Lin Ge walked out of the hotel and saw a large two-story swimming pool next to the shopping mall across the street.

Lin Ge checked the identity props "equipped" for this reincarnation in the hotel room yesterday. Similar to "Zombie" and "Hong Kong Chronicle", the travel bag only contained two sets of changes of clothes and identification.

The difference is that in "Zombie" it is a lease, while in "Hong Kong Strange Records" it is the executive work permit of Kowloon 02 Live Broadcasting Company.

When it comes to "The First Commandment", there is only a "Hong Kong Island Resident Identity Card", not even a "Hong Kong Island Permanent Resident Identity Card".

There is no "identity" arranged, which seems to be very free, but in fact, in this world where people and ghosts cannot be distinguished, it is very dangerous.

Lin Ge walked to the side of the road and stopped a taxi. The driver asked him where he was going. He took out a five-hundred-dollar bill and said, "Master, do you know the way to get the certificate on Yaliu Street?"

The driver was stunned for a moment, then showed an "I understand" expression and said: "If you go to Apliu Street, it will kill you. A set meal will cost more than 3,000 yuan. Hey, I know a way, full set, fidelity, Some certificates can even be checked online, and you can get them for up to two thousand. No charge if you are not satisfied.”

"Okay. Let's go and take a look. If it's true as you said, I still have a few friends who will introduce them to you later and let you take a commission based on this price." Lin Ge handed over the money.

The driver took the money and said with a smile on his face: "No problem."

The car started and we came to a block of old houses. The shops on both sides of the street were covered with all kinds of old signs. There were so many people on the road that it was difficult for vehicles to pass. We stopped and walked. It was almost noon when we got a taxi. The shop the master mentioned.

The sign of the store is Locksmith, and the owner is a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard, holding a cigarette and scrolling through his mobile phone.

The driver led Lin Ge in, and the boss asked without raising his head: "Make a key or unlock it?"

"Old Zhang."

The boss raised his eyes and saw the driver: "Hey, Brother Li, what brought you here today? Do you have business to take care of your brother?"

"Isn't it?" The driver introduced Lin Ge to the boss.

The boss was happy when he heard this, stood up and walked to the door, pulling down the rolling shutter door.

Lin Ge saw the other party's actions and calmly stepped back to an old machine. He put his hands behind his back and prepared to take out the pistol with a silencer.

"Brother, whatever certificate you need, I can apply for any certificate. Just be sure, you can check it online. But not for famous schools."

As the boss said this, he took out a box of certificates from the cabinet next to him and asked Lin Ge to choose. Then he was not in a hurry, picked up a water glass and drank water, and let Lin Ge choose slowly.

Lin Ge looked through the certificates in the box and found that they were all genuine. He was not in a hurry. He took out a cigarette and gave one to each of the boss and the driver. They used the certificates as a topic to build relationships and chat.

The three of them chatted enthusiastically, and the boss patted his chest and promised that even if Lin Ge didn't order a complete set and only ordered a single item, he would give him a 20% discount.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot characters "Zhang Kaisuo" and "Li Biaoche" increases. 】

"Brother, if you want any certificate, just ask." The boss admired the young man in front of him and finished speaking boldly, then picked up the water glass and took a sip of tea.

Lin Ge said: "I need a ticket for this area."


The boss squirted out a mouthful of water and looked at Lin Ge in disbelief: "Brother Lin, if I didn't like you, I would have thought you were here to fish and enforce the law."

The driver was also confused. On the way, he tried to find out what kind of certificate Lin Ge needed, but the other person told him that he only needed a general certificate. Who knew that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would be "King Zha".

Because of his good impression of Lin Ge, the driver also spoke up: "That's not true. I found out everything on the way and even saw his ID card. He's from outside and just got his residence permit."

The boss said tentatively: "Brother, everyone is just trying to make ends meet. There is really no need for fishing and law enforcement. Besides, there are people above me, so you are trying to trick me."

Lin Ge took out 5,000 yuan: "You don't need to make it look fake, you just need to wave it in front of people so that ordinary people can't tell the truth from the fake at a glance."

"Then..." Seeing the five thousand yuan, the boss was really moved.

In the end, Lin Ge added another 2,000 yuan, and after receiving another reminder that his favorability increased, the boss agreed to apply for the certificate.

Lin Ge wore a simple disguise and wore ordinary clothes, so he didn't look like he was rich.

Although it might reduce the "evil ghost's" interest, he still remained wary and kept a "safe distance" from his boss and driver throughout the process.

After a series of photos and productions, in less than an hour, a certificate with Lin Ge's photo appeared in his hand.

Don't tell me, it's really "pretty real".

After taking the certificate, Lin Ge took the boss's business card and asked the driver to take him back to the hotel. After a series of conversations on the way, Lin Ge directly increased the driver's favorability score.

When he got off the bus, the driver gave Lin Ge a business card and told him to call him directly if he needed a car.

Looking at the taxi driving away, Lin Ge guessed that the driver and the boss were both "human beings" according to previous tips on increasing favorability through charm.

At least the targets of the current prompts are all "people". Lin Ge has helped many ghosts, but there has never been a prompt for favorability.

"I wonder if we can use this standard to distinguish between 'ghosts' and 'humans' in this world." After thinking about it, Lin Ge walked to the swimming pool across the street.

Because someone had drowned, there were not as many guests in the swimming pool as before. As soon as he entered the door, someone immediately came to greet him.

After a few simple exchanges, Lin Ge showed the newly received certificate to the staff and said, "A little girl drowned here some time ago, right?"

When the female employee heard this, she suddenly became a little nervous: "Yes, yes. No, isn't the case closed? It was just an accident."

"Don't be nervous. Contact me from the community. There are still some procedures for the little girl's funeral. But her mother seems to have changed her mobile phone. Let me help verify whether the registration was wrong or whether it was really changed." Lin Ge said.

"Oh, oh. Okay, okay! I'll check it for you right now." After the female employee said that, she immediately went to check Lin Ge's phone number.

Lin Ge took the phone and left. After going out, he contacted the little girl's mother and went to the little girl's home.

Although it had only been a month, the family was still immersed in grief. After hearing Lin Ge's intention, the little girl's mother burst into tears.

After coming out of the little girl's home, Lin Ge took a taxi to Century City Paradise.

Lin Ge looked at the time and saw that just after six o'clock, he went to the botanical garden for a walk. When he came out, he bought two children's meals and took a ride on the Ferris wheel.

Around seven o'clock, it was getting dark.

Lin Ge placed the children's meal on the chair opposite, then took out the chocolate and placed it next to the burger. He also took out three incense sticks, lit them, and inserted them on the burger.

"I promised yesterday that I would let you play until the park closes. You can play for four hours today."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, he saw a black smoke coming from the chocolate and wrapping around the incense and children's meal.

"Hee hee hee--"


"Play with me."

The biting cold hit again, and Lin Ge felt as if his whole body was frozen, as if he was in an ice cellar at more than ten degrees below zero.

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