“So tired!”

In the camp, Lorraine’s whole person fell directly to the ground, looking very tired.

His previous perception was not wrong, although the system showed that the potential qi volume was 100, which is theoretically able to maintain 100 seconds of practice.

But in fact, Lorraine only lasted less than ten seconds before stopping.

“Ten seconds, not bad.” Bisiji nodded, and at the same time silently sighed with relief in his heart.

She finally saw this kid in a place that was slightly similar to ordinary people.

The initial amount of mental qi, as well as the physical and mental discomfort of thinking qi, are not much different from ordinary people.

“Rest for two minutes, then get up and continue your practice.” Bisiji said directly.

“Two minutes of rest?” Rowling was stunned.

He’s tired like this now, two minutes… Alas? Lorraine looked at her palm in disbelief.

His physical strength… Recovery is so fast.

“Don’t be surprised, it’s not that your physical strength recovers quickly, but that you don’t consume much physical energy.” Bisiji said directly.

“For those who have just opened their minds, whether it is physically or mentally, there is no adaptation to the existence of mental qi, and the amount of mental energy that can be manipulated and used is only a small part of the body’s life energy.”

“So, you feel that your mind qi has run out, but in fact, there are still a lot of thought qi hidden in your body, but you need to slow down your body before you can re-transform into a mind qi that can be manipulated.”

“This period is also the high-speed growth period of the person who thinks about it, and a simple training can make the ability to grow rapidly, and after thoroughly digging out this part of the hidden mental qi, the high-speed growth period of the person with the ability to read will also pass.”

“To tell you a benefit, practicing is the fastest way to fill the body with life energy.”

Bisiji explained here, Lorraine already felt that his physical strength, no, should be that his mental energy had been completely restored, even… And much more.

Lorraine’s mind moved slightly, and he called out his system panel.

[Hundred Level Becoming God System].

[Name: Lorraine].

[Level: 1 (487/1000)].

【Vitality: 1】

【Mental power: 1】

[Reading ability: 11/110].

[World: Full-time hunter].

Lorraine watched the growth of the ability column on the system panel.

Sure enough, it was not his illusion, just now in a practice, his ability to read has indeed become stronger, and…

Lorraine looked at the little experience that increased again after the rank, and was pleasantly surprised in her heart.

When he had just finished the ‘exhaustion’ of training, he wondered if his experience would increase.

But Bisiji’s explanation later made him feel cold, after all, he didn’t really reach the limit, and he really didn’t necessarily gain experience.

But now it seems that he had good luck.

But it’s normal to think about it.

After all, he gained experience, which was never obtained by exercising physically to the limit.

His current strength and physical strength are much stronger than at the beginning because of his life energy, but it’s different that he can gain experience by running about ten kilometers!

“Okay, it’s time, get up and continue training!” Bisiji reminded.

“Here it comes!” Lorraine quickly got up and directly began to practice.

Not only can it enhance the ability to think, but also in the process of cultivation, the speed of combining life energy with the body is fast, and the most important thing is that you can also gain experience, and the efficiency of gaining experience is ridiculous.

Kill three birds with one stone.

For Lorraine, the practice of practice is simply not too perfect.

A dozen seconds later.

Lorraine once again lay on the ground, panting heavily.

“Very good, five seconds higher than just now, the progress is good.” Bisiji nodded and praised.

“I, it seems, have mastered a little, a little know-how.” Lorraine gasped and said intermittently.

“Tricks?” Bisiji was slightly stunned, but then thought of something, and a trace of surprise flashed in his heart.

Two minutes later.

Lorraine once again regained his full spirit, and this time without Bisiji’s urging, he directly got up and started the practice.

And this time.

Ten seconds… Twenty seconds… Thirty seconds….

A full minute passed before Lorraine ran out of breath again and lay down on the ground.

“Sure enough…”


Lorraine gasped, but still couldn’t help but laugh.

One minute’s time.

Although it is still far from the theoretical standard of consuming a little mental qi in one second, it is already a qualitative leap.

The main thing is that Lorraine has mastered the knack for manipulating Nian Qi, which has been greatly reduced by the thought Qi wasted for no reason.

On the side, Bisiji twitched the corners of his mouth as he watched.

She originally said that in the practice of practice, this guy behaved no different from ordinary people, but now…

It was she who was sloppy!

After just two cultivations, I found the feeling of manipulating Nian Qi, and when my body completely got used to Nian Qi, wouldn’t that mean that the other party was already a qualified Nian Qi person in the details of the manipulation of Nian ability.

Bisiji looked at Lorraine lying on the ground and sighed in his heart.

Although when he saw that he could manipulate Nian Qi to easily complete advanced application skills, he guessed that he was very talented in Nian Qi manipulation, but this talent was somewhat too strong.

Bisiji thought of all the things he had started from teaching Lorraine, and his heart couldn’t help but sour.

“Although teaching geniuses is very fulfilling, teaching demons is completely gone!”

But at this time, Lorraine was not at all happy as Bisiji imagined.

Because he found himself as if he was a little sloppy.

“One practice, a little experience… Originally, a practice could be completed in ten seconds, but now it takes one minute to complete a practice, and as the mental qi grows, the time required is getting longer and longer… I…”

Lorraine now can’t wait to give herself two slaps.

What was he doing so quickly to find the feeling of manipulating his thoughts? Can’t you be stupid and brush up on more experience first?

Moreover, Lorraine also discovered something that I don’t know if it is good or bad.

That is the increase in his mental qi, which seems to be a little terrifying.

[Hundred Level Becoming God System].

[Name: Lorraine].

[Level: 1 (489/1000)


【Vitality: 1】

【Mental power: 1】

[Reading ability: 13/133].

[World: Full-time hunter].

133 points of thought, three times of practice, Lorraine only increased 33 points of thought, it seems that the increase is not much.


Lorraine’s powerful computing power obtained because of a little spiritual power made him discover an outrageous thing.

133, exactly 100×1.1 cubic!

In other words, every time he practiced, he would increase his potential thoughts by ten percent of his total thoughts.

If his system panel can display the decimal point at the back, giving 133 an extra 0.1 behind it, it’s completely solid.

Of course, even if there is no decimal point, as long as he is doing a practice, if the potential amount of thought becomes 146 or more, then it can be hammered.

Three minutes later.

Lorraine, who rested for two minutes and insisted for a minute, lay on the ground again, watching the column of Nian Ability (14/146) fall silent.

This matter is good, he is a good thing, after all, the growth of Nian ability, is the increase of strength, for him, it is naturally a good thing.

But bad thing….

The amount of experience he was able to brush seemed to be much less than he thought.

This is why he saw the hope of upgrading early, and he was not too inexperienced, otherwise, he might be disappointed now!

“So, is this the high-speed growth period of the person with the ability to read what Bisiji said? Each practice can increase the potential amount of thought by ten percent, it is indeed a period of rapid growth, but I don’t know how long it can last. Lorraine sighed slightly in her heart and calmed her mood.

(Bisiji: I didn’t!) Don’t talk nonsense! Says who! )

(She just said that newcomers have a high-speed normal period, but she didn’t say that the high-speed normal period is so outrageous!) )

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