Chapter 336 Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto on the verge of death

Above the sea.

Chakra surges from Uzumaki Naruto!

When Kyuubi is willing to touch his fists and fight side by side with him, Uzumaki Naruto can already become a perfect Jinchuuriki state!

A golden nine-tails suddenly sprang out!

For the first time, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki showed his peak combat power!

A tailed beast jade was instantly generated at the mouth of the golden nine-tails, and it was sprayed out in the direction of the heretic demon. This tailed beast jade condensed faster than any tailed beast. quick!

The most ferocious tailed beast in the ninja world…

Let people see the power of the combination of tailed beasts and jinchūriki!

” A small trick.”

Akihara Kagura shook his head indifferently.

A wooden dragon came out from behind him, opened his mouth to hold the tailed beast jade, and flicked it. The tailed beast jade was thrown in another direction with his head!


The entire sea surface exploded in an instant!

Mu The dragon rushed directly towards the golden nine-tails and wrapped around the body of the golden nine-tails!


The golden nine tails roared to the sky and charged forward without hesitation!

“Immortal method·Super large jade spiral pill!”

Golden palms emerged from its body one after another. Huge Rasengans condensed in the golden palms and fell directly on the wooden dragon. Countless Rasengans were instantly Crush the wooden dragon’s body to pieces!

The golden nine-tails rushed towards the outside demon statue again. There was no longer any obstacle in front of it, and it even opened its mouth again to condense the Tailed Beast Jade.!

Akihara Kagura raised his palm again, and the white light of Immortal Technique Dust Release instantly penetrated its body, making it roar in pain involuntarily!


The pain did not make it hesitate!

The golden chakra quickly refilled the body!

The nine tails were along the He jumped up from the sea and pounced on Akihara Kagura, who was standing on top of the heretic demon statue, as if he wanted to show off his cruelty!


Akihara Kagura rose into the sky and kicked it on the head, knocking the tailed beast heavily onto the sea. A purple chain came out of the mouth of the heretic demon and tied it directly. neck, forcefully dragging it towards the mouth of the heretic demon!

“Be a little more honest…”

Akihara Kagura’s eyes narrowed slightly, watching the Nine-Tails in front of her being slowly pulled into the body of the heretic demon, and also watching Uzumaki Naruto’s body fell to the sea.

The next moment!

A figure appeared next to Uzumaki Naruto!

This action was not Namikaze Minato who had been ready to catch Uzumaki Naruto, but it was Uchiha Sasuke who had just arrived. This flying thunder magician was late after all!


Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uzumaki Naruto in his arms in disbelief!

“Sasuke, hurry up and take over from me and the Second Generation to entangle Akihara Kagura…”

Namikaze Minato opened his mouth to guide Uchiha Sasuke, and said hurriedly:”We can’t let this happen. Naruto died here, let me save him, and a medical ninja!”

“I know…”

Uchiha Sasuke handed Naruto Uzumaki in his arms to Namikaze Minato and said in a deep voice:”Don’t worry, Tsunade and Sakura will be there soon. We’re almost there…”

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Sasuke looked at the battlefield.

At this moment, there was a strange calm on the battlefield. < /span> This Ten-Tails is covered in brown. Skin, it only has a scarlet Rinne Sharingan on its face, its head grows randomly like branch branches, its body is bigger than any tailed beast, and the ten tails behind it are dancing in the air… Akihara Kagura stood on top of the Ten-Tails’ head, as if she was satisfied with her ambition, she grinned and chuckled, raising her hand to condense into the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. handprint Even more chakra than anyone has ever experienced in their lives. Even more terrifying! Its chakra is very terrifying! There is no doubt that… No one dares Looking at the resurrected Ten-Tails with confidence, it was the first time for them to see this tailed beast that looked very different from all other tailed beasts! Let the Ten-Tails finally come back to life at this moment! Absorbing the chakra of the Nine-Tails…

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the Heretic Golem. The ugly Heretic Golem seemed to have come to life. It finally changed. Ten tails emerged from its back!

“everything is in my plan…”

“That’s not necessarily the case, kid!”

Senju Tobirama’s figure appeared next to Akihara Kagura. He held a detonating talisman in his hand and was about to stick it on Akihara Kagura’s body! < a i=2> Akihara Kagura raised her finger! The Ten-Tails’ tail suddenly sprang up and knocked Senju Tobirama away with one blow!

“Why did you kill Naruto!”

Uchiha Sasuke’s figure instantly caught up with him and struck with the ninja sword in his hand:”For the so-called plan, how many people are you going to kill!”

“This cannot depend on me…”

Akihara Kagura dodged Uchiha Sasuke’s attack, directly raised her hand to grab Uchiha Sasuke’s wrist, and was about to knock him down with one kick. Uchiha Sasuke was kicked out!

However, Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes suddenly flashed with a sharp edge, and the figure of Akihara Kagura was instantly taken away from the Ten-Tails, and appeared in front of his brother Uchi Bo Itachi’s side!


Uchiha Sasuke opened his mouth and shouted at Uchiha Madara!

The purpose of these two flying thunder magicians was to remove Akihara Kagura from Taking the Ten-Tails away from his body creates an opportunity for Uchiha Madara to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!

“I know…”

Uchiha Madara raised his finger and grinned:”Fortunately, I have already mastered the method of becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. …”

The next moment!

Uchiha Madara opened his reincarnation eyes, and after taking away the control of the Ten-Tails, he directly began to condense into the Ten-Tails. The hand seal of the tail Jinchuuriki!

Uchiha Madara cannot be delayed!

Because if you delay any time, Akihara Kagura will react! < a i=6> They… This is the only chance! Once this opportunity is lost, Akihara Kagura will definitely be wary and will never let him It is possible to touch the Ten-Tails!


Black Zetsu got out of the sea with some worry, looked at Uchiha Madara who had taken away control of the Ten-Tails, and then looked at Akihara Kagura who was taken away by Uchiha Sasuke… < /span> That guy Akihara Kagura made a mistake at this time! The result… Black Zetsu originally thought that Akihara Kagura The strength is enough to suppress everyone in the ninja world, perfectly resurrect the Ten-Tails to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and then activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi to absorb chakra to resurrect Kaguya, and then Kaguya will solve the Six Paths Sage… These ninjas are too unreliable in their work! During this period of time, Hei Zee has been in despair and hope. In between, hope will arise from time to time, and despair will fall from time to time… There is a hint of despair.

In Hei Zee’s heart…

“Maybe you should have killed me…”

Uchiha Sasuke’s palm held Akihara Kagura’s wrist with his backhand, and he refused to let go, his eyes wide open. Mangekyou Sharingan:”Now my pupil technique has imprisoned the space between the two of us, making it impossible for you to leave here…”

“So what?”

Akihara Kagura frowned, and his eyes suddenly raised:”Your Mangekyo Sharingan Eye Technique is to keep people you can’t keep?”


Uchiha Sasuke felt a chill in his heart.

Since awakening the Mangekyo Sharingan, Uchiha Sasuke rarely uses his pupil technique because it makes him feel painful.

The appearance of the Mangekyō Sharingan is all to make up for regrets!

Uchiha Sasuke’s eye technique is special.

Uchiha Sasuke’s left eye pupil technique can confine a space and allow the people in that space to stay in it forever; his right eye allows his body to appear in that space… a> Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Sasuke coldly, and said in a cold voice:”That’s really unfortunate, my reincarnation eye technique can just restrain you Uchiha Sasuke felt that his pupil technique had failed. However… He can’t stay if he stays. People enter a world that they cannot enter. He doesn’t want the roots to leave, but he wants to return to the roots…

It’s like…



The figure of Hatake Kakashi appeared next to them. His body had just come out of Kamui and could no longer enter the Kamui space!

“Your pupil technique…”

Hatake Kakashi remembered the last time Kamui failed against Akihara Kagura:”You can prohibit everyone from using it around you. Time and Space Abilities…”

“Guessed it right.”

Akihara Kagura chuckled

“Itachi, seal him!”

Uchiha Sasuke was shocked and quickly reminded his brother:”Hurry up and use the Ten Fist Sword to try to seal Akihara Kagura. At least stop him. You must not let him. This guy is close to Madara!”

The Mangekyō Sharingan of the God of Destiny has modified Uchiha Itachi’s will. Uchiha Itachi’s Susanoo weapon is the Ten Fist Sword, which can at least help control Akihara Kagura!


Something unexpected happened!


A kunai penetrated Uchiha Sasuke’s Chest!

The reincarnated Uchiha Itachi waved the kunai coldly and ruthlessly, directly piercing his brother’s chest. He felt that his brain suddenly became painful! a>


Uchiha Itachi couldn’t believe his actions!

Even though Uchiha Itachi was already reincarnated in the dirty land, He couldn’t believe that he would do such a thing, and the huge fear overwhelmed Uchiha Itachi’s spirit!

That other god’s Mangekyō Sharingan, the spell sealed inside was simply Instead of modifying his will to get rid of the control of the Reincarnation of the Earth, the modification was to allow him to attack his younger brother Uchiha Sasuke when he saw Akihara Kagura performing the Eye Technique! < a i=4> All this… are all under the control of Akihara Kagura!


Uchiha Sasuke looked at the bloody blade emerging from his chest, and slowly turned around to look at his brother. He only saw a brother with a face full of pain!


