Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 55 Jack’s thoughts and future development

"Okay, Xiao, he is just a clown, don't be angry."

"I know, thank you Jack"

"Harm, we are all brothers, not to mention I can't help much."

Back at the bar, Jack saw that Mo Wen's mood hadn't recovered yet, so he suggested going outside for a boxing session.

The two found a street arena and participated.

However, Jack did not participate in the beginning and asked Mo Wen to go ahead and vent his anger.

Since it is not a formal boxing match, there are not many restrictions in the ring.

One by one, boxers came up to challenge, were beaten severely by Mo Wen, and finally kicked off the ring.

A few of them even installed punching and stabbing implants in an attempt to defeat Mo Wen, but the end result was the same. The angry Mo Wen punched a few times and even the implants were destroyed, and he was finally carried away. Walk

At the same time, Jack also gained a new understanding of Mo Wen's strength.

After more than a dozen people were knocked unconscious, Mo Wen had no challenger, his anger was almost vented, and he was ready to leave.

"How's it going, Jack? How much did you make?"

"Hehe~ It's more than 30,000 yuan. At the beginning, those guys didn't like you, so the odds were a bit high, which made me make a lot of money. But then you played too fast, and they learned smarter, so I made less money. "

"Then I'll play slower next time?" Mo Wen, who was in a good mood again, joked.

"That's not necessary. After all, today's meeting has already made them know you."

Back at the Wild Wolf Bar, Jack picked up a case of wine and started drinking.

"What's wrong Jack, why do you feel like you're not in a good mood?"

"It's nothing, I just think, Xiao, you are so awesome."

"Um...I don't quite understand."

"Xiao, haven't you noticed that the gap in strength between us is getting wider and wider now?"


"If this continues, I will soon become a burden to you."

"No Jack, you are my good brother, I will not treat you as a burden."

"Hahaha, of course I know, Xiao, but it is not good for our development if we continue like this. Soon our reputation will become bigger and bigger, and our lives will become bigger and bigger. Similarly, the danger will also increase. Then I won’t be able to keep up with you, so the two of us will be separated sooner or later as a team.”


"We have the same goal, but I can't keep up with you. If I continue to team up with you, it will be bad for you and me."

"So Jack, you don't want to break up with me, do you?"

"Xiao, if you think about it carefully, this is good for both of us. Of course we are not separated now. Now we have to accumulate fame. You know me, I want to become a legend, but if I can't keep up with you, then I will become you. I’m an agent, that’s not what I want.”

"I got it Jack"

"So let's receive more commissions now and quickly increase our reputation."

In the next six months, due to their increased fame, Mo Wen and Jack received many commissions, including some big ones.

The reputation of the two also gradually increased, and finally what Jack had expected happened happened

"It's time, Xiao, I'm glad to see you become so powerful."

"Me too Jack"

In today's commission, Jack already felt powerless.

Or maybe I felt it a month ago

Recently, Jack can only perform some supporting tasks in commissions, and can hardly get involved in combat.

Jack also knew that Mo Wen had suppressed his own strength. He knew that Mo Wen couldn't look away.

As a Heywood man, Jack was much more cheerful. He was not worried about this matter at all, and was only happy for Mo Wen.

"Look at it, it would be good for our respective development if we separate, and it's not like we can't meet each other, or are you saying that if I want to ask you for help in the future, I won't be able to find anyone?"

"Why is it Jack? Why is he a good brother?"

"Then I won't go home until I get drunk tonight..."

After a night of partying, the combination of Jack and Mo Wen split up

The time has come to 2076

Mo Wen's reputation has reached a certain level

Especially in one commission, one person killed more than seventy Sixth Street Gang and penetrated a factory, while himself was intact.

The Sixth Street Gang was forced to bow their heads and submit.

(The Sixth Street Gang is a gang formed by retired soldiers. It fights, smashes, loots and burns under the banner of liberating the city. Most of its members are veterans, former police officers, exiled agents, and have more military experience...)

After this battle, Mo Wen's fame reached its peak, and he was qualified to enter the next life a year ago.

"Xiao, I have a job for you, come over for an interview."

"Roger? Okay, I'll be there right away."

Mo Wen, who had just come out of Victor Clinic, received a call from Rogge.

After briefly moving his body, he got on the Delama and drove towards the next life.

"Hey Roger, what's up?"

"You're here, sit down and wait a moment."

After greeting Mo Wen, he ordered two glasses of wine and then continued on the phone.

When Mo Wen drank his second cup, Rogge ended the communication.

"Sorry, I have an accident to deal with. Please take a look at this first." He said and took out a chip.

While Mo Wen was checking the contents of the chip, Rogge was introducing the commission.

"There is an experiment over there in biotechnology, which contains a new type of drug, but military technology has a product that may conflict with this, so I need you to steal their experimental data."

"Do you have their structural diagram, firepower and staffing?"

"No, only the outer ones. The inside is too tight and my people can't detect it. These are the outermost layers."

"You should go find those mercenary teams. Finding me as a lone wolf is not a good choice."

"There is no way. The fewer people the employer wants to know, the better. Moreover, the famous Ghost Walker, I am still very confident in your strength." Rogge knew very well how powerful this fast-rising little guy in front of him was. strength

"No, the internal structure is completely unknown. Once I enter, I will be blind and become a target for the security guards."

"So you need a hacker"

"Do you have any recommendations?" Mo Wen was slightly curious after hearing Rogge's words.

"If it was more than ten years ago, but now, powerful hackers have either entered the company or are organized. You have to find it yourself. Don't worry, you have a month." After saying that, Rogge stood up and left. go

After entering the next life, Mo Wen took on a lot of extremely difficult and dangerous tasks. More than half of them were tasks that others thought required teamwork to complete, but Mo Wen was able to handle them neatly and neatly on his own. This was also done by Mo Wen in one year. Asked why he was promoted so quickly

But this time, I really felt the difficulty. It can’t be done without hackers.

After the next life, I plan to discuss it with Jack.

Although the team separated and Mo Wen entered the Afterlife Bar, his friendship with Jack did not diminish at all.

The two are scheduled to meet at the Ritz Bar

On the road, Delamain is driving fast


There was an explosion, and then the car body suffered a huge impact. Mo Wen, who recovered instantly and picked up his weapon, looked outside the car.

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