui's pocket came out.

"Oh my god? Is that the first appearance of Mark 5? It can only be not at the racetrack!"

Tony put the metal box on the ground and opened it.

"Oh! It appears! The weakest armor, the one that was destroyed by a whip, although it is very weak, why does it make me so excited⊙∀⊙!"

Even if it is only the size of a finger, Deadpool will not forget the mean speech.

Yu Hui took Deadpool out and put it on the ice next to him.

In Deadpool's expectant eyes, he saw Tony first take out the components that looked like scrap copper and iron from the box, and began to manually install them into his body one by one.

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