Uchiha Sasuke looked at his brother in disbelief

“Sorry, Sasuke…”

There was pain in Uchiha Itachi’s voice.

That other god is a trap! < a i=3> That other god was a trap specifically aimed at him and Uchiha Sasuke! Is this revenge from Akihara Kagura? For his original plan to kill Yakushi Kabuto and Yakushi Nonou’s revenge? But… I can’t say it myself!

“Sasuke, are you feeling pain now?”

Akihara Kagura looked at the fight between the brothers and laughed nonchalantly:”Do you think what you saw is true?”


A flash of madness flashed in Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes. He waved his hand and pushed Uchiha Itachi away. He fell weakly on the sea, and the blood in his chest gurgled out!

This knife…

It is fatal to him!

Uchiha Sasuke once hated Uchiha Itachi extremely, and learned about some of the nights of genocide After the situation, I felt a little guilty and angry, but at this moment, they all turned into anger!


Uchiha Sasuke clutched his chest and looked at his brother with pain on his face!

Uchiha Sasuke stared at his brother, for the sake of This brother left his roots and those of the same race. Why did this brother kill him at this time? Why at this time!


It happens to be at the critical moment of the ninja world!

If Akihara Kagura is not stopped by others and he seizes control of the Ten-Tails, the entire ninja world will be annihilated under his butcher knife! < /span>

“Oh…I can’t stand it anymore…”

Akihara Kagura raised her palm and actually took the initiative to help treat Uchiha Sasuke’s injuries:”Although I am The strongest medical ninja in the ninja world, but from the perspective of a medical ninja rather than from the perspective of the relationship between ourselves and the enemy…it is basically difficult to recover from such fatal injuries…”

“You guy…is self-proclaimed!”

The corners of Uchiha Sasuke’s mouth twitched subconsciously. For a moment, he was so speechless that he forgot to scold his brother. Instead, he glanced at Akihara Kagura and defended weakly:” That stinky woman Xianglan… is the strongest medical ninja in the ninja world!”

When Uchiha Sasuke was talking, the injury on his chest suddenly worsened, and his eyelids drooped involuntarily. He could feel that his life was constantly draining …


Uchiha Sasuke looked at his brother again, gritted his teeth and asked Uchiha Itachi:”You guy…even if you want to kill me…”

“Treat the injury first…”

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm, and the green chakra seemed to be trying desperately to save Uchiha Sasuke’s injury, but in the end it seemed a little It’s all in vain.

Akihara Kagura released her palm and could only say helplessly:”If you want to save this kind of injury, unless the legendary Sage of Six Paths takes action…”

“I’d better take him to find Tsunade-sama…”

Hatake Kakashi’s face was ugly, and he reached out and wanted to hug Uchiha Sasuke and leave here. His eyes Staring at Akihara Kagura in front of him:”Can I take Sasuke away?”

At least…

For the sake of our past relationship…

Hatake Kakashi looked at Akihara Kagura, It was so hard to say it.

All the jokes between the two of them in the past have long since disappeared in the wind, and it is impossible for him to joke with Akihara Kagura, his best friend, like he did in the past

“Of course.”

Akihara Kagura chuckled. He looked at the Ten-Tails in the distance who had completed the seal and was being quickly taken into Uchiha Madara’s body:”Your battle plan has come true. Now…Uchiha Madara has become the Jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails…This chakra might be stronger than mine…”

“Are you going to give up your plan?”

Hatake Kakashi picked up his dying disciple

“My plan?”

Akihara Kagura reached out and hugged Hatake Kakashi, smiled softly and said:”Wait a moment, let me say the last words to Sasuke before he died …”


Hatake Kakashi took a deep breath.

Now for Sasuke, every breath is crucial!

“Don’t worry!”

Akihara Kagura raised her finger, pointed at Uchiha Sasuke’s brain, chuckled and said:”I have imprisoned his soul, even if his soul is dead. It will still be in the body, which is a big help, right?”

“So what do you want to do?”

Hatake Kakashi frowned and looked at the man in front of him in confusion.

At this moment…

Hatake Kakashi feels that Akihara Kagura’s body is full of mist again

“Ask him to give me a message.”

Akihara Kagura lowered his head slightly and whispered softly in Uchiha Sasuke’s ear:”Sasuke, if you see the Six Paths Sage, remember to ask him for me …”

“What nonsense are you talking about…”

Uchiha Sasuke muttered something

“Ask me the Immortal of Six Paths, has he always been so arrogant?”

Akihara Kagura chuckled, her voice seemed to be inaudible:”If he is no longer arrogant and needs me to help him and solve Kaguya’s troubles with you, then, he What can it bring to me?”

I remember that it is between life and death that you can see the Immortal of Six Paths?

(End of chapter)

Người mua: Akuma No Yami, 27/09/2023 02:55

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