Chapter 334 The vulnerable Susana Daibutsu! The most powerful man of this era!


Everything is not yet certain.

Everyone present was shocked by the majestic power of the Susanoo statue. Only some men who had witnessed the power of Akihara Kagura were still a little uneasy in their hearts.


Senju Hashirama is one of them.

Even though Senju Hashirama knew very well that the blue Susanoo statue he and Uchiha Madara used together was powerful enough, perhaps this was his peak moment!


Senju Hashirama is still not that confident.

This is related to Senju Hashirama’s humble character, and also to Senju Hashirama’s experience. He is not confident that the power at his peak can play a decisive role.

In comparison…

Uchiha Madara seems much more confident!


Uchiha Madara’s eyes showed a hint of arrogance and madness!


Senju Hashirama’s expression looked extremely solemn. He was not at all proud of the Susana Daibutsu they used together. He just reminded in a deep voice:”Don’t be careless, that little guy is also. It can be used thousands of times, and it may even be stronger than me…”

“I know…”

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Madara’s lips, and his voice was cold:”The chakra on that kid is not weak…” < /span> Akihara Kagura has already closed her palms! Their communication is not over yet!

The next moment!

“Immortal mode·on!”

“Immortal method·Thousands of hands!”

As Akihara Kagura’s chakra surged in the body, the wooden man beneath him grew rapidly, and a thousand-meter-high Buddha statue suddenly appeared on the sea again! a>

There are countless wooden hands on the back of this Buddha statue, and it is covered in a pale white armor that looks like moonlight. It stands opposite to the Susanoo statue in blue armor!


Everyone present had some shock in their eyes!

Everyone looked at Akihara Kagura’s True Thousand Hands with horror on their faces!

“Sure enough…”

Senju Tobirama sighed in his heart and had to admit one thing:”That kid can indeed use this technique on his own…”

When Senju Tobirama saw the Susanoo puppet being used by Akihara Kagura, he had some predictions in his mind.

Akihara Kagura alone can compete with the two dazzling heroes of the Warring States Period, and the outcome of this battle has changed again!

The most terrifying thing is…

Senju Tobirama once witnessed Akihara Kagura controlling the real thousand hands!

This kid’s use of wood escape is almost beyond the reach of ordinary people, even the real number The Senju Guanyin Buddha statue was also used by him to perform ninjutsu!


is the most terrifying!

Next A moment!

Akihara Kagura raised her finger!

Thousands of hands behind the white Susana Buddha statue stretched out at the same time, all the huge wooden figures They actually started to make the gestures of the seals at the same time!


These gestures of the seals are different!

“What’s going on?”

Yamato looked at the white Susana Buddha statue that was forming seals, and suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart, as if he had seen something that made him extremely scared!

Thousands The meter-high white Susana Kannon Buddha statue has thousands of huge palms forming seals at the same time, and some palms even have different mudras!

Perhaps it is because thousands of hands are being controlled at the same time. Something different, the palm seals of the white Susanoo statue are very slow, as if performing a strange and mysterious dance!

This kind of thing…

It is completely beyond human cognition!

What is Akihara Kagura’s real thousand-hand Buddha statue doing!

“That brat…”

Madara Uchiha looked at the movements of the white Susano Buddha statue and was shocked:”Is his Susano Buddha statue forming seals? A thousand hands forming seals at the same time?”


Senju Hashirama also felt a little uneasy!

Even Senju Hashirama once saw Akihara Kagura use the Dust Release with thousands of hands, but the thousands of palms formed different hand seals at the same time. For a ninja, What does this mean!

What kind of powerful spell does this guy want to unleash!

How powerful is this technique? It actually requires thousands of hands to assist in forming the seals. Is it because there are too many hand seals to complete?

Once this spell is released…

How terrifying will it be!


Senju Hashirama himself can use the art of multiple shadow clones to split countless clones and let these clones form separate seals, but he cannot control himself. There are literally thousands of hand seals!

The only thing Senju Hashirama can do is to rely on the countless palms behind the real Senju Hashirama to defeat the enemy with the simplest physical means!


A flash of ferocity suddenly flashed across Uchiha Madara’s face, but his voice was still confident:”Borrow the hands and chakra of the Buddha statue for me to use …”

“How many do you want?”

Senju Hashirama looked back at Uchiha Madara. There are thousands of hands behind the Senjutsu True Thousand-Hand Avalokitesvara Buddha Statue, which should be enough for Uchiha Madara, right? a>

“I’ll do it myself!”

Uchiha Madara quickly controlled the dozens of arms behind the Susanoo statue to form hand seals. He could not control much, and could only control these arms to make the same hand seal gestures.!

“We can’t let this brat complete those seals…”

Uchiha Madara’s palms were very fast, and there was even a look of fighting for his life on his face. Perhaps this war itself They are just fighting for their lives!

