Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 203 Raid on the Robot Factory

"What do you say? Rico."

"Look here, there, and on the other side, these are the three consoles of the robot factory. We need to hack in and raise the signal tower so that we can steal the technical information inside."

"But the Black Hand is not a fool, and he will definitely not let us steal the information like this, Rico."

"I know, so we split up and fight quickly."

"Then have you ever thought about another point? The Black Hand must know the importance of these technical data. What if we successfully raise the signal tower and the Black Hand blows up the signal transmitter without doing anything else?"

"Then we can only try our best to hold on, or do you have a better way?"

"I really have this. As long as we are more concealed when we hack into these three consoles in the early stage, we will not be discovered by others."

"Xiao, it's easy for you to say this, but there are not only patrol soldiers of the Black Hand, but also many other staff members. Sneaking in quietly is not feasible. What's more, once we connect to a console, an alarm will sound immediately. The hacker will still notice it, let alone something as big as a signal transmitter!”

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it. Leave it to me, Rico. You can send a message to Mira and ask her to connect with my hacker, and then just wait to receive the information."

"Okay," Rico agreed after a little hesitation to Mo Wen's words. After all, Rico still knew the ghost walker's ability. Besides, even if he was discovered, he would just continue the original plan: "Then what should I do? ? You can’t just wait here~”

"Of course not, Rico, you also have a mission. I need you to attract the attention of the black hands as much as possible on the periphery before I am discovered. You can control the size of the disturbance yourself, but don't really cause alarm, just help me Just divert your attention, if my actions are discovered, you will make a big fuss."

"no problem."

After discussing the specific details, the two began to take action. Rico sent a message to Mira while approaching the outside.

As for Lucy, Mo Wen and Lucy had always been connected to multi-layered encrypted internal communications, so when Mo Wen revealed the plan, he had already discussed a plan of action with Lucy.

Soon, Mo Wen, who was driving optical stealth, found the console under Lucy's guidance. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the attention of the people around him was newly attracted by the commotion caused by Rico, Mo Wen immediately uploaded the crack program.

Thanks to the technology used by Mo Wen, which is far beyond this, no alarm was caused after the crack program was uploaded.

In a corner, Mo Wen knocked out a guard who was about the same size as himself, put on the guard's clothes and hid him, and then swaggered to the other two consoles to upload the cracking program.

This trip has gone smoothly so far. No staff doubted Mo Wen's identity. At the same time, Mo Wen also took care to avoid meeting other guards to avoid being recognized.

After installing the three golems, Mo Wen called Rico and came to meet at the signal transmitter.

Later, Mo Wen remotely activated all the demon dolls and raised the signal transmitter.

At the same time, Mira also received the backdoor program sent by Lucy and began to download the robot factory information.

It was no longer possible to hide at this time, so Rico immediately took out his weapon and started shooting at the surrounding Black Hand soldiers.

After all, a big thing like a signal transmitter rises from the ground. As long as you are not blind, everyone in this base can see it. How could you not know what happened.

Even if someone doesn't react, the person in charge of base security will know what to do.

After a group of black-handed soldiers discovered Rico's existence, Rico started suppressing fire on Rico. As for Mo Wen? Mo Wen has not been exposed yet, and is observing the movements of other black hands next to an anti-aircraft gun.

Since Mo Wen knew Rico's strength, he had no plans to take action.

But Mo Wen did not do anything. He took off several Firefly self-destruction robots from his armed belt and threw them towards the Black Hand soldiers. Then the robots started, flew out from the storage tank, locked on some Black Hand soldiers each, and pounced on them. Turn on self-destruction.

This time, many Black Hand soldiers were eliminated, and Rico found the right opportunity to eliminate the remaining ones in two or two strokes.

"Okay, Xiao, your method is really good."

Although he was also discovered in the end, at least at first the Black Hand did not pay attention, nor did he realize that the Black Hand would be unable to prevent the attack. In this case, the Black Hand did not think about blowing up the signal transmitter at first, so he focused his attention All focus is on dealing with the intruders.

Now that the download progress on Mira's side has reached nearly half, Black Hand has now realized that it is too late to destroy the signal transmitter. After all, the remaining Black Hand soldiers in the base have been completely dispersed and cannot be mobilized, and The arrival of support troops will take time.

If you're lucky, this time you can download the data in the base before Black Hand's support arrives.

"After obtaining the information here, the strength of the Riot Legion can be further improved."

Mo Wen frowned at these words.

In fact, if Rico had the same skills and equipment as Mo Wen, then there would be no need to go to such trouble.

Mo Wen and Lucy's technology, combined with the Ghost Walker's helmet, had just uploaded the golem program, and Mo Wen had already downloaded all the technical information about the factory.

This is just because I don't want to expose my trump card too much and keep some mystery.

However, even though Mira's technology is okay, there are still many gaps. At least to download these things, you need this kind of remote connection signal download.

A few more minutes passed, and Mira's side had almost finished downloading the information, but Black Hand's support had already arrived.

"As for it, it's both an armed helicopter and a tank!" Rico cursed angrily as he looked at the black-handed reinforcements who came over to blow up the signal transmitter.

"After all, I'm not stupid. Retaking the base is no longer the most important thing. Blocking the transmission quickly and preventing us from downloading the data is the top priority!"

With that said, Mo Wen got on the side of the anti-aircraft gun first, then turned around and fired at Blackhand's armed helicopters and tanks.

When Rico saw this, he glanced at the assault rifle in his hand, then looked at the Blackhand spare weapon box on the side, kicked it open, took out a rocket launcher and put it on his shoulder, aimed at a drone and hit it.

Although it was the first time to operate this kind of anti-aircraft gun, except for the first two shots that missed the target, Mo Wen almost wiped out an aircraft with one shot and a tank with two shots.

Soon, the first wave of Heshou reinforcements had been eliminated, and Mira had just finished downloading all the information, and asked Rico and Mo Wen to retreat quickly...

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