For what happened within the Hunter Guild, Lorraine could not have imagined it at all.

Whether it’s Nitro’s simply lying flat and loving posture.

Or some messy troublemaker.

These situations are simply not imaginable.

At this time, Lorraine was holding a map he had just bought, ready to cross the wilderness and go to another new city to carry out his plan.


It was that tentative plan.

“If this way through the wild is calm and no one stops you, and then you go to the new city and log on to the hunter website, and there are no other abnormalities after the job is completed, you can officially announce a false alarm.”

Lorraine looked at her plan with satisfaction.

Although simple and straightforward, Rowraine knew that he was not the one to make detailed plans himself.

And as the saying goes, the more scheming people are, the easier it is to fall into unexpected predicament, so I don’t be human… Ahem, so it’s better to simply order it directly.

If the result is not tested, then it is regarded as if it did not happen, anyway, I have made several notes to the old man of Nitro, and I am not afraid to write a large amount more.

If the results are probing, then… He simply carried the bucket and ran.

Although a little prodded.

But Lorraine was self-aware.

It is still possible for him to fight against some small organizations with the power of one person, but he wants to fight the Hunter 320 Association with the power of one person, and even against the country, country, and even V5 here.

That was not something he could do at all as a two-level little Mengxin, and it was almost the same when he was promoted to seventeen or eight levels.

Lorraine picked and chose from the map and found a direction that had a city and a large area in the middle was green.

“Popoa Forest? What a strange name, but in this direction! Although the road is a little farther, it is all mountains and forests, and the living conditions are a little stronger than the wilderness in other directions. ”

For Lorraine’s current strength, there is basically no danger in the wild mountain forest, and compared to the resource-poor wilderness, it is naturally more convenient for the mountain forest.

“Sure enough, strength is cool…”

In the forest, Lorraine roasted the game he had just caught in his hand, and listened to the crackling sound of oil dripping into the flames, and Lorraine felt good in his heart.

Before crossing, he also watched a lot of videos of survival in the wild, and he also had a little understanding of the difficulty of survival in the wild for ordinary people.

But what about him?

Although I learned a little about survival in the wild from Bisiji, it is impossible to say how much I know it.

Even worse than some survival enthusiasts in the wild, but with strength, that living is called a moisture.

“It’s a pity that it’s still a little busy, if the ability of the kunai is completely completed, it should be comfortable now.”

(AEEC) Lorraine suddenly sighed, and silently added another stroke to a certain old man in her heart.

After lunch, Lorraine took out a tool similar to the compass of this world to discern the direction down.

Last time because of climbing and getting lost, he didn’t dare to go deep into the forest, this time he was ready to cross the forest, and Lorraine naturally prepared tools in advance.

Lorraine walked through the forest.

For ordinary people, the mountain road that is difficult to walk is like walking for Lorraine.

The ravines that needed to be detoured were all it took for him to jump over.

In the midst of the wind, Lorraine once again felt the pleasure of belonging to someone with extraordinary strength.

Can’t stop at all!


Lorraine chuckled and stopped.

“Human footprints?”

Lorraine looked at the ground not far from the jungle ahead.

Although it is very subtle, it benefits from the keen five senses brought about by Lorraine’s two points of vitality, plus the perception of strong spiritual power.

Lorraine was able to grasp almost accurately, without overseeing every tiny detail that appeared in sight.

“The footprint is still very new, this location, is there still human activity?” Lorraine was slightly curious, but did not care too much.

After all, although the footprints are very new, they are already traces of two days ago.

Two days ago, he hadn’t even done the recitation!

After determining that there was no possible siege, Lorraine prepared to continue on his way.

As a result, just a short way forward, Lorraine saw far more obvious traces than before.

It was as if a group of people who were originally lurkers suddenly jumped out, not caring if they would leave a trace and move forward quickly.

Moreover, in addition to the traces of humans, there are some traces left by beasts at first glance.

Combine with each other.

“Is it a poacher?” Lorraine thought thoughtfully.

What he bought was just an ordinary map, but he didn’t record any rare beasts in this deep forest.

But it should be no worse.

Because there are a large number of Warcraft and rare beasts in this world, there are still quite a lot of poachers.

There is even some ability to poach, after all, Warcraft Beasts are really valuable.

Other than that, the source of Lorraine’s own first pot of gold also came from selling rare beasts.

If it weren’t for the fact that hunting wasn’t banned in his area, or if the chicken was a protected animal next door, Lorraine’s behavior would have been poaching.

Lorraine observed the direction of the trace.

“It’s a little off from my direction, but it’s not too much, it’s not too delayed.” Lorraine thought for a moment.

“Then take a run!!”

For poachers, two days should still be in this forest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It just so happens that catching this group of poachers out to call the police, and it just so happens that there is no need to take a job specifically to promote a wave of their own existence.

Thinking of this, Lorraine also chased along the trace.

Although the obvious traces of activity quickly disappeared, with his keen observation, Lorraine could still clearly find many traces.

Coupled with the speed of Lorraine moving through the forest extremely fast, gradually, the time left by the traces found by Lorraine is getting shorter and shorter.

Soon, Lorraine saw the traces left half a day ago.

The short time left behind shows that this team of poachers is not far away.

However, when Lorraine found the poachers’ camp, the situation of this poacher team was indeed somewhat unexpected.

One by one, they were stunned and thrown into the grass.


“Was this caught in advance?” Lorraine was stunned and a little speechless.

Good guys, is the fight against crime all so volatile now?

“Why didn’t you see anyone else? Don’t even see poached animals? ”

Lorraine frowned, scanned the circle, and soon saw a slight trace not far away extending deeper into the jungle.

“Good fellow, this is a master!”

Lorraine couldn’t help but be surprised when she looked at the slight trace.

Judging from the scene, the person who left the trace was very anxious, obviously fleeing quickly, but even so, the traces left were very slight, and what was even more amazing was that Lorraine only found traces of one person.

But what does one person run away from, so there must be another person.

It’s just that the man left no trace at all, no, it also remained, and the rope that tied the poacher over there should have been tied by the man.

Lorraine suddenly became curious and hurried over.

Because the traces were left ten minutes ago, Lorraine chased after him and quickly pursued them.

A strong man who was more than two meters tall and more than two meters wide appeared in front of Lorraine.

“She is… Who is who is that? Lorraine recognized the other at a glance.

This is a contestant who appeared in the original plot, one of the twelve earth branches.

As for the specific name, Lorraine can’t remember, look at the costume, a fluffy wool, it should be a sheep.


Isn’t it a little too coincidental to suddenly meet a twelve-earth branch.

Lorraine frowned slightly.

But thinking that I also caught up with it temporarily, I didn’t think much about it.

Người mua: nampro, 04/04/2023 18:24

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