All battles in the Warring States Period…

It is normal for ninjas to fight for their lives even if they collide with each other! Earth Release: Super Light Heavy Rock Technique instantly reduced the gravity of a meteorite It was reduced to the minimum weight, and one meteorite after another was easily caught! However, Akihara Kagura did not show any concern at all. Anxiously, he controlled the white Susanoo statue and stretched out a huge wooden palm, gently placing it on the meteorite…

Uchiha Madara’s eyes were cold, and he quickly completed his hand seals first, and huge meteorites fell from the sky one after another!


Uchiha Madara suddenly looked at his friend!

“I know!”

Senju Hashirama immediately understood what Uchiha Madara meant!

The blue Susana Buddha statue stretched out countless blue armor leaves in an instant Some of the palms even held a huge katana!


Akihara Kagura’s expression was calm.

Because a giant hand of the white Susanoo statue completed the seal.

The sea surface suddenly rose!

An overwhelming wave fell instantly Rolling up, like a world-ending disaster, a thousand-meter high wave appeared. These waves were like a huge wall of water, blocking the attack of the blue Susanoo statue!

“The water formation wall completed with the help of the power of the real Thousand Hands…”

Thousand Hands Hashirama recognized this technique at a glance, and a turbulent wave rose in his heart. After all, What level of chakra, what level of chakra control, can we use the true thousands of hands to complete the seal!

“Cut it open!”

Madara Uchiha controlled the arm of the blue Buddha statue. In that hand was a huge samurai sword, which split the thousand-meter-high waves into two! a> Rabbit, the eight-tailed jinchuriki, directly entered the complete tailed beast transformation and turned into a huge ox-body octopus , rolled up all the ninjas! Everyone present is very powerful. Fortunately. Thousands The meter-high waves were cut open by a knife and fell instantly, sweeping towards everyone watching the battle. Yamato looked at the waves rushing toward them with horror on his face! Just one blow Just a full-strength Susanoo can cut mountains and cut rivers with his sword, not to mention the thousands of hands in the current powerful state. Their power is at its peak! Facing Susanoo’s slashing blow is just one sword!

No matter how powerful this level of Water Release is!

“This battle is not for us to watch!”

Yamato looked at the confrontation between the two thousand-meter-high Susanoo statues, and was so frightened that he hurriedly said:”Now let’s evacuate to a safe place quickly!”


Senju Tobirama shook his head, standing on the water as if walking on flat ground:”But this battle is closely related to the survival of the ninja world…”

No matter what… < a i=2> He has to stay here to finish reading! This is the most terrifying battle in thousands of years! Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, the two most powerful Sengoku heroes of the last era, join forces to fight against the new generation of ninja god Akihara, who is also the most terrifying in wisdom and combat power in this era. happy! This battle… No one who sees it will want to leave! The other side. The battle here has also begun. After Turtle Island completely sank, Uchiha Sasuke finally found Uchiha Shisui’s location through Uchiha Itachi’s pursuit and occasional teachings. Uchiha Sasuke also saw a red-eyed crow on Uchiha Shisui’s shoulder, and immediately planned to borrow the Mangekyō Sharingan on that crow from Shisui

“Sasuke, don’t be in a hurry to fight.”

Shisui looked at the two thousand-meter-high Susanoo statues fighting in the distance, and said softly:”At least after the battle over there is over, right?”

“Shisui, your samsara eye…”

Uchi ���Sasuke raised his eyes and looked back and forth at Uchiha Shisui and the several figures around him. There were some familiar people among them. They all had a pair of reincarnation eyes.

“Because I am his puppet.”

Uchiha Shisui looked at the white Susanoo statue fighting in the distance, and talked about the past without hesitation:”On the night when I wanted to commit suicide, I was killed by Akihara. Kagura saved me, he made me a puppet with samsara eye…”


Uchiha Sasuke had heard of this kind of thing.

I heard that there is a guy named Nagato who also relies on puppets controlled by the Rinnegan to fight. Akihara Kagura seems to be no exception, even the most terrifying one among his puppets. Called Sanshouyu Hanzo, they all took the seat of the Ninja Alliance.


Sansho fish Hanzo is also among them.

Such puppets with samsara eyes must have weird abilities!

While Uchiha Sasuke was hesitating here, a group of ninjas who came to support also saw Uchiha Sasuke confronting six figures!

Everyone’s expressions changed in an instant!

After all…

The Sansho Fish Hanzo here has just been slapped in the face!

“The six-path puppet created by Akihara Kagura?”

Jiraiya immediately recognized their identities based on Sansho Hanzo, the number of people, and their eyes:”Are all the puppets here?”

“But… the identity is really amazing…”

Orochimaru’s eyes fell on a figure, and he sighed softly:”The genius in the village, Uchiha Shisui, is actually He also made him a puppet…”


Many people recognized Uchiha Shisui’s identity!

