Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 240 Small accidents and speculations

"What's wrong with you?"

Mo Wen looked at Johnny in front of him and couldn't help but feel confused.

I couldn't help it. I was fine when I went out, but when I came back I felt like something was wrong with me.

Although nothing could be seen from the outside, Mo Wen clearly felt that the other party's consciousness was a little slow. . . In other words, the action is delayed!

After hearing Mo Wen's question, Johnny stayed for a while, then turned his head, his body seemed to be stuck, and pointed at the back of his neck.

Only then did Mo Wen notice that the processor on the back of Johnny's neck that connected the body to the chip was damaged.

Good guy!

It looks like he was hit by a bullet~

Johnny Silverhand is lucky that his body didn't dissipate immediately like this!

But it looks so funny~


"Don't... laugh! Damn~"

Seeing Mo Wen holding his stomach and squatting on the ground laughing wildly, Johnny looked a little angry, but because his body couldn't keep up with the reaction, it was almost as if the network was disconnected after playing a game.

"You, are you experiencing network fluctuations? Johnny. This look is so funny."

"Just... tell me whether you can or can't repair it!"

"I can repair it, but it's rare to see you like this." Mo Wen said as he started recording. Normally Johnny Silverhand always looks like he is pulling, who would have thought that there would be a moment like this? Such a funny Johnny Silverhand is hard to come by!

"Come on, go and lie down in the life-sustaining cabin by yourself, and I'll fix it for you, but you have to go in first..."

I really don’t know how Johnny managed to return to the location of the spacecraft in this state.

But putting curiosity aside for now, it's more fun to watch Johnny make a fool of himself.

While recording Johnny, Mo Wen also notified Lucy (if it weren't for the cross-world communication technology, Mo Wen would have wanted Rogge and the Adecado tribe to watch this scene together)

And Johnny Silverhand is also tough!

He forced himself through the long passage and came to Mo Wen's workshop in a zigzag manner.

After opening the life-sustaining cabin with difficulty, he fell backwards and fell into the glass cabin.

Now that Johnny had entered the life-sustaining warehouse on his own, Mo Wen didn't want to embarrass him too much and immediately started a repair plan.

After removing the processor, Mo Wen casually pulled out the chip and inserted it into the terminal nearby.

The next moment, Johnny Silverhand's virtual projection appeared aside.

"Hey~ you still have this skill? This feels much better."

"Really? But in this state, you have no sense of touch. Is this really okay?"

"Why don't you try the state I was in just now? The one where you obviously have a body, but your brain sends out instructions, but your body is always slow or even unable to receive the instructions!"

"That must have been a pretty bad feeling."

"Of course, it's as if I'm bound by something."

"So I won't experience it anymore. It's up to you to experience this situation."

"Damn, you stinky boy..."

However, Mo Wen ignored Johnny Silverhand's fragrant breath, flipped his hand to silence, and then began to study the device in his hand.

Although this device is a technology produced by the system, it was actually made by Mo Wen himself, so it is not difficult to repair!

After checking, it was found that a bullet had probably grazed the processor casing. The high-speed collision caused the casing to shatter, and the fragments spread to the processor chip and some circuits inside.

Just re-solder the circuit and replace the chip.

After deciding on the plan, Mo Wen immediately started to take action~

As for why Johnny wasn’t replaced with a new one~ How should I put it? You don’t know how expensive firewood and rice are. (Actually, Mo Wen just doesn’t want to go through the trouble of making a new one. Anyway, the damage is not big. After repairing it, it will still work like a new one.)

"By the way, tell me, Johnny, how did this happen."

Mo Wen asked while repairing the processor.

"Huh? Isn't it obvious? He was hit by a bullet!"

Listening to Yin Shou's perfunctory answer, Mo Wen pointed to the news displayed on the screen next to him: an armed train was hijacked, the transfer station suffered a devastating blow, terrorists bombarded the train transfer station...

The pictures and videos accompanying the news happened to be about Rico and Silverhand hijacking the Black Hand armed train.

In the picture, you can clearly see a middle-aged man with silver mechanical arms controlling a cannon and firing at Black Hand.

"Okay, here's the thing, but because Black Hand had too much support, the barrel was too hot and could not continue to fire, and Black Hand's heavy firepower had been knocked out, and there were only a few soldiers left, so I went out to confront them head-on. Fight, but it turned out that the ****'s black hands hid a sniper outside. If I hadn't reacted quickly, I might have been hit in the head..."

"...Johnny, if you were hit in the head, this wouldn't happen. You have to know that the position of your head on your body is not your real brain. If you were hit, it would only be painful at most. ~”

"Damn! But who thinks so much? Instinctively, I lowered my head to dodge, and the bullet just missed the small box! Then I felt as if my body was shut down. If Rico hadn't come to support me, I might just be scattered there. "

After finishing speaking, Johnny didn't get a response from Mo Wen, so he looked back in confusion, but when he saw Mo Wen staring at the processor in his hand with a red light in his eyes, he thought he was checking it, so he didn't say anything.

actually not.

Mo Wen is currently checking the data recorded on Yin Shou's body.

It's not that Mo Wenxin can't trust Johnny Silverhand, it's just that this guy is really good at things. . . . Anyway, I just don’t feel reassured.

After a while, after Mo Wen confirmed that there was nothing unexpected, the processor had been repaired.

After reinstalling the chip, Mo Wen looked at Johnny, who had regained freedom of movement again, and waved him away.

"How was it?" After making sure Johnny left, Lucy closed the door and asked Mo Wen.

Mo Wen nodded lightly: "I'm sure, this time it was just an accident, there are no traces of man-made changes."

After hearing Mo Wen's words, Lucy felt relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

There was no way. Judging from the information monitored by Lucy, the other party obviously wanted to use Johnny Silverhand as an entry point to continue researching cyber implants. But obviously Johnny would definitely not agree, so I could only do it when Johnny and I couldn't resist.

To achieve this level, the only way is to destroy the microprocessor behind Johnny's neck. At the same time, it cannot be completely destroyed so that it cannot continue to work, otherwise Johnny's body will fall apart.

So after finding out what happened to Johnny, Mo Wen had been worried about whether it was the people behind him!

"Don't worry too much, Xiao, they probably don't know Johnny's physical condition, so they probably won't do such a thing."

"That was before, but after this time, it is inevitable that they will not notice the strangeness of Silver Hand's body..."

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