Chapter 301 Mr. Madara, Mr. Black Zetsu, all of this is within my plan!


Hei Jue’s face looked a little flustered. His body involuntarily took a step back and said cautiously:”I chose to deceive you just because you are the most powerful person. Strong ninja, only you have the ability to resurrect the Ten-Tails, and only you can save the ninja world…”

“I just took advantage of your desire to bring peace to the ninja world.…”

“What I said is real…”

“Everything I said is true now!”

Black Zetsu can clearly feel Uchiha Madara’s murderous intention!

Black Zetsu knows very well that Uchiha Madara possesses the Samsara Eye and may not be able to seal the powerful Ninja, but it can definitely seal this weak Yin-Yang creation!


Uchiha Madara sneered

“Does the liar have any other reasons?”

Now Uchiha Madara is eager to kill Black Zetsu who deceived him!

“Mr. Madara, why can’t you just listen to it finish telling those stories?”

Akihara Kagura’s voice came out from Namikaze Minato’s mouth again, seeming to persuade Uchiha Madara:”Although Mr. Black Zetsu wants to avoid being thought that he is the Dark Sage of Six Paths. Will, and other historical stories are made up to hide one’s identity, but isn’t it interesting to just listen to the will of the Immortal of Six Paths telling us some wonderful stories?”

“What I said is true!”

“This time, everything I said is true!”

Hei Jue’s voice was a little painful and desperate. What it said this time was really all true, but there were some subtle differences in it!

“I would like to continue listening.”

Akihara Kagura chuckled and transmitted the voice through Namikaze Minato’s body:”I can only hope that this story is more exciting than the real history recorded on the bark of the tree…”

“What I said is true!”

Black Zetsu felt as if his heart was twisted. It stared at Namikaze Minato’s body and roared in pain:”The records on the bark are false, all of them is fake!”

“After Kaguya put down the war, she gave birth to two children!”

“One of the children is named Hagoromo Otsutsuki, who is the father of Indra, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, and Asura, the ancestor of the Senju clan; the other child is named Hamura Otsutsuki, and Hamura Otsutsuki is the ancestor of the Hyuga clan!”

“However, these two children could not understand Kaguya…”

“As I said before, Kaguya is not good at words by nature. They always think that their mother is hurting the world, so they go to war with their mother.…”


“Kaguya was sealed by her son Otsutsuki Hagoromo. When she was sealed, she created me. I am indeed her will…”

Black Zetsu He clenched his fists and stared at Uchiha Madara in front of him, concealing his desire to resurrect Kaguya Otsutsuki:”Before Kaguya was sealed, she thought she had no hope, so she just ordered me to help her resurrect Ten Tails…let the ninja world give birth to a new Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki…”

This is the last stubbornness of Black Zetsu!

Because Black Zetsu still wants to work hard!

After all, becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki will resurrect Kaguya has not happened yet. It wants to try to deceive Madara Uchiha one last time…

It is a pity..

There are people here who don’t want to see it being a lie

“The story is very ordinary…”

Akihara Kagura’s voice was mixed with a touch of laughter, which seemed to be teasing and mocking:”Mr. Black Zetsu, your story doesn’t seem to be very exciting. , a magical creature that has lived for thousands of years, actually told us that you are trying to resurrect the Ten-Tails to resist foreign invaders. Since you are trying to save the ninja world, why can’t you say these things openly?”

Everyone can hear Akihara Kagura’s sarcasm!

However, Black Zetsu felt that he had been wronged so much that if he could cry out in pain , Black Zetsu can flood Konoha with his tears of grievance!


The people present seemed not to want to believe its words.

The chakra on Uchiha Madara’s body is getting stronger and stronger. His footsteps are approaching Black Zetsu’s body step by step, and his fingers are tapping one by one. He just wants to personally deal with this bastard who deceived him.!


Black Zetsu looked at the Uchiha approaching step by step, with a trace of despair on his face:”This time, I really didn’t lie to you. I won’t lie to you anymore…”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Uchiha Madara spread his palms and said coldly:”No matter what you say, I will never believe you again …”

“In fact, it doesn’t matter if you just believe it…”

Akihara Kagura’s voice seemed to be quite interested, and she said slowly:”I believe that some of what Mr. Black Zetsu said should be true. , of course some are fake…”

“Because I still have a historical record about the Hyuga clan in my hand. It seems that these historical records contain what will happen if you become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!”


