Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 59 Hacker Lucy

The next night, Ritz Bar

The entire Mann team arrived, and Mo Wen also arrived at the bar after a while.

"Hey~ Mann, I'm late"

"It's okay, Xiao, we just got here."

After greeting a few people, Mann called for a few bottles of wine and they started drinking.

"Hmm~Pyrrha, Rebecca, Falco, Qiwei, wow, your team is not small." Mo Wen looked at Mann's team, with six team members and a full-time hacker. He heard that the technology was also good

Being able to support such a large team shows that it is quite powerful, but why haven't I heard of it before?

After getting the implant he had been thinking about for a long time, Mann was also very happy. He replied with the help of wine: "We used to rely on constant work to support the team. Now that I have become stronger, I can take on bigger tasks." Entrust it, it will be easier to support the team when the time comes. If the cycle continues, sooner or later you will enter the next life and become the most powerful mercenary team, hahaha."

"Well~ the team is really good, I also need a suitable team"

"Huh? Xiao, do you want to join our team?"

"Shut up Pyrrha, what nonsense are you talking about?" Mann scolded after hearing Pyrrha's words.

Mann knew that his team couldn't let go of Xiao's existence. He was already half a legend, and his team was not famous yet. It was impossible no matter how he thought about it.

"Sorry, Xiao, this guy is drunk."

"It's okay, I understand."

"Ah? Why not? Xiao Xiao, didn't you just say that you want to find a team? We are so good here." Rebecca, the little loli next to her, heard this and said: "Mann is very considerate of us, and so is Dorio. They take good care of people and we are like a family.”

"Uh..." Now it was Mo Wen's turn and he didn't know what to say.

Just say it directly for fear of hurting people. If you don’t say it, I don’t know how to answer.

"It's different Rebecca. Now in Night City, the starting price for a ghost walker is 1 million euros. The gap between strength and reputation is too big and we can't bear it," Mann said.

"Ah~ big man, are you so powerful?"

"Ah~ It's okay. In fact, I might be able to accept some interesting commissions that cost less than one million."

"Then~ why do you still want to find a team when you are so good?" Rebecca didn't understand~

"I have a job now, and I need a hacker with good skills and trustworthy skills. Rogge introduced him to me before, but there is none this time. I have to find it myself."

"Is there anyone chosen?" Dorio asked aloud.

"Not yet. You should also know that I have always been a lone wolf and have not had much contact with other people. Well~ I don't require the other party to have high strength, as long as they are trustworthy and have strength." Thinking of his mission, and the Mann team Case

"I have a candidate here, do you want to meet him?" Qi Wei, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted.

"Talk about it"

"Originally, I planned to bring her into the team. The other party's hacking skills are not inferior to mine, so you can rest assured that she is definitely not a spy agent of the company, and there is no problem with her character."

"Okay, I'll inform her."

After a while, a woman with short white hair walked into the bar. Qiwei waved to her and motioned for her to come over.

"Mr. Xiao, this is Lucy, a very powerful hacker. Lucy, this is the Mr. Xiao I told you," Qiwei introduced to the two of them.

"Hello Lucy, nice to meet you"


Forehead. . . A bit cold~ But am I a white-haired person? How come I didn’t know this before?! ! !

Feeling the unbalanced heart rate just now, Mo Wen tortured his soul.

"It's like this. You don't need to be front-on in this job. You just need to assist me on the Internet. I can share half of the money with you, which is less than 600,000. How about it?"

She doesn't become a mercenary just for money. As long as the other party can give her half of his skills, it doesn't matter. Is she short of this little money? A joke, it's just a series of numbers

"Okay." After hearing this number, Lucy's eyes narrowed, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Wow, 600,000~ Mann, how many commissions do we have to accept?" The little Loli became excited after hearing the commission, as if she wanted to get the 600,000.

"Okay, now that you have no problem, I'm going to try your skills. Are you ready?"

"Huh? Tell me, how can you prove it?" She can get so much money at once without showing up. She also knows that the technical requirements are very high. Lucy is confident in her own strength, and she doesn't need to show up and is not afraid of exposing her identity.

Mo Wen took out a terminal with ice, which he had used in Arasaka before. Mo Wen kept it after cracking it. He usually used it to practice his hacking skills. This time, he just wanted to test the other party's skills.

After a while, Mo Wen found that there was no prompt on his terminal and the protection program did not respond. He frowned.

Did you fail to crack it? Did you give up? It seems that the technology is not very good~

"Okay." Lucy suddenly interrupted Mo Wen's thinking. At the same time, her words also made Mo Wen confused.

Okay? What's okay? What happened?

Then Mo Wen received the message from Lucy on the communication line.

Good guy, this technology is amazing. This is stealing the content without triggering the alarm. Most people can't do this.

Bang bang bang~

Mo Wen applauded the other party

"Lucy, please allow me to call you this. Your skills impress me. Please forgive me for my previous contempt."

"Yeah", still nodding coldly

"This job needs to be kept confidential due to the employer's request, so I will give you the entrusted information later, but you can rest assured that I swear on my honor as a ghost walker that I will not put you in danger."

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"Well, I understand." Hearing the still cold response, Mo Wen didn't care anymore. It was just this time anyway.

Then several people started to drink wine, but Mo Wen, who had cheated and had nano-robots in his body to assist, said that it was completely true, and he even wanted to drink you all down.

Then bottles of spirits were poured down his stomach like water.

The first one to fall was Pyrrha, followed by Rebekah. Dorio and Falco did not participate, and were either smoking or drinking with Qiwei and Lucy.

Finally, there was Mann. Perhaps out of excitement, Mann drank more than a dozen bottles before he collapsed.

Mo Wen, who was a little dizzy due to the intense drinking, took advantage of Mann's collapse to recover a little.

I found that several people had fallen down and were unconscious.

Mo Wen had a black thread: The damn protagonist has fallen. You can't let the woman opposite pay. If you had agreed to treat us, you should have asked Mann to pay first. Does this count for you? Got prostituted for nothing

"Matteo, come here," he turned to the bartender and shouted

Then he looked at Dolio and the others: "That's it for today. You can also take them back to have a good rest."

"Yeah, no problem"

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"This table and their consumption are all mine."

"Okay boss, I'll go back first"

He waved his hand to Mateo and signaled him to get busy.

When he turned around, he saw the four Dorios looking at him.


"Are you the owner of the Ritz Bar?"

"Um... I own half of the shares here, but I don't usually do anything," Mo Wenmazhao explained.

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