There are many familiar people here, and the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly It’s Shisui Uchiha, because this was what Konoha once called the number one genius of Uchiha!


Shisui has been made into a puppet! a>

“And the Red Sand Scorpion…”

Gaara remembered that the Red Sand Scorpion had helped kidnap him!


Terumi Mei looked at the two people in her village. One of them, Kisame Inikisaki, was a rebellious ninja. Unexpectedly, this guy also here

“This Sansho Hanzo guy…”

The third Tsuchikage Onoki began to roll up his sleeves

“Who is that guy at the end?”

Someone looked at one of the unfamiliar faces in surprise.

Because no one had seen that guy before, and he didn’t look like he was from any of the top five national ninja villages. Is the famous ninja someone randomly chosen by Akihara Kagura?

“That is a member of the Akatsuki organization…a guy named Hidan…”

Tsunade is very aware of the identities of some members of the Akatsuki organization, especially Hidan who was once raped by Konoha The root ninjas captured the village

“Feel sorry…”

“This is closed to traffic.”

Tiandao Shishui looked at the busy coalition forces, stretched out his palm, and said softly:”Although I don’t want to do this, the order I received is to prevent any People are approaching…”

Tiandao Shisui was very polite and continued softly:”And it would be too dangerous to get closer. This is the safest spectator position on the battlefield ahead…”

“We are not here to watch the battle!”

Gaara waved his hand, and a ball of sand flew up!


Tiandao Shisui looked at the people present and continued to persuade softly,”You can’t participate, can you? This battle is not something we can participate in …”

“You have to try to find out…”

The body of the third Tsuchikage Onoki floated in the air.

The five shadows led the ninja alliance. The only remaining ninjas who can support are not here to watch the battle, they want to stop Akihara Kagura!

While they were still clashing here, Uchiha Sasuke’s The figure rushed over and reached out to grab the crow on Zhisui’s shoulder:”I’m sorry, Zhisui, I need to borrow your eyes first…”

“Shinra Tianzheng!”

Tiandao Shisui raised his palm!

A huge repulsive force suddenly burst out from his body, and in an instant, Uchiha was Sasuke’s body was directly knocked away!

“He is a puppet of heaven!”

Jiraiya immediately noticed the identity of Uchiha Shisui, and said in a deep voice:”Now everyone pays attention, the abilities of the six puppets are even more different, each puppet has Special abilities, the abilities of Heaven are repulsion and gravity. The repulsion has a cooling time. The greater the power, the longer the charging time for the next use…”

Just as Jiraiya was still here During the introduction, Uchiha Sasuke directly activated Susanoo and shot a series of giant purple arrows towards Tendou Shisui!

The next moment!

A green Susanoo also appears on Tendou Shisui!

The green Susanoo in the third form is directly covered with a layer of armor. This green Susanoo He almost opened the armor on his chest and shot countless dense green arrows!


Jiraiya’s voice suddenly stopped!

What is going on with Uchiha in this era? Do all Uchiha who appear on the battlefield directly use Susanoo in battle?

“Deal with them first.”

Tsunade squeezed her fists. She looked at the two thousand-meter-high Susanoo statues that were fighting in the distance, and said in a deep voice:”Let’s rush over as soon as possible… Maybe you can’t intervene in that battle…but be the straw that breaks the camel’s back!”

“Look at the battlefield over there!”

A horrified voice appeared in the crowd!

While they were still discussing this here, a ninja looked at the battle in the distance in horror, Everyone involuntarily followed his gaze and looked over!

On the battlefield on the sea.

The thousand-meter-high blue Susana Buddha statue is still there Keep approaching and attack!

The thousand-meter-high white Susana Buddha statue was still completing the hand seals slowly. Everyone saw the hand gestures of the white Susana Buddha statue and stopped. This long period of time for making seals has finally passed, and I don’t know what kind of hand seals the hand seals completed by thousands of palms will be!


“The knot is over…”

Everyone stared at the white Susanoo statue.

Because they also wanted to see the white Susanoo statue. Using thousands of hands to form seals at the same time, what is it���What kind of technique is it? How terrifying is the power of this technique?

“Will there be thousands of ninjutsu?”

Senju Hashirama narrowed his eyes and sensed the chakra in the body of the white Susanoo statue:”I remember that little guy can use multiple ninjutsu at the same time…” < /span> a> Everyone was frightened by the rising waves and ran away quickly! The huge waves surged from under the white Susanoo Buddha statue It came out, holding up its body and floating up, and even the body of the white Susanoo statue became higher and higher! The water waves on the sea surface surged instantly! Strong winds rose across the entire sea surface!

This is also what Senju Hashirama guessed. Will Akihara Kagura want to use the true thousands of hands seal to release thousands of powerful ninjutsu?

