Chapter 104: Anti-Sneak Attack X-Battle!!!。


Lorraine looked at Feitan behind her in disbelief.

And Feitan laughed compassionately twice, the blade in his hand rotated slightly, and the lung wound he stabbed was expanded, feeling the feeling of blood and flesh being torn, and the smile at the corner of Feitan’s mouth gradually became bloodthirsty.

If it weren’t for Kulolo’s deliberate order to stay alive before, he would have directly swung the blade sideways and cut off the Lorraine in front of him.

Feitan suddenly drew his sword, took a few steps back, and sneered: “The record of almost killing Siso… Sure enough, Sisso just looked bluffing. ”

However, in the next second, the experience of perennial slaughter made him notice that something was wrong in an instant, his eyes suddenly froze, and the whole person retreated without hesitation.

Looking at the Lorraine in front of him who was stabbed through him, he looked at the smooth sword body in his hand.

“No blood?”

Feitan looked wary.

“I also always felt that the absence of blood was a big flaw, but it was always a little strange to watch myself rush blood, so I didn’t add it”

Lorraine’s voice sounded behind Feitan.

“Not good!”

Feitan’s pupils shrank suddenly, and without hesitation, he squeezed out a huge amount of thought qi from his body, tightly wrapping his whole body. Solid!

At this moment, Feitan did his best to protect his body.

In the next instant, the attack that struck almost simultaneously with the sound fell directly on Feitan, and the terrifying power vented out from that palm. Feitan’s strength did not even last for a second, and it was torn apart by the thought qi carried on this palm, and the terrifying power fell directly on Feitan.


Feitan instantly blasted out like a cannonball, galloping towards the bloody battlefield in the distance.


In the distance, Wo Jin and Nobunaga, who had just slaughtered the group of soldiers, had not reacted at this time, and their faces changed after seeing that it was Feitan who was bombarded.

Wo Jin stepped forward directly and blocked Feitan.

Obviously, as a strengthened system, the idea of being able to block the bullet unscathed was extremely gentle at the moment, and his feet retreated one after another, almost removing the impact force on Feitan’s body.

In the distance, Lorraine’s eyes lit up directly when he looked at this scene.

To be honest, the change in the mental qi of Wo Jin’s hand shocked Lorraine, who would have thought that such a stupid big man’s mental qi could be soft like this.

“Feitan is okay!”

Nobunaga was not without movement at this time, holding a long knife directly in front of Wo Jin and Feitan, vigilant Lorraine while asking in a low voice.

“The injuries were very bad, the bones in my back were all shattered, and my internal organs were also broken a lot.”

At this time, Wo Jin did not have the mania before, but instead calmly and frighteningly with a calm face.

“Nobunaga, the strength of the enemy is strong!”

Wokin put Feitan down carefully and shouted at Nobunaga in a deep voice.

“Ah! It’s obvious…”

Nobunaga replied in a low voice, his face was also calm to the extreme, and his thoughts gushed out, and then tightly wrapped around his knife.

And at this time.

The figures of Kulolo and Parkonoda suddenly appeared, and then the two saw the tragic scene in front of them. Of course.

For the two, the tragedy was not those stumped limbs and broken arms, but Feitan lying on the ground, looking like a serious injury.

“What’s going on?”

Parker’s face changed suddenly.

Not to mention Parkernotan, even Kulolo was full of shock at this time.

He just delayed with Parkonada on the airship, and as soon as he came, Feitan fell seriously injured.

“Feitan is careless!”

At this time, Wo Jin lowered his voice: “That person’s ability to read can create a fake body with fake realities, Feitan didn’t pay attention, and was attacked by the other party behind him.” ”

Wokin said what he saw, and although Wokin’s words were very calm, at this time, the bloodshot blood in his eyes fully showed his anger.

“Fake avatar, that stand-in ability?”

Kulolo thought of where Siso had received the information.

“Can you deceive Feitan’s fake avatar, is it a person with the ability to manifest? There is also the strength to seriously damage Feitan with one hit…”

Kulolo’s heart quickly analyzed Lorraine’s ability, and Luo slightly regretted that he did not get the video of Xisu’s battle for a more detailed analysis.

However, in his mouth, Kulolo quickly gave the order: “Pike, send Feitan back, and use the ability of a warrior to stabilize Feitan’s injury.” ”


Parkonada answered the call and was about to step forward and move Feitan.

“First of all, let Pike leave, the strength of the enemy is far above the estimate, first ensure Pike’s safety.”

Kulolo said secretly in his heart. However…

“Since you’re here, don’t you leave so soon? Lest others say that I am not well entertained! ”

Lorraine chuckled, and a thought bullet condensed out of her hand, instantly shooting towards Parkonda.

However, halfway to Nobunaga, he directly blocked the Nian Bullet, and the blade in his hand directly passed through the middle of the Nian Bullet.

The Nian bomb was directly split in two, and the Nian bomb that was divided into two halves passed directly from both sides of Nobunaga and slammed into the outer wall of the airship and the wall on the other side.

With a violent explosion, two large holes directly appeared on the outer wall of the airship and on the wall.

“What a powerful power!”

Nobunaga’s face changed slightly, and the long knife in his hand trembled slightly. Behind Nobunaga, he saw this scene of Kulolo’s pupils shrinking.

“The Nian bullet that is split in half has this power, is it a release system? The fake body before that was not a manifest creation, but a beast Kulolo kept thinking about Lorraine’s ability in his heart, and at the same time, he continued to give orders in his mouth. ”

“Wokin, Nobunaga, let’s go up together, transfer the battlefield, can’t let Pike and Feitan be in his range, Pike, wait until we leave, then transfer Feitan.”


Nobunaga and Wokin responded at the same time.

And with the answer of the two, the three rushed towards Lorraine at the same time.

Wokin was in the front, Nobunaga was a little slower on the side of Wokin, and Kulolo was directly behind the two, blocked by the two.

“It seems that there is no chance to leave Feitan on the airship, but unfortunately, the shot just now was a little heavier, and an excellent exit opportunity is gone”

Lorraine’s eyes narrowed slightly, and while secretly regretting in his heart, he looked at Wojin Nobunaga and Kulolo who rushed over, but they were thinking about what strength to use to fight later.

He didn’t intend to use his full strength.

After all… If you go all out, but will… Scare off these guys!

Lorraine grinned, and instantly fought with the three who rushed over.

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