Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 245 Upala Plan

"This is the final battle~"

"Time flies so fast, and it's here in a blink of an eye!"

"Yes, I still remember that when we first arrived, the entire Solis was under the control of the Black Hand Group. Now, the Black Hand Group's control of Solis has been reduced to the lowest point, and it only has some influence secretly. "

"It's useless. The Black Hand has been operating for so many years, and the ones in the dark are the hardest to pull out. So it will take a lot of time for the Riot Legion to truly control Solis."

"So, the war between the Riot Legion and the Black Hand will not stop in a short time. Wouldn't it be useless for Mira and the organization behind it? As long as the Black Hand Group is still active in secret, the Riot Legion will never be able to truly control the rope. Leith.”

"But at least it has improved the living environment of the people of Solis, even if it is just a slight change, as long as the people can see hope, then the evil hands can be slowly removed in the future."

"But, I think you must have other preparations~"

"How to say?"

"Mira and the others may have good intentions, but power is poison that eats people's hearts. No one can bear it, not to mention that the organization behind them has been coveting the technology in our hands..."

"Hahaha, Lucy, you better understand me. I admire them. I admire them for resisting Black Hand and Espinoza. I admire them for being willing to fight for the people of Solis with their lives. Therefore, I am willing to help. But if they think they have gained the upper hand and want to deal with me, I will make them pay a heavy price!"

When he said this, Mo Wen was filled with murderous aura!

As a murderous god-like being, the murderous aura accumulated by Mo Wen was not something that ordinary people could withstand.

Even Lucy felt unusually oppressed.

Likewise, as the person most familiar with Mo Wen, Lucy naturally knew what this painful price was.

Mo Wen, or Ghost Walker, always kills to stop killing. As long as the person who raised the problem is solved, then there will be no problem...

Therefore, it is conceivable that once the organization behind the rebel army shows its fangs to their side, what awaits them will be the price of blood and death.

Lucy nestled in Mo Wen's arms and nodded gently.

Sensing the movement in his arms, Mo Wen was startled and immediately withdrew his murderous intent.

"Sorry, I scared you."

"It's okay~"


On the other side, Rico and Mira are planning the final battle to capture Yupala and eliminate the mafia leader Espinosa.

"The weapon of Project Upala is the storm controller, which can not only control strong winds, but also has thunder and lightning attacks!"

"I have personally experienced this before. It was very uncomfortable. Even though I tried my best to avoid it, I was still hit. I lost my fighting ability in an instant."

"It's impossible for us to strengthen our bodies with any equipment to help us resist electric shocks!"

"Silver Hands, the technology over there is different from what we know. Do you have such equipment to resist electric shock?"

After discussing for a while, someone still turned their attention to Yin Hands.

After all, everyone knew that Mo Wen and his team mastered unknown advanced technology, which was far beyond their own.

Although he has always wanted it, Mo Wen has always disagreed, and because Mo Wen is too strong, no one can force him.

Now Silver Hand is on his side, and he has convinced the other party to get some implant technology. He thinks he can gain more this time.

"Ha! Don't think that I don't know what you are planning. Equipment to resist electric shock damage~ I do know that there is it, but it is not in my hands. I can't do anything about it, and don't expect me to intercede for you! This is your business! Don’t come to us whenever you encounter a problem..."

Johnny said it very bluntly, and equally hard to hear.

At least the faces of several people in the conference room were black and blue!

"Ahem~ That's not what you said, Mr. Silverhand, aren't we cooperating? Since we are cooperating, we can't always be the ones doing the work, right? On your side... right?"

"Fuck you! You still have the nerve to say that! Didn't Xiao Xiao and I be the main force in your actions? Well! We are two people. Apart from Rico, do you have anyone who can do it?

Besides, why do you think Xiao and I need you to cooperate? ! ! ! Don’t be confused about the primary and secondary relationships and your own position! "

These words once again stamped several people's faces on the ground.

No way, this is a fact that cannot be argued.

The Riot Legion was not that powerful from the beginning, and Rico was always the one supporting the facade.

On the other hand, Ghost Walker is an existence that can kill an entire army by himself. He doesn't need to cooperate with him at all. He can kill the mafia by himself;

There is also Johnny Silverhand, although he is not as good as Ghost Walker, but he is also a strong warrior in his own right ~ the kind that can be compared with Rico.

But besides Rico, I really can’t bring anyone else here.

Although not to mention that the Riot Legion couldn't help at all, the actual effect was not that great. Mainly managing some logistics and maintaining order in liberated areas.

Well, order is still very important, it’s just about the scoring object.

At least not as far as Ghost Walker is concerned.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the topic."

"Morales, do you have any ideas?"

"Emm~ To be honest, I do have a way," Morales said after looking at the others: "My plan is this. In the early stage, we will first use a train to send the personnel and equipment to a place near Yu. Then, Rico or Ghost Walker will drive the modified Storm Chaser to approach Upala, and attack the inside of the base tower as quickly as possible, so that the damage of the thunder can be minimized. ”

"The main force of this plan is still science and ghost runners. Most of them need to distract the attention and strength of the black hand soldiers on the outside and create conditions for the internal attackers."

"Storm chasers can help us guide lightning and reduce the damage caused by lightning to soldiers."

"The plan looks feasible."

"Yes, without the technical support of Ghost Walker, we can only proceed according to this plan."

"Actually, I originally wanted Ghost Walker to attack alone~ I have watched the previous video materials. If Ghost Walker and Rico attack together, then there is a high possibility of an accident. The strength of the two is not equal. Faced with the same The enemy's rhythm was disrupted. Maybe Rico was still being bitten by the Black Hand Soldier, and the Ghost Walker had already rushed out. In this case, the Ghost Walker would have to go back to support Rico..."

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