“What’s going on?”

Uchiha Madara frowned, and his eyes slowly moved from the white Susanoo statue to the sea below:”There seems to be something in the sea…”

The next moment!

Everyone saw why the white Susanoo statue was raised!

Because one statue is taller than the white Susanoo statue The even more terrifying giant Buddha statue of Guanyin slowly rose up. This huge Buddha composed of waves held the statue of Guanyin Buddha in its hands, and its palm held the thousand-meter-high white Susana Guanyin Buddha statue!

This huge Buddha made of seawater does not look majestic. It even looks kind-hearted, as if it is as gentle as the water that makes it up. There is also a compassionate smile on its face, which makes people look involuntarily. Peace of mind.


That doesn’t stop others from being scared when they see it!

Even if this statue is made of sea water The huge Buddha is just sitting cross-legged on the sea. Even though its figure looks a bit chubby, it is at least several thousand meters high!


This Buddha It is thousands of meters long and wide when sitting cross-legged!

Its size alone is equivalent to a huge city!

Because its right hand… Everyone who saw this Buddha widened their eyes in disbelief, as if the Buddha had a kind-hearted look on his face. Buddha is the most terrifying thing in this ninja world! Just one hand can hold up the thousand-meter-high white Susanoo statue. Neither the size nor the power of the huge Buddha is something that anyone present dares to compete with!

You can hold up the white Susanoo statue of Avalokitesvara!

“You’re kidding…right…”

Yamato’s forehead was dripping with sweat, and he looked at the huge Buddha as big as a city in disbelief, and his heart skipped a beat. Jumping non-stop

“This level of magic…”

“Is really something that humans can perform?”

Senju Tobirama’s palms finally started to tremble. He is the person best at developing ninjutsu, and naturally he is also the person who best understands the difficulty and power of this ninjutsu

“This technique was inspired by the study of the First Hokage’s True Thousand Hands, and it’s the first time I’ve tried to use it. Even connecting the seal is very troublesome…”

Akihara Kagura stood inside Susanoo’s crystal, lowered her head to look down at the somewhat small blue Susanoo Guanyin Buddha statue, and said seriously:”But, I���Use this technique to pay tribute to the two legends of the Warring States Period, as a reward for you to fight me with all your strength.…”

“Kid, your talent is really terrifying…”

Uchiha Madara chuckled lightly, not caring whether Akihara Kagura praised or ridiculed them, he himself But he praised the other party:”At least among all the people I have seen, I have never seen a spell of this level… Whether it is the power of the spell or the difficulty of performing it, it is unmatched by others… It is enough. It can be called the strongest…”

This is a technique that requires literally thousands of hands to work together to form seals!

Just cast it The difficulty of the technique far exceeds the imagination of ninjas!

Even if other ninjas have the same terrifying chakra as Akihara Kagura, they don’t know how long it will take to complete the hand seals of this technique. , there must be other means to assist in forming seals!

All the seals in the ninja world combined…maybe not as many seal gestures as this one. A spell of this level must be Has the power to destroy heaven and earth!


Senju Hashirama raised his palms, slowly closed them, and smiled:”Let us separate at this moment Win or lose!”

The next second!

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara simultaneously controlled the blue Susana Buddha statue and rushed towards the huge Buddha controlled by Akihara Kagura Go up, the chakra of the two people surges at the same time!

Thousands of arms stretched out from behind the blue Susanoo statue, and these arms were attached with Susanoo’s blue armor. , holding Susanoo’s huge ninja sword in his hand, he attacked the huge Buddha sitting cross-legged on the sea!

The next moment!

On the sea The huge Buddha stretched out his free left hand!

When it stretched out its left hand, countless waves surged between its movements, and the entire sea surface was filled with wind and clouds! < a i=8> Accompanied by the waves, strong winds and clouds, the crystal clear broad left hand of this huge Buddha directly grabbed the blue Susanavalokitesvara Buddha statue and crushed the body of the blue Susanavalokitesvara Buddha statue into countless pieces! In an instant! The winner of this battle was decided! The huge compassionate Buddha seemed to have given This world is so compassionate that it simply crushed the statue of Guanyin Buddha with thousands of hands! This scene… It was like crushing a human being A bug! The huge shadow brought by this scene… completely shrouded everyone’s heart! Because Everyone present who saw this scene knew very clearly who the winner of this battle was, and who the winner of this war was! The current ninja world… No one can be the opponent of Akihara Kagura! This man displayed a new ninjutsu like the coming of a god, completely defeating the previous era. The two most powerful people, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, used the Susanoo Suzuki Senju Juju together, but they turned out to be so vulnerable!

Six thousand words!

Okay, I’ve made up a thousand words today!

(End of chapter)

Người mua: Akuma No Yami, 27/09/2023 02:47

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