Black Zetsu looked at Namikaze Minato’s body with some despair.

Damn you!

This bastard has a trick up his sleeve!

Why didn’t you say this earlier?

I just tried to deceive Madara Uchiha for the last time, but the bastard Akihara Kagura told me that there was another historical record!

Damn it!

How many things are left in the ninja world!

I still don’t know who recorded the tree bark of the Senju clan. That bastard Hagoromo Otsutsuki left a stone tablet, and Hamura Otsutsuki also left something behind!


“Do you have any last words?”

The killing intent in Uchiha Madara’s body seemed to freeze the air. Everyone could see how determined this man was in wanting to kill someone!


Now, Hei Jue really doesn’t dare to say anything.

No matter what it says now, it is wrong. It will hide and wait for the next time to deceive the next Uchiha born!


In the next thousand years…

There may not be another chance!

“Save Mr. Black Zetsu!”

Akihara Kagura’s voice suddenly appeared, and his laughter finally became normal:”Although Mr. Madara wants to kill it, Mr. Black Zetsu and I have the same idea…”

Following Akihara Kagura’s order, Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato rushed towards the direction of Black Zetsu at the same time. Uchiha Madara jumped up and kicked them both at the same time. Fly!


This does not prevent the two flying thunder magicians from saving people!

Uchiha Madara is kicking While flying them, the black rod in his hand condensed, trying to directly control Senju Tobirama and Namikaze Minato!

The bodies of the two flying thunder magicians disappeared instantly, and they avoided The black stick that had escaped Yin and Yang appeared again immediately, and continued to rush in the direction of Black Zetsu!

Uchiha Madara’s eyes flashed, and the repulsive power of the Rinnegan suddenly broke out, directly knocking him away. The bodies of Namikaze Minato and Senju Tobirama were thrown away again!

“Mr. Black Zetsu, you can escape on your own.”

Akihara Kagura’s voice came from Senju Hashirama, and he said calmly:”Come to me, I will tell you everything, I will let you know The reason for all this is that you have no other choice anyway, right?”


Black Zetsu’s body instantly went into the ground.

Akihara Kagura said it right…

I really have no other choice!

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

Although I don’t know why Akihara Kagura saved it, this is undoubtedly a savior sent from heaven!

The most important thing is that Black Zetsu also wants to know some answers from Akihara Kagura. It wants to know what hidden secrets and hidden dangers are behind this!

Only when these unknown hidden dangers are solved…

can the plan to resurrect Kaguya be carried out again in the future!

Uchiha Madara looked at Black Zetsu who had slipped away, his face instantly furious. A burst of powerful chakra suddenly rose from his body, and he entered the state of Susanoo!

A blue ninja sword was suddenly inserted into the ground!


Black Zetsu has already disappeared using the Mayfly Technique!

“Kagura, what are you going to do?”

Jiraiya asked his disciple in a deep voice:”You should know that that guy is hiding a huge conspiracy. Maybe it is recorded in the bark of the Senju clan. The content is the same, I want to dominate the entire ninja world…”


Akihara Kagura’s voice was a little innocent, and she reminded Jiraiya:”Have you forgotten, I want to destroy the entire ninja world? ah? What does this have to do with me?”


Jiraiya almost forgot.

My disciple has done much more extreme things than Hei Jue!

Maybe Black Zetsu just wants to dominate the ninja world, but Akihara Kagura wants to destroy the ninja world and create ninjas again!

“Akihara Kagura!”

A glimmer of light flashed in Uchiha Madara’s eyes. He stared closely at his old friend Senju Hashirama. He knew that Akihara Kagura must have passed through Senju Hashirama’s eyes. Watch here!

“Leave Black Zetsu to me!”

“Mr. Madara.”

Akihara Kagura’s voice came out from Senju Hashirama’s mouth, and she slowly said:”Everything that happened today has only one purpose, which is to reveal the true face of Black Zetsu. Eyes, peel off Heijue from your side…”

“What did you say!”

