Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 101 Chips and Ideas

"Stop! Although I know this is not very polite, I have to interrupt you again. I have told you about the Voodoo Gang last time. I don't want to go. Or are you really ready to let me Enough chips to be interested in”

"That's true. The specific information is on this chip." As he said that, Flaco handed over a chip while keeping a smile on his face and not showing any signs of being interrupted by the conversation many times.

But Mo Wen didn't take it. Although it was very rude, this was the City of Night! And being polite is not as important as your own safety!

"Mr. Ghost, you can rest assured. You can check this chip first. We have not implanted any golem virus on it."

After thinking for a moment, Mo Wen took the chip, but did not directly insert it into his personal connection.

At the same time, Rogge also handed over a flat-panel monitor in a tacit understanding.

After taking over the monitor and inserting the chip, the first thing that appears is a mugshot.

Seeing this, Mo Wen's brows had already furrowed.

Without him, the person in this mugshot is Mo Wen's pillow.

However, the mask blocked all of Mo Wen's expressions very well. From the perspective of others, Mo Wen was just looking at the information on it silently.

I have to say that the information on this purchase is quite comprehensive, and many details that Lucy has not mentioned are clearly displayed on it.

Also after reading the information, Mo Wen had a more comprehensive understanding of Lucy's past.

But this also means that network monitoring has determined the identity of the ghost walker, but it is not known whether Adecado has been exposed.

"What does it mean?"

"Mr. Ghost also knows that there is a problem with this person's identity, and network monitoring can help you solve it."

solve? How to deal with it? Is it a solution to the identity problem or to the person with the problem?

If it were to deal with people, Mo Wen could do it by himself, but Mo Wen didn't want to. Mo Wen had already identified the other party, so it was impossible to give up like that, and that was not Mo Wen's style.

To solve the problem of identity, middlemen and hackers can do it. Rogge is also the queen of middlemen and mercenaries in Night City, so this problem is not even a problem.

So what does network monitoring mean?

"I think if I want to solve this problem, I can go to Roger."

After hearing this, Flaco also understood Mo Wen's attitude. It's very simple to protect people.

"Hmm~ Indeed, Ms. Rogge is the most powerful middleman in Night City. Changing her identity is not a problem, but there are also clues that can be traced, right? Besides, there is still a problem with the original identity."

"Then what do you think?"

I have to say that Mo Wen is indeed a little tempted. Although Lucy's identity is not a problem in Mo Wen's eyes, Mo Wen is not afraid of Arasaka coming to trouble him. The worst he can do is visit Arasaka Tower again.

But the problem has never been solved, and Mo Wen doesn't think he has the ability to completely destroy Arasaka.

After all, the opponent is a world-class behemoth. It is okay to destroy one branch, but the total size is still too large.

"It's very simple. We can remove the original Arasaka mark in her body and incorporate it into our organization so that Arasaka can't cause trouble for her."

"Join you? Network monitoring?"

"Mr. Ghost, you can rest assured about this. It's just a name. She doesn't need to bear any responsibility or have any job." There will also be no salary, but this sentence is subtext, and everyone understands it.

After listening to the conditions given by the network monitor, Mo Wen lowered his head and thought for a while.

This condition is indeed good and saves a lot of trouble. It is also true that it is not something Rogge can achieve.

"Please leave the details of the commission first. I need to think about it and give you a reply in a few days."

"No problem, then I wish us a happy cooperation!"

After standing up and shaking hands, Flacco turned and left the private room.

At this time, Rogge, who only had a partial understanding of the situation and was a little confused, was in the private room, looking at Mo Wen quietly.

"How to say?"

"I'm really moved by this condition."

"Well~ can you tell me the specific conditions he gave me? I just heard it in confusion."

"Of course, but remember to keep it a secret."

Mo Wen still trusted Rogge. After giving instructions, he handed over the monitor with the chip inserted.

Rogge drank while looking at the information in his hand.

"This is the first time I've seen her, and I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Hmm~ She doesn't want to trust outsiders. If you have time, you can come to my place and I will introduce you to each other."

"There will be a chance, but it seems that her identity really has to go through the channels of network surveillance. Arasaka will implant a special imprint on the hackers he trains. In other words, every such large international company will do this. "

“That’s why I’ll consider it.”

"Why don't you agree directly? It's obvious that you are attracted by this condition, isn't it?"

"Indeed, I am moved, but I don't know what Lucy thinks. I may be a bit dictatorial, but I will respect her ideas."

"Ha~ It seems like you are serious about her."

"Huh? Didn't I tell you before?"

"Yes, it seems that at least you are not a scumbag like Johnny."

"Emmmm, my understanding of Silver Hand is very contradictory now. On the one hand, you say he is a scumbag, but on the other hand, you defend him. However, this does prove that Silver Hand has his own unique charm."

"Maintenance? Ha! Let's not talk about him anymore. What do you think?"

"Let's take a look at the specific commission first, and then go back and discuss it with Lucy to see what she thinks."

"Well, the specific information is here," said Roggedi, taking out a chip: "I have already looked at it, and there is nothing wrong with it."

However, Rogge did not hand it directly to Mo Wen. Instead, he inserted it into the monitor and handed it over like the previous one.

No way, you can never be too careful when dealing with a company.

"The target is a hacker from the Voodoo Gang, and network surveillance wants the information in his head."

"By the way, how many of the Voodoo Gang are not hackers?"

"Don't talk nonsense. This task is easy to say and difficult to say. You need to act covertly, kidnap him without being discovered, and hand him over to the people who monitor the voodoo network. But the voodoo gang has With its own completely independent network, you will be discovered as soon as you enter. If a member of the Voodoo Gang is attacked, other members will quickly discover and locate your location."

"In other words, you are asked to infiltrate but you don't have the conditions to infiltrate?"

"That's right, and you can't get rid of them all like before, otherwise you will alert the snake. The ultimate goal of network monitoring is the network in the hands of the Voodoo Gang - Poseidon. It is well known that network monitoring will deal with the Voodoo Gang. It’s just that the two sides have been mainly testing and engaging in secret confrontations. They and the entire Night City don’t want this matter to become a big deal.”

"Okay, I get it"

"Oh, by the way, be careful of them hacking into your system."

"I know Rogge. The general plan has been figured out now. I'm going to go back and ask Lucy what she thinks." After saying that, Mo Wen stood up and said goodbye to Rogge.

When he walked to the door, Mo Wen suddenly remembered something and turned around and said

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