Chapter 326 Sasuke, shoot an arrow at the guy named Sansho Hanzo!

The Ninja Alliance has a large number of people.

Even people like Kakashi Hatake and Zabuza Momochi, who have only fought against each other twice, even dislike each other, not to mention other ninjas who have a blood feud for generations.

This gathering area is full of curses. On the surface, it is not easy to curse and cause conflicts, but behind the scenes, you have to curse a few words.

“It’s all Konoha’s ninja’s fault!”

“In the past, they always relied on that bastard Akihara Kagura, but now they can’t handle the rebellious ninja in their own village, causing so much trouble to the ninja world, and they want us to come over and die!”

“Say less words…”

“That guy wants to destroy the ninja world…”


When a group of ninjas were cursing.

Among the medical ninja troops.

A young ninja wearing glasses and a blond ninja wearing glasses listened to those words, and the two of them were still smiling as they distributed medical supplies.

It is Yakushi Kabuto and Yakushi Nonou.

Medical ninjas are scarce everywhere.

Tsunade wants to place Yakushi Kabuto in a special unit because she thinks Yakushi Kabuto’s filthy earth reincarnation technique will be very useful, but Yakushi Kabuto wants to protect Yakushi Kabuto, the dean of Yakushi Nono. Yu.

This is the most important thing…

No matter what happens, the dean must be protected.

Even though the ninjas outside are clamoring that the ninja world is about to be destroyed by Akihara Kagura, Yakushi Kabuto still has only one thing in his heart, to protect the director at this time


Yakushi Nonoyu said the name, but there was still a trace of worry on his face:”Kabuto, will this world really be destroyed by him?”

“If everyone thinks this is the case, then that’s it…”

Yakushi Kabuto chuckled lightly, but he didn’t really believe the rumors flying around outside:”We will do a good job It is your duty to protect yourself in this war…”

There is no need for Akihara Kagura to say…

Yakushi Kabuto knew exactly what he should do What to do.

Just like many years ago, he did not understand or even misunderstood Akihara Kagura, which led to his and Yakushi Nonou almost dying under the knife of Uchiha Itachi… As long as you protect the dean, everything will be fine Yakushi Kabuto knows very well.



Orochimaru’s voice appeared behind Yakushi Kabuto, and he said with a smile:”Are you really not considering joining us to deal with Akihara Kagura?”

“Didn’t I already do it?”

Yakushi Kabuto adjusted his glasses and responded with a chuckle:”The work of the medical ninja unit is also work …”

“You know what I’m talking about.”

Orochimaru shook his head and continued with a smile:”The ninja troops reincarnated in the dirty land are very useful in defeating Akihara Kagura. It is really too much for you to stay here and do these small things. What a waste of your talent…”

“Pardon my refusal.”

Kabuto Yakushi shook his head and rejected Orochimaru’s proposal.

In order to avoid Orochimaru’s entanglement, Kabuto Yakushi asked:”At this time, Lord Orochimaru should be holding a meeting up there, right?”

“That’s where the big shots go…”

Orochimaru chuckled and responded with a sarcastic smile on his lips:”Those idiots will really be able to The person who solves the war is standing aside, but there he is discussing an opponent that he cannot defeat. Being with a group of stupid people is really the greatest pain in life…”

“Orochimaru! We went to a meeting!”

Jiraiya suddenly appeared and shouted”Orochimaru” in the distance

“That idiot…”

Orochimaru could only curse. Under Jiraiya’s entanglement, he could not continue to pester Yakushi Kabuto here and could only follow him. Come and leave together.

On the high tower.

The big shots in the ninja world are still discussing strategies on the high tower.

A conference room.

In the middle of the conference room is a map of the ninja world.

Shikaku Nara, the staff officer of the ninja coalition, held a wooden stick and pointed at the map He pointed at several places marked on it:”According to our deployment, large forces will be distributed on the border and coastline of the Kingdom of Thunder. Thousands of sensing troops have been dispatched to keep an eye on Akihara Kagura’s movements.…”

“The resourcefulness of Akihara Kagura cannot be underestimated.”

The voice of the third Tsuchikage Onoki was a little angry. When he returned to Iwagakure Village after attending the last meeting, he saw a mess and listened to reports from other ninjas.

Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, talked about the lessons learned from Iwagakure Village and said in a deep voice:”Even if he didn’t take action last time, Iwagakure Village would have been captured by his army…”

“The information I got is that he led tens of thousands of White Zetsu to bypass the sentry and border line of Iwagakure Village, appeared directly from Iwagakure Village, and quickly surrounded the village.…”

“We learned the lessons of Iwagakure.”

Nara Shikaku nodded, and clicked on the map with a wooden stick:”We are in this position, we can help each other at any time, even if each unit encounters a siege, other units Troops can also quickly go to support…”


“He will probably rush over in a dignified manner.”

Nara Shikaku analyzed Akihara Kagura’s psychology and explained softly:”Now Akihara Kagura and the White Zetsu army are entrenched in the Valley of the End. From the land, they walked to the Kingdom of Yu. The route goes straight to the land of thunder…”

“However, it is not ruled out that they will operate from the sea and land directly on the coastline of the Kingdom of Thunder. Although the coastline here is mostly steep cliffs, which are not convenient for landing, but based on intelligence judgment, these cliffs will have no impact on Bai Jue…”


“This war must be resolved on land”

“We will only place part of the sensing force on the coastline and let them land directly and insert them into our defensive positions. It is unlikely that we will stop them anyway.”

“The enemy’s whereabouts are known by the sensing force…”

“Hundreds of thousands of Baijue overwhelming the sky will definitely divide the troops”

“The surprise attack force will attack a small group of enemies to test the enemy’s true strength. The intelligence force will be led by Yamanaka Kaiichi, who will transmit the information remotely, and then the headquarters will decide whether to change the plan next.…”

“If nothing unexpected happens…”

“The first force is a mid-range attack force, led by Raikage Guard Darui, responsible for blocking the enemy step by step and leading the enemy into our blocking position;”

“The second unit is a close combat unit, led by Iwagakure Jonin Huangtu. After the first unit retreats, the second unit will engage in close combat at the front;”

“The third force is a close-to-mid-range combat force, led by Hatake Kakashi. If the battle situation is unfavorable, it will immediately attack for reinforcements;”

“The fourth force is a long-distance combat force, temporarily commanded by Nara Shikamaru, and is always ready to support frontline battles and possible battles in the rear.…”

“The fifth force is a special operations force. It is composed of samurai from the Kingdom of Iron and other ninjas who are good at special tactics. It is led by Mr. Mifune of the Kingdom of Iron as rear reinforcements.…”

“There are also medical troops and escorts, all of which are arranged in the center of the battlefield. Once Akihara Kagura’s White Zetsu army appears to besiege the medical troops, it will be convenient for any troops along the way to rescue them.…”


The five shadows present nodded.

In such a short period of time, nearly 100,000 ninja coalition forces from the five major countries and other small and medium-sized ninja villages were assigned to this extent by Nara Shikaku. This strategist of the Fire Country is indeed very talented. Mind


“Besides that…”

Nara Shikaku hesitated, and said in a stern voice:”There is also the most important and dangerous force, which is responsible for fighting against Akihara. Kagura…”

When Nara Shikaku said this, his expression became extremely solemn:”This army will face off against Akihara Kagura…”

Nara Shikaku glanced at Tsunade and said softly:”Although Uchiha Madara claims to be willing to help us, we must have a reserve force to fill it at the critical moment. This force needs to use its life to stop Akihara Kagura< /span>…”


The shadows present fell silent.

This is the most difficult thing for the Ninja Alliance.

Once no one can stop Akihara Kagura, it means that this war is likely to turn into Akihara Kagura leading the White Zetsu army to kill the ninja coalition…


A jounin participating in stopping Akihara Kagura is almost the same as a genin; even masters like them, Kage 1 level, just make Akihara Kagura spend more time checking Carat

“Jiraiya, I, and Orochimaru will join this force.”

Tsunade signed up directly on behalf of herself and two friends. She knew that Jiraiya would definitely participate, and there was no need to consider Orochimaru’s opinion

“I’ll come too…”

Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, sighed:”Young people are all participating in the war. We are standing on the front line to prevent the destruction of the ninja world. We cannot hide. At the rear…”

After all, among the ninja coalition, the third Tsuchikage Ohnoki can be regarded as the strongest ninja relying on the dust escape. Sansho Hanzo, the fourth Raikage, the fifth generation The Kazekage and the Fifth Mizukage agreed without thinking, and there was no way they could back down.