Uchiha Madara’s expression changed!

“When did we start talking about it…”

As Akihara Kagura spoke, he controlled the three reincarnated Hokages to appear, and his voice gradually became erratic. :”If I had to say it, it should be when Jiraiya-sensei went to explore the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization, right?”

“from that time…”

“I made a plan…”

“Using that plan led to everything that happened today.”

“The root ninjas went out in large numbers to encircle and suppress Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito, but they only attracted the attention of Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu.”

“I took the opportunity to attack Senior Brother Nagato, and in the name of using the Samsara Eye and war weapons to destroy the ninja world, I forced Senior Brother Nagato to betray the Eye of the Moon plan for the sake of the safety of the Ninja World.…”

“In fact, I have never cared about Senior Brother Nagato’s Samsara Eye. My purpose was just to force Senior Brother Nagato to betray the Eye of the Moon plan.…”


“most important purpose…”

“Undoubtedly, I want to let you know that Senior Brother Nagato betrayed the Eye of the Moon Project first.”

“At that time… you will definitely want to take back Brother Nagato’s eyes… and Brother Nagato’s whereabouts have always been under my control. After I chose to reincarnate you, I calculated that you and Black Zetsu would arrive just in time. Konoha time…”


“I need to make you understand one more thing…”

“You are reincarnated in the dirt and cannot escape my control. Uchiha’s pride will definitely make you want to break away from my control. The loss of control of the Eye of the Moon plan will make you eager to be free!”

“So you will try your best to control Brother Nagato to use the ability of the reincarnation eye to completely resurrect you.…”


“Black Jue also wants to resurrect you completely”

“Everything is just right. You, who was reincarnated from the dirty earth, finally worked hard to achieve your goal. You were completely resurrected through the art of reincarnation. You also regained the freedom of your body and got the eyes from Brother Nagato.…”


“You get bark.”

When Akihara Kagura said this, his voice became a little gentle:”What is very clever is that this piece of bark also appeared in my plan…”


Everyone looked in the direction of Yakushi Kabuto


Kabuto Yakushi held his glasses, feeling somewhat inexplicably calm in his heart.

“Probably when I became the leader of the root…”

When Akihara Kagura talked about Yakushi Kabuto, there was a slight smile in her voice:”I will ask Yakushi Kabuto I announced my plan to destroy the ninja world, but I knew Kabuto Yakushi would never agree, because he still wanted to protect the dean, the dean and the orphanage…”


“There’s no way he can expose me”

“Because he cannot escape my control, the entire orphanage including the director is under the control of the root. Kabuto Yakushi is a very smart person, so he also knows that if he reports this matter to the top management of Konoha, the final victim can only It’s him, the insider…”

“Because Konoha will not sacrifice my wood escape genius.…”


“Kabuto Yakushi didn’t choose to give up either”

“Over the years, Kabuto Yakushi has always been respectful to me, and even secretly collected powerful magicians who were reincarnated in the dirt, hoping to one day use them to stop me…”

Akihara Kagura said When I got here, I didn’t hesitate to mock Kabuto Yakushi:”It’s funny how the tiny ant tries to protect its nest before the flood breaks out, so I just let him know a secret…”

“Bark of the Thousand Hands Clan”

“The bark of the Senju Clan was a secret I deliberately revealed. Even the secrets in the bark that can be obtained by using the wood escape chakra were also secrets I deliberately let him know.…”


“Kabuto Yakushi never thought about it”

“The real meaning of this piece of bark is now”

“Kabuto Yakushi is a smart man. He has been observing the situation in the village. When he discovered that dirt ninjas and fighting broke out in Konoha Village, he realized that my plan had begun, so he immediately handed over the piece of bark. I gave it to Tsunade-sama. I hope Tsunade-sama can find a way to crack my plan through that piece of bark.…”


“From the moment he saw it, the purpose of this piece of bark was to pass through his hands, step by step, until it appeared in the hands of the last person.…”

“that person…”

“That’s me.”

Uchiha Madara took the initiative to fill in the answer

I find that writing this stuff is still exciting!

It’s so cool to write about the man behind the scenes!

(End of this chapter)

Người mua: juakka1997, 12/09/2023 10:42

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