“The fourth test of the hunter test is now officially over, please return to the starting point as soon as possible!”

“From now on, all candidates have one hour to return to the starting point, and candidates who do not return by time will all be considered unqualified!”

“Also, after arriving at the starting point, the transfer of the number plate will be invalid, and once detected, it will be immediately disqualified, please note!”

“The fourth test of the hunter test is now officially over, please candidates…”

On the sea, the loudspeakers of the Hunters Association kept shouting the news of the end of the exam.

It was loud enough for all test takers throughout the island to hear clearly.

All over the island, the candidates who had already gathered their scores suddenly showed a smile and returned to the assembly point.

As for the candidates who did not get enough points, or even their number plates were snatched away, their faces were full of unwillingness.

Even some candidates have the audacity to prepare an ambush in advance to rob a wave.


The strength of this group of people is obviously not enough to threaten anyone who has enough number plates.

Lorraine casually threw away the candidate who wanted to sneak up and continued to walk towards the assembly point.

Because the location was relatively remote, when he returned to the meeting point, many people were already waiting here.

Qilu, Siso, Jitaraku, Hanzo, and a martial artist who can’t be named.

“Candidate 406, please show your number plate.” On the boat, the female guide who had sent them over before said.

Lorraine casually took out his number plate and showed it, and the number plate worth nine points also attracted a little attention from several candidates.

“Okay! Mr. Lorraine scored a pass. “The female guide of the Hunter Association has finished recording.

“Oh, Lorraine, how did you grab so many number plates.” Killua came over and grinned.

“When I grabbed the third number card, I happened to meet my prey, and the prey had extra number cards.”

“You want to ask me if I’ve ever seen Xiaojie!” Lorraine explained casually before looking at Killua and saying.

“Hey, hey!” Qilu scratched his head and said with a smile: “Because Xiaojie’s prey is very worrying!” ”

“Siso!” Lorraine couldn’t help but glance at Siso in the crowd, and then said to Qilu: “Don’t worry, Xiaojie is fine, Xiso’s number plate has also been obtained, and he should be rushing to this side now.” ”

“Really fake! Xiaojie snatched Siso’s number plate. Killu’s eyes widened suddenly, and his face was full of disbelief.

He came a little later than Siso, so he didn’t see the scene of Siso showing the number plate, but no matter how he thought about it, he didn’t think that Xiaojie could win over Siso!

“Hmm! The specific reason is when Xiaojie comes, you can ask yourself! Lorraine said.

Killua didn’t ask, obviously he was more like listening to Xiaojie personally talk to him from Lorraine.

Time passes minute by minute.

Seeing that an hour is coming.

In the forest, Xiaojie, Leoli and Kurapika once again repeated the feat of the third test and passed the level.

On the airship of the Hunter Association.

“Okay, everyone is welcome to eat when the dishes are ready!”

Menqi brought her elaborate dishes to the table with a bold look.

At the table, Nitro, president of the Hunter Association, and the examiners of the previous hunter tests were seated.

“Oh roar… I have been looking forward to Xiaomenqi’s craftsmanship for a long time. Nitro said.

Several other hunter examiners were looking forward to it as well.

Although they are also hunters, Menqi, as a one-star food hunter, his craftsmanship is not something that can be eaten casually.

At the dinner table.

Everyone ate and chatted.

“In other words, it is really surprising that seven of the remaining nine candidates are newcomers.” Liber said with emotion.

“Oh roar, yes, this year is another harvest year!” Nitro said with a smile.

“Again? President, has this happened before? On the side, Bhaja asked curiously.

“Of course there were.” Nitro stroked his beard and smiled: “It is probably ten years in a row that no new person is qualified, and then suddenly a large group of promising young people will appear.” ”

“This is the fourth time this has happened during my time as president.” Nitro chuckled.

Several examiners present were a little surprised, and they did not expect that the hunter test still had such a strange law.


Menqi seemed to have found a blind spot at this time, turned sideways and approached the bean-faced man and asked in a low voice: “Hey, how old is the president!” ”

The bean-faced man was stunned, but there was nothing to hide about this kind of thing, so he replied in a low voice: “Twenty years ago, the president was nearly a hundred years old. ”

“That’s at least one hundred and twenty years old…” Hearing the bean-faced man’s answer, Menqi turned to look at Nitro in front of everyone.

She originally wanted to ask for the secret of longevity, but after seeing the folds on Nitro’s face, she silently took it back, living for a long time, and she couldn’t stay young forever.

“Speaking of which, what exactly is the final test of the guild president?” Satz asked softly.

“Ah yes, President, we don’t know the content of the last test yet!” Bhar also looked at Nitro.

“At the end of the day, how many rookies can pass the hunter test in the end depends on the last one!” Menqi spoke.

“What a test of the last time!” A smile appeared on Nitro’s lips, “I’m going to have a different fight, but…”

“Before the last test, I’m going to talk to all nine of them! Especially… That kid! Nitro said, as if thinking of something interesting, and the corners of his mouth showed a hint of playfulness.

Several people looked at Nitro’s ‘unfathomable’ smile, and the corners of their mouths twitched one by one.

This old man… What a bad idea that comes to mind again!

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