Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 208: Split Action - Release the Waterfall

"What's going on this time, Lucy?"

In the Akatoyaku area, Mo Wen was standing on the edge of a cliff, looking into the distance.

"Mira said that our mission this time is to destroy the Black Hand's power supply system-Waterfall Fortress."

"Hmm~ Are you sure, Lucy? I think there are still civilians downstream of this waterfall. Once I destroy this place and cause the water flow to become uncontrollable, the civilians below will suffer." Mo Wen looked at the waterfall in front of him. In the fortress, the huge water storage capacity and huge height difference reminded me of the houses below that I saw when I flew here.

"Regarding this, Mira said that she has already sent people to evacuate. The people living downstream are poor people at the bottom, and the houses are all built with waste materials. It should be easy to do it~"

"That's not necessarily true, Lucy. Think about it from another perspective. These people are already so poor that they use abandoned construction waste to build houses. This can be said to be the bottom line. In this case, what do they think about it? I will definitely be very persistent in my final territory.”

"how do you know?"

"No, I don't know. I just put myself in someone else's shoes and thought about it. If it were me, and I was in this situation, and I had reached this point, and even wanted to destroy my last things, then I would definitely not do it. ah."

"Hmm~ New resistance?"

"No way? Mira wants to pull them all into the resistance!"

"It is possible. It is hard to say whether this is the right choice, but it is obvious that the choice is not in their hands now. Moreover, the civilians downstream also have no electricity because of the black hands monopolizing water, right? This contradiction has long been There is no way to adjust, the only way is to resist.”

"Then let's start taking action, don't think so much."

After thinking for a while, I realized that it was useless to think so much. I couldn't control what happened to the people down here, and I had no responsibilities or obligations. I simply didn't think about it anymore. I found the correct position and used the grappling hook and flying wings to glide towards the waterfall fortress.

After arriving above the Waterfall Fortress, several landmarks appeared in front of Mo Wen's eyes, and then Lucy's voice came into his mind: "Here we need to go underground first, destroy the four generating units, and then come back and remove the four turbines. The group is also destroyed, and then the water can be released through the console. "

"OK, received."

"By the way, the elevator going down is locked. You need to get closer for me to unlock it. Wait a moment."

After hearing Lucy's words, Mo Wen immediately descended.

When he came within sight of the Black Hand soldiers, Mo Wen immediately turned on optical invisibility and hid his figure.

Soon, just after Mo Wen landed on the elevator, Lucy had cracked the protective lock imposed by the black hand on the elevator system, and then the elevator began to slowly descend.

Mo Wen planned to do something fun this time.

Destroy the Waterfall Fortress bit by bit, but be careful not to be discovered by the Black Hand.

Generally speaking, this is impossible. After all, Mo Wen's mission this time is all about big moves, and it is impossible to avoid being discovered.

But Mo Wen is not an ordinary person, Mo Wen is cheating! Moreover, all the cyber implants are of high quality. Isn’t it normal to beat up these black-handed soldiers?

Besides, this is exactly what Mo Wen is good at.

The legend of the Ghost Walker on the market is that from the beginning to the end of the mission, no one can see the existence of the Ghost Walker himself!

Sure enough, when the elevator began to descend, some soldiers from the Black Hand came to check, but they did not see the ghost walker in the invisible state, so they simply ignored it.

In this way, Mo Wen easily arrived at the location of the underground generator set without disturbing anyone.

After arriving underground, Mo Wen looked at where he and the four generators were, then looked at the structural diagram, and suddenly had an idea.

These locations cannot be passed from the ground even if they are invisible. Not to mention the patrolling black-hand soldiers, just look at the staff walking back and forth and the narrow corridors. It is a state where you can encounter someone within two steps. Optical invisibility only hides the body shape, not virtualization.

But Ghost Walker also has another tool - spider gloves.

With this thing, you can walk on almost any surface like a spider.

Soon, Mo Wen relied on the spider gloves to avoid everyone and installed bombs on the four generators.

Quietly return to the elevator and start the elevator to rise upwards.

The moment he returned to the ground, Mo Wen activated four bombs.

"Bang! Boom~" Four explosions sounded indiscriminately, and immediately, all four generating units of the Waterfall Fortress were blown up.

While the Black Hand soldiers underground were still panicking for the intruders, Mo Wen had already used his grappling hook and flying wings to return to the sky.

But the turmoil underground wasn't over yet.

Mo Wen also threw a few ladybug robots on the ground.

Compared with the Firefly robot, the Ladybug robot is larger but has a longer battery life. Moreover, the function of the Ladybug robot is not to explode, but to release high-concentration compressed psychedelic gas.

After checking the time, Mo Wen estimated that those people underground were already dancing in chaos. Next, some of the guards and manpower on the ground should be transferred away, at least their attention would be attracted.

Sure enough, after waiting for a while, the black-hand soldiers on the ground patrolled to no avail. A group of soldiers took the elevator to the underground to search for the intruders. At the same time, a few people were left to guard the elevator entrance. At this time, the entire waterfall fortress ground guard force We have become quite relaxed and this is a good opportunity for action.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Mo Wen planned to do the same for the four turbines on the ground.

However, after installing the two turbine bombs, Mo Wen encountered a problem - of the remaining two turbines, one was blocked by a container and the other was underwater.

Whether he was opening an obstructing container or diving, Mo Wen's optical invisibility would be disabled, and Mo Wen's position would also be exposed.

"Lucy, can you hack into the turbine and make him pop out on his own?"

"I'm afraid not. These turbines are controlled by mechanical structures."

"Okay then, I'll figure it out."

After hanging it on the wall and thinking for a while, Mo Wen finally thought of a way.

Mo Wen flipped his hand and took out a military technology-Pterodactyl drone from the space and threw it into the air.

"Lucy, please connect to this Pterodactyl and help me attract firepower from the outside."


Soon, under Lucy's control, the pterodactyl flew to the outskirts of the Waterfall Fortress and attacked the guarding Black Hand soldiers.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the Black Hand soldier's attention was almost attracted, Mo Wen first moved the container that was in the way, pulled out the turbine slightly, installed the bomb inside, and then quickly jumped into the water.

"Wow, you didn't make a splash when you entered the water. Should I give you ten points? Even if you move less."


Ignoring Lucy's teasing, Mo Wen quickly swam to where the last turbine was.

There was no way to avoid it this time, so Mo Wen could only activate Si'an Westan and quickly deal with the black-hand soldiers here to prevent them from reacting and calling for support and exposing Mo Wen's location...

"Bang! Boom! Boom~"

Four explosions sounded, and all the turbines were successfully blown up. Now Mo Wen had completed two-thirds of his mission. Of course, the last third was the most important!

While the remaining Black Hand soldiers were busy looking for the intruder, Mo Wen had already arrived at the console.

Gently passing by the staff, he uploaded a cracking program to the console, and then left the rest to gravity~

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