Hunter Test Second Venue.

“The rice is so hard! Non-conforming. ”

“No, the cutting method of the fish meat is not according to the texture, it is not qualified!”

“The shape of the onigiri is substandard.”

“The pinch is too slow, the temperature of the palm of the hand is not transmitted to the fish meat, it is unqualified!”

Menqi’s provocative voice continued endlessly, and one after another, the sushi of the examinees was judged by her to be unqualified.

“Menqi, you are too strict!” Buha Thorn on the side persuaded.

“Don’t be noisy!” However, Menqi, who was already angry, just roared, and then continued to criticize the dishes of the examinee in front of him.

“I knew it would be like this!”

Buha on the side was full of helplessness.

“As soon as Menqi’s temperament came up, he didn’t care about anything, I hope the president will send someone as soon as possible!”

“Examiner Menqi, this is my dish.” Lorraine placed the dinner plate in his hand in front of Menqi, and by the way, he also placed one in front of Bhaja.

“It’s you!”

Menqi looked at Lorraine in front of her, because of the cooking test in the first half, she was still quite impressed by Lorraine.

Of course, she also guessed what Lorraine thought.

But she doesn’t care, or rather, she prefers smart people to brainless fools, especially smart people who can see the purpose of her assessment this time.

“First of all, although your last cooking was good, I won’t give you a pass because of this!” Menqi said with a soft snort.

“Of course.” Lorraine nodded.

It was not surprising that this careful thought was seen through him, and he did not even deliberately hide anything.

This is nothing in the first place.

After all, the purpose of the assessment is not to be seen through!

At most, he is a little polite, plus he doesn’t look down on the behavior of the food hunter!

What is this.

As for what he really wants to do, what he really wants to see, is not something that can be seen through with his brain alone.


Menqi lifted the lid on the Lorraine dinner plate and couldn’t help but chuckle the moment she saw the dishes on the plate.

“You didn’t make sushi according to the recipe that bald idiot said?”

“This test wasn’t based on a nigiri sushi recipe, was it?” Lorraine said with a shrug.

“And I don’t think a sushi made by a person who is not proficient in cooking can satisfy the tongue of a food hunter.”

“Finally, there is someone who understands!” Menqi snorted softly, and directly picked up the sushi on the plate and ate it.

“Hmm… The knife work is unqualified, the grip is unqualified, the ingredients for vinegar in the rice, and the fish dishes are almost hot. Menqi gave a series of evaluations without mercy.

Suddenly, many hunter candidates who were nervous because of Lorraine and Menqi chatting suddenly laughed.

“Hehe, what’s the use of how to set up a relationship, isn’t it still the same unqualified?”

“The hunter test is not something that can be passed with a little care!”

A group of examinees whispered and laughed unceremoniously.


“I like your bold and innovative way of cooking, and it’s not too bad, you’re qualified!” Menqi said loudly with a point.

As soon as these words came out, some of the candidates who were still laughing at Lorraine suddenly froze, and their faces became ugly.

“Bold and innovative, not unpalatable…” Kurapika was slightly stunned when she heard Menqi’s prompt, and suddenly reacted.

“I know, what this test really assesses!”

“Something that really assesses?” Xiaojie on the side looked puzzled.

“Yes, this assessment is actually not about cooking, but about bold innovation, or in other words, testing our courage and ability to explore unknown areas.” Kurapika whispered excitedly to Xiaojie and the others.

“The reason why the examiner decided on sushi, an ingredient that almost no one has heard of, and prepared various materials for prompting, tested our ability to observe the unknown and the courage to explore.”

“As for the taste of the dish, it is equivalent to the answer to the result given after exploring the unknown, which is the embodiment of ability, and naturally it cannot be too bad.”

“Really, how did I not think until now.” Kurapika looked annoyed.

Because he remembered that there were sushi records, he subconsciously began to recall sushi, and then studied it according to his memories.

In the middle, another Hanzo directly said the recipe, so that he could not see the real content of this test.

Not only Kurapika, there is no shortage of smart people among the hunter candidates, because of the prompts given by Menqi one after another, they, like Kurapika, finally saw through the real assessment point of this test

Many people looked excited and began to prepare the dishes again.

On the stage, Menqi was finally relieved to see this scene, and his heart was angry and funny.

Obviously, the test he prepared was not difficult at all, as long as he moved his brain a little, it was not difficult to guess her purpose at all.

But the group first laughed at the food hunter, then one or two more spoilers, which ended up messing up the test she had struggled to prepare.

But now it’s okay, it’s finally back on track.

And yet….

There are smart people in the test takers who see through everything, and naturally there are fools who do not understand.

“I’m not convinced.” At this time, some of the hunter candidates who had laughed at Lorraine before directly red-eyed and punched through the counter.

“Why is he qualified, obviously his cooking you have also said so many defects!” Candidate No. 255 Takuto shouted in annoyance.

“Just because I’m the examiner! When I say he is qualified, he is qualified, and if I say you are unqualified, you are unqualified. Menqi snorted coldly, if it weren’t for the examiner, she wouldn’t have paid attention to this kind of idiot at all.

“Bastard, Lao Tzu is not to be a chef, but to become a bounty hunter. I don’t agree with you, the examiner, why do you judge Lao Tzu as a food hunter. Takuto shouted directly angrily.

“That’s a pity, this year is me, the food hunter, as the examiner, so you can find an examiner you agree with next year to participate in the hunter test!” Menqi said with an impatient look.

“No kidding!” Tuo Dou directly rushed towards Menqi in annoyance, in that way, he obviously wanted to directly stage the Quan Wu Xing.

However, the moment he rushed to Menqi, the buha next to him moved, obviously quite heavy body speed was extremely fast, and a slap directly made him unable to react.

Then the terrifying power erupted, and his whole person flew out directly upside down, directly across the park, and passed out at the entrance of the park.

“Nosy!” Menqi gave Bhaba a blank look and put the knife back in his hand.

“After all, Menqi, if you make a fuss, the matter will be big!” Bhaja said with a smile.

“Really, I have no appetite for this kind of stupidity.” Menqi snorted coldly and said loudly directly.

“I’m full, the exam is over, the hunter test is the second test, the clearer, one!”

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