This special force…

In addition to Jiraiya and Orochimaru and Sansho Hanzo are actually the strongest Five Shadows in the Ninja Alliance. They are the strongest ninjas in the Ninja Alliance. Once Uchiha Madara does not appear in time, they will use their lives to stop Akihara Kagura’s killing


“The next step is to appease the little ones outside.”

Sanshouyu Hanzo heard the growing noise outside, and said in a deep voice:”Before the war, we must find a way to eliminate their discrimination against their companions…” If it were a normal war, no one would think that they would fail in this war if they saw such a huge scale of ninjas. A ninja coalition of this size would be enough to solve all the problems in the ninja world. Trouble, the Five Shadows standing on the tower suddenly gained confidence It seems to be an endless sea of noisy people! At a glance… Sanshouyu Hanzo led the Five Shadows out of the tower, and they looked down There is a dense group of ninjas, nearly one hundred thousand ninjas gathered on this high tower. It was their turn to appear at this time.


“be quiet a little…”

“Listen to what this old man like me has to say…”

Sanshouyu Hanzo’s voice was uploaded from the tower. His voice was a little old, but it still seemed sonorous and powerful:”If Someone can stand in my position and see the scenery below from this position. I think you will probably know what I am thinking…”

“One Hundred Thousand Ninja Alliance…”

“The most powerful army in the history of the ninja world”

“When I see you, I even think that no one in this world can stop us, no one can defeat us, and any conspirators who try to incite war will be crushed under your feet.…”

“this time…”

“Everyone comes here for peace…”

“Perhaps many people have never thought about it, even those of us who single-handedly led the establishment of the Ninja Alliance. We have never thought that all the ninjas in this ninja world will gather here for the same goal, to protect the world we live in, and give up on each other. Let go of the hatred in our hearts and stand here side by side.…”


On a hillside.

There are three figures standing on this hillside.

While Sansho Hanzo was standing on the tower giving a speech, Uchiha Madara came here with Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes are the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and Uchiha Obito’s eyes are a three-magatama Sharingan and a Rinnegan.

According to the advance plan, Uchiha Madara gave one of his eyes to Uchiha Obito, so that Uchiha Obito could use reincarnation to resurrect the filthy ninjas under Akihara Kagura during the war. Let’s take this opportunity to get rid of Akihara Kagura’s wings first

“Is that guy Sansho Hanzo?”

Uchiha Madara sat on a rock on the hillside, looking at the old man giving a speech, and at the group of ninja coalition forces on the ground:”I never thought that one day the ninja world would really unite. , this is much better than Hashirama’s time…”


Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito both nodded.

To be honest…

They can’t imagine this.

No one in the ninja world can imagine that the five major powers will unite to fight against the enemy. Everyone may even suspect that the ninja alliance may kill each other before forming. Get up…


All this is beyond everyone’s expectations.

The Ninja Alliance… < a i=8> actually formed


“Even if a ninja alliance is formed…”

“Trash gathered together is just trash after all…”

Uchiha Madara’s eyes flashed, and a cold mockery appeared on his face:”Now use your Susanoo Ever since, shoot an arrow at the guy named Sanshouyu Hanzo…”


Uchiha Sasuke was shocked!

Could it be that at this time…

Uchiha Madara wants to join forces with the ninjas Fight?

Sansho Hanzo is the commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition. Killing their commander-in-chief in front of a hundred thousand ninja coalition is undoubtedly a declaration of war on the ninja coalition!

At this time…

Will they still have internal strife in the ninja alliance that is fighting against the enemy together?

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Sasuke’s reaction to him There was some hesitation and entanglement in the order, and I sighed in my heart. After all, this little guy is not his brother…

If it were Izuna here…

That one is called Sanjiao Uo Hanzo’s guy has long since become a hedgehog!

“Then let me do it myself!”

The blue Susanoo giant floated on Uchiha Madara’s body, and an eight-foot magatama shining with blue light was formed in Susanoo’s hand, facing towards him from a distance. He swung up the high tower where Sanshouyu Hanzo was, he didn’t care who the magatama would accidentally injure!

Of course…

The most important thing is…

The real purpose of this magatama is not to kill people!

It’s late today. I’m a little sleepy. I had insomnia last night.

(End of this chapter)

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