Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 2 Exploring the Cyber ​​World

Mo Wen looked at the familiar icon on the left side of the modifier with a black line.

The big “cyberpunk2077” is so conspicuous on a punk background that even if you want to ignore it, it will be reminded by the background.

"Hiss~" (?`?Д?′)!! Mo Wen took another deep breath

This world is fine in the game, but it becomes a big problem in reality.

After cheating in the game, many things are just a matter of a few clicks, but it is difficult to turn them into reality.

If you want to make something in the game, you first need to get the blueprint, then upgrade it to make it, then find the blueprint and click to make it. Where does one-click production come from in reality? Hacking technology is not as simple as scanning and uploading a golem...

Tsk~ Let’s take it one step at a time. Mo Wen quickly calmed down and said, “Today’s stimulation is too great.” Mo Wen usually prioritizes staying rational. The huge changes that happened today made him lose his sense of proportion, but he recovered quickly.

Looking at the weapons and food in the car, Mo Wen threw them all into the space backpack. After experimenting, he found that just like in the game, bullets, bread and beer could be taken out unlimitedly, but others could not, but he could actually put the pickup truck in. Go in? Mo Wen silently looked at the car that he had put away, put out, put away again, and put out again, "I should improve my adaptability, otherwise I might become a cybermaniac if I don't have a strong will."

Mo Wen took out two pieces of bread and ate them slowly, while checking his body again, "Hmm~ My current body seems to have nothing installed except the operating system. The original installation rate is over 90%. "

"Cough~cough!" Someone choked without paying attention. After beating his chest with his fists to no avail, he took out a bottle of beer, used the car frame to drive it, closed his eyes and took a big gulp.

After reluctantly going down it, he looked at the bottle in his hand without words, "Sure enough, I still don't like wine." After thinking about it, I didn't throw it away. After all, there was no water to drink.

"By the way, this shouldn't be my original body. So what is the identity of this body? Why do I have no memory?"

The original body has been destroyed. This body is a brand new body based on the current world environment. Its identity is a wanderer.

"Then what?? That's all???" Mo Wen felt like there was another question mark on his forehead.

However, the system did not respond

"If there is no past experience and information, then where did this car and these equipment come from?"

After saying random generation, the system went silent again.

Mo Wen looked at the bread in his hand and was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and then continued to eat the bread, "Forget it~ At worst, when people ask about it, they will just say that they have lost their memory."

He found a tin bucket, filled it with some gasoline and other combustibles, and lit it with a gun. A simple bonfire was created like this. Mo Wen sat on a stone and watched the bonfire burn slowly.

As for why it suddenly became more high-profile, of course there is a modifier, at least you can't die, and the temperature in the wilderness drops a bit fast at night

Mo Wen, who was throwing pebbles into the bonfire one by one, seemed to suddenly remember something. He picked up the bottle, emptied the wine inside, and walked towards the pickup truck.

"I can't do anything if the parts are broken, but maybe gasoline can."

After filling a bottle of gasoline, a piece of tire fragment sealed the bottle and put it into the space backpack. Then a grid with a bottle of gasoline appeared in the space backpack, and the quantity was marked as 1. After taking it out, there was still a box in the space backpack. A bottle of gasoline is shown

The corner of Mo Wen's mouth raised, "It seems possible. Now I'm not worried about running out of gasoline." Then he put the bottle back into the space, and the grid showed that there were two bottles of gasoline. "If you think about it this way, can I use unlimited gasoline? "

After exploring the system functions for a while (boring), I got in the car and got ready to go to sleep. I will leave the rest of the things to think about tomorrow.

Perhaps because he experienced too many ups and downs today, Mo Wen quickly fell asleep.


Mo Wen drowsily heard the dense noise, opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar car roof, and then realized that he had traveled through time yesterday, and now this is the world of Cyberpunk 2077

Mo Wen, who rubbed his face vigorously and felt his brain was spinning, began to listen carefully to the sounds coming from far away.

Bang bang bang~ bang bang~ bang~ bang~ bang bang~

As he listened, Mo Wen's eyes suddenly widened. "Didn't I hear gunshots? Damn, I almost didn't react. In the cyberpunk world, gunfights are indispensable. They are more frequent than meals."

Hearing the sound of gunfire that was still far away, Mo Wen raised his eyes and looked at the surrounding environment full of boulders. "They probably haven't discovered this place yet, but they can't rule out the situation being affected here."

Quietly getting out of the car, Mo Wen held the pistol in his hand, with the magazine filled with bullets. He then opened the second safety and loaded the chamber, keeping it ready to be fired at any time. He crouched slowly towards the place where the fire broke out. Pick

My head peeked out from a towering rock, looking towards the fierce gun battle ahead.

Several cars were chasing each other fiercely. A car in front that was taking a snake-skin stance to avoid bullets seemed to have discovered this place and was speeding in the direction of Mo Wen.

"I you**##*##*** # "

Mo Wen cursed and looked around, looking for a place to retreat. However, after looking around, he found that the surrounding area was empty and there were not even a few cacti.

Reluctantly, I returned to the car, put it away, dug a small hole on the side with a crowbar, poured the burning residue from the tin bucket last night into it, then pushed some soil with my feet to cover it up slightly, and then put the tin The barrel was turned upside down in front of him. With his thin body, he hid in the corner of a boulder. He held the gun tightly in his hand. The handle was wet unknowingly, and the clothes on his body were rolling on the ground. Put on a "protective color"

"I'm not as lucky as anyone. I encountered obstacles in finding a job in the original world. I was almost 'hopeless of survival'. But I was still unlucky after I traveled through time." I originally thought that I would not die if I turned on the cheat, but suddenly I remembered - once If you are found to be 'unbeatable', you will be locked up and sliced ​​into pieces o(╥﹏╥)o

Bang bang bang~ bang bang~ bang~ bang~ bang bang~

The sound of gunshots mixed with explosions and screams kept rushing into Mo Wen's mind, and his face turned livid before he knew it.

Gradually, Mo Wen felt that his brain was getting more and more drowsy, and then he completely lost consciousness.

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