
Nitro worked hard and picked up the phone casually.

“Stinky old man, my mission is accomplished.” Bisiji’s unceremonious voice came over the phone.

“Oh… Roar! Has that kid already graduated! Nitro suddenly stopped what he was doing and laughed.

“Hmm! Perfect graduation! Bisiji hummed and said, “By next year at the latest, that kid will be able to let your old man know that it’s called a surprise.” ”

Even if it was just a voice, Nitro could hear the confidence in Bisiji’s voice.

Will it grow up next year?

There was a look of surprise in Nitro’s eyes.

Although I am looking forward to it, but a year… Isn’t it faster.

“Old man, you don’t think the year is a little fast, do you!” Bisiji suddenly changed his tone and said.

“Yes, a little.” Nitro did not hide it, and said directly with a smile.

“Hmph, one year is just right, if you wait one more year, I’m afraid that the old man will completely lose the ability to fight back, and then there will be no good show.” Bisiji said proudly.

“In short, old man, you just wait!”

Bisiji hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Looking at the hang-up phone, Nitro looked a little strange.

It is not enough to fight him in one year, and in another year, his old man will not even be qualified to fight the other party.

Isn’t that a little outrageous.

But Nitro still knows Bisiji very well, which one can’t lie… Someone who doesn’t lie about this kind of thing.

Nitro was silent for a moment.

“Oh roar! The world is really big! ”

Nitro laughed.

Seriously, even Nitro couldn’t help but hesitate just now.

Let that terrifying imp grow… Is it really good?

However, this thought was fleeting, and it was directly cut off by Nitro, holding his beard, and under the seemingly calm smile, there was a gradually rising fighting spirit.

It was as if he was dozens of years younger out of thin air, back to the period when his fighting spirit was at its highest.

“In that case, I can’t wait for that old man!”


Lorraine grabbed two pheasants and returned from the forest in a hurry.

Since Bisji said the reason why this chicken became a protected animal, Lorraine has never felt the slightest guilt for eating a protected animal from his neighboring country.

He even took turns with Bisiji to find a reason to catch two beating tooth sacrifices.

Two people go every three or five times, and they can basically eat once in two or three days.

I have to say that it is worthy of being a pheasant that can become a protected animal with its deliciousness, and the two are completely tired of eating.

“Bisiji! Bisiji? ”

After shouting a few times without responding, Lorraine looked at the quiet camp and was stunned.


Lorraine’s mind moved, and his thoughts expanded rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, the camp area was completely covered in a hundred meters.

Really… The camp is already empty!

“Gone?” Rowling was stunned.

Although when Bisiji announced his graduation, he knew that the time had come for the two to separate, but…

He never expected that Bisiji would say goodbye.

“That old woman, since I said to say it when I graduated, it means that the secret is not important to me. Don’t do what to do. Lorraine complained a few times, but she couldn’t help but feel a warmth in her heart.

Lorraine looked at the two pheasants in his hand, let go casually, and watched the other return to the forest.

Since Bisiji was gone, he himself had nothing to celebrate.

“Hmph, the next time we meet, don’t invite me to a good meal, this matter is not over.” Lorraine snorted and walked out of the forest.

Half an hour later.

Lorraine regretted it.

He shouldn’t have let those two chickens go.

Five million rings!

Although Lorraine doesn’t know why a chicken that can be caught casually in the wild forest is worth so much, a chicken is worth five million rings!

Lorraine looked at her pocket, which was now cleaner than her face.

After a month of survival practice in the wild, he almost forgot which hunter candidates he had already spent his money from.

“Next, you have to make a sum of money first, as for the way to make money…” Lorraine couldn’t help but have a toothache.

Well, his shameful heart moved.

Walking out of a high-end restaurant, Lorraine had an extra box in her hand.


Lorraine never imagined that his first job after becoming an official hunter was really hunting.

“Let’s find a way to create an identity first, and open a bank account first!” Lorraine suddenly felt a headache, no bank account, and it was troublesome to collect money.


Where is he going to get a fake identity!

As a good young man who has been abiding by the law for more than twenty years, Lorraine only feels that finding a place to get a fake certificate is more troublesome than fighting with Bisiji again.

Even if Lorraine has the URL of a hunter-only website that claims to be able to buy all the information, but… As a black account that didn’t even have a bank account, he couldn’t go up and buy intelligence.

“Thanks for the hunter license!”

Lorraine walked out of the bank, and her mood suddenly became much brighter.

Originally, he just gave it a try, but he didn’t expect that the hunter license was really so easy to use, even if he didn’t have to show his identity, he could open a temporary bank account.

After depositing the money in the bank, Lorraine went directly to an Internet café and logged on to the hunter-only website, Hunter Bar!

“There is a fake certificate directly, no, it is a store that handles the real certificate!” Lorrington was pleasantly surprised.

Although an identity of five million rings is slightly more expensive, a genuine identity that can withstand any open investigation is also worth it.

After all, think about it from another angle, isn’t this just chicken money!

After setting the delivery address of the ID card worth a chicken money, Lorraine exited the Hunter Bar directly.

As if returning from the virtual world, Lorraine sighed directly.

Intelligence is good intelligence, but that’s the price… How can people have a toothache for a while!

Lorraine took out his mobile phone, found the APP to buy airship tickets, and directly ordered an airship ticket to the Sky Arena in the city.

Originally, Lorraine actually did not plan to go to the Sky Arena and make it lively.

But Lorraine found that if he wanted to live well in this world, strength alone was not enough, he still had to make some money.

And with Lorraine’s understanding of this world, the only place where you can make money quickly and safely is the Sky Arena.

Slow is ten days, fast is six or seven days, you can earn 400 million rings, even a little faceless, you can brush twice, earn 800 million rings.

After earning this money, as long as there is no big expense in a short period of time, Lorraine does not have to worry about making money.

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