Chapter 99: Borrowed Knife x Whose Knife.


Siso looked at the hang-up phone with a slight smile on his face, without the slightest surprise.

As Lorraine thought, even without this partnership, when the time comes, Siso will not hesitate to make a so-called cooperation.

It’s just a guarantee.

A Lorraine will not strike at him and leave Kulolo to his guarantee.

Only Siso, who had fought Lorraine, understood what Lorraine had become.

And at present, Lorraine’s attitude should not be against him, as for Kulolo…

“I hope Kulolo doesn’t fall directly into his hands! Otherwise, it will be wasted!? ”

Siso whispered to himself and played with the phone in his hand.

I saw a mass of thought qi constantly deforming in Siso’s hands, and changing its nature.

I didn’t see any movement from Siso, the mobile phone in his hand was ejected into the air, the thought qi was converted, the sticky thought stuck the mobile phone back, and then it flew out again, and so on.

Siso looked at the plasticine-like aura in the palm of his hand, his narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and a touch of essence flashed.

“This level, far from it!?”

Thinking of the still world that glimpsed in the ring before, Siso’s gaze became fiery.

Hung up the phone.

Lorraine saw the mobile phone in her hand, and her eyes showed thought.

“The Phantom Brigade is eyeing me?”

Lorraine thought thoughtfully, the post on the official website of the Hunter Association only said that Lorraine may have obtained the treasure, but what the specific treasure was, but did not clearly say.

A treasure that does not know the root, or even whether it exists or not, even if it may be related to the Dark Continent.

Will it really make Kulolo think of this snatch?

In particular, it is the warrior who can be on the official website of the hunter, not Kulolo himself. So…

“He was able to determine, and even know, what exactly the treasure I got was.”

Lorraine had some guesses in her mind.

If he knew that he got the uninhabited stone, and also knew what the unmanned stone was for, it would be more reasonable for Kulolo to target him.

After all, for Kulolo, the resource of unmanned stones is even more useful than a lot of money.

A bead-sized uninhabited stone can generate 20,000 degrees of electricity a day in water, and with the size of the two unmanned stones in his hand, I am afraid that the daily power generation can be up and down one million degrees.

This power generation is actually not very high, some small and medium-sized power plants can have this efficiency in three or four hours.

For some large-scale power plants, the two unmanned stones of Lorraine cannot catch up with the power generation of people in a year.

But this is for the big countries.

For Meteor Street, where Kulolo and they came from, the treasure of the uninhabited stone is really very precious.

As a world-recognized, no-man’s land, in addition to garbage, Meteor Street is difficult to obtain materials from the outside world on a large scale.

For buildings such as power stations, which require a steady stream of resources to produce, the operating costs in Meteor Street are absolutely outrageously high compared to the outside world.

What’s more, the outside world does not know how many unmanned stones he has obtained, and if he has a little expectation, he thinks that Lorraine has obtained a lot of unmanned stones.

That might be able to build a power system that would supply the entire Meteor Street.

In this case.

Kulolo or….meteor street would have his sights on him, and that would be reasonable.

That’s right.

Although Siso said that Kulolo had targeted him, Lorraine believed that it should be Meteor Street that really targeted him.

As for Kulolo, or the Phantom Brigade, I’m afraid it’s just a black glove on Meteor Street.

Of course……..

This black glove does not mean that the Phantom Brigade is a subordinate of Meteor Street, and the relationship between the two should be more similar to the kind of equal cooperation.

The specific situation, Lorraine can not draw conclusions.


“Is this the newly borrowed knife?”

Lorraine grinned.

The person who revealed his information was Pariston, which should be correct.

According to his chat with Jin, the news of the ruins and the news of the uninhabited stone were leaked, and the source was all on Yinda’s side.

After all, for Yinda, the twelve branches of the hunter association, the discovery of the relevant relics of the Dark Continent that was explicitly forbidden naturally had to be reported.

Even the unmanned stone in the other party’s hand seems to have been handed over and exchanged for other things.

However, even so, only a very small number of people can have the ability to know the news.

The high-level of the Hunter Association, and some of the high-level people in the Ferry Hall knew that there were high-level people in the Dark Continent.

Only this part of the people can accurately know the information.

And Meteor Street… is obviously not capable of planting people in such places, or touching these people.

Therefore, who else could sell his intelligence in such a short period of time except that Pariston.

Phantom Brigade…….Winning the merits of this A-level criminal gang should be enough to upgrade to become a one-star professional hunter! And if he upgrades to one star, he will have a very valid reason to go to the Hunter Association.

It’s just that…

“However, I don’t know who this knife will be in the end!”

Lorraine chuckled. Boat.

“Meteor Street?”

“Okay, I see!”

At the headquarters of the Hunters Association, the vice president’s office, Paris Stone hung up the phone.

After he hung up the phone, it disappeared out of thin air, and it was clear that the phone call was some kind of creation of the ability to read. At this time, the hollow smile on Pariston’s face became brighter.

“I didn’t expect the intelligence to be bought by Meteor Street? But yes, resource-based treasures such as unmanned stones are far more precious to places like Meteor Street than to others. ”

“And the forces of Meteor Street are also very good, and the finger group really found me a good buyer according to my requirements!”

Paris looked to his right with a smile, and that direction was the office of the president of the Hunter Association, which was where Nitro was.

“I really want to… See President Nitro early on your reaction! ”

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