Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 70 Advice to Mann Team

The battle did not last long. After both sides finished cleaning up,

Mo Wen returned to the bar above, leaving Evelin to rest alone downstairs.

"Hey~ Xiao, you are here too"

Hearing the voice coming from beside him, Mo Wen turned around

"Rebecca? You are here too"

The moment he saw the other person, Mo Wen also saw the other people in the booth.

Lifting his legs and walking over

"How is it? Why don't you see Lucy?"

"Ah~ you're talking about her, maybe she's resting now, right?" Mo Wen recalled Lucy's situation when he left the manor.

"Huh? What's going on?" Mann and others were a little surprised when they heard Mo Wen's answer.

"Oh~ That's it. I think Lucy's ability is really good, so I teamed up with her. She is with me now."

"Oh~ then, congratulations, Xiao Xiao, you have found a teammate that suits you."

As he spoke, Mann raised his glass and gestured to Mo Wen.

Mo Wen also responded to the other party in the same way.

"What about you? How have you been these two days?"

"We are still like that, taking on a few small jobs. How can the big jobs be so easy?"

Hearing this, Mo Wen's previous questions came to mind again.

It stands to reason that the personnel and firepower of Mann's team are quite strong. According to the other party's words, the team is usually very active, but why does he rarely hear the news?

"Mann, where do you usually take jobs?"

"Hmm~ It's usually at Faraday's place, where the money entrusted to him is more."

"Faraday? It turns out to be that four-eyed monster~ Tsk"

"What? Is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem? The problem is huge. He is just a low-level middleman. Why are you looking for him? There are so many middlemen in Night City."

"We have cooperated many times, and he is quite generous with the money."

"Ha~ Mann, do you know why he pays so generously? That guy is a middleman on the surface, but secretly a dog that licks the company. How else could he make so much money and give you so much? He can deduct even more."

"Emmmm, actually we know a little bit about this situation."

"You know? Then you still cooperate with him?"

"Isn't it that other people's jobs are too small to support the entire team?"

"Other middlemen don't have big jobs? Impossible"

"We also know this, but if they don't give it to us, we won't be able to receive it," the fierce girl Dorio interjected from the side.

"Ha~ Mann, you know, your team's combat effectiveness is very strong. It will be no problem to enter the next life, but in the next life, no one talks about you. Maybe the middlemen there know about you, but the mercenary circle does not know about you."

"Huh? That shouldn't be the case. We've obviously completed several big commissions, so how come no one knows about us?" After hearing Mo Wen's words, Rebecca stepped in, and several other members of the team also came over.

"Of course it's because of guys like Faraday. He has joined the company. He must have his own team, and he must have a capable team. In order to prevent you from going to others, I will keep you firmly in my hands. , so I suppressed your information. Other middlemen have their own channels and may know about it, but there is no need to fish for you, and the mercenaries don’t even know."


"That bastard"

The little loli was so angry that she threw the wine bottle in her hand, then took out her gun and tried to fight for Faraday.

Dolio and Falco who were next to her quickly stopped her.

"Xiao, how do you know this?"

Mann was silent for a while and asked.

"Please Mann, I was a lone wolf before~ If I didn't have any sources of information, how could I be where I am now? That Faraday also wanted to find me. I found out the details of that guy and threw him out directly. Ha~ That guy wanted to cause trouble for me later, but unfortunately, whether he was looking for mercenaries or the company, I finally solved them."

"...Xiao, what can you do about our current situation?" Dorio asked, and Mann and several others quickly looked over.

"Well~ I have a way to help you. Let me give you two choices. First, I will introduce you to a reliable middleman. In this way, you can get more work faster and the money may be less, but you can get more work. A few are completely enough for you; secondly, I will introduce you to the next life, and the commissions there are basically big, but whether you can accept them depends on yourselves? Just choose."

After listening to Mo Wen's two suggestions, Mann and his team began to discuss

The unified consensus is that they cannot stay under Faraday, but in terms of choice, they are divided into two parties.

One party thinks: The strength of his group has reached the level where they can go to the afterlife to take care of the people. It is better to go to the afterlife to see where there is a lot of work.

The other side believes that the strength of their team is not that strong yet. After all, even Faraday can suppress the news about himself and others. It is better to be safe now and develop slowly.

After a while, the Mann team's discussion ended

Mo Wen was enjoying a sip of champagne on the side (this was the Blue Drunk champagne that Mo Wen brought with him, specially bought, the light fruity aroma can relieve nervous nerves), and was completely uninterested in the discussion between Mann and the others.

"How is it? Have you come to the conclusion of your discussion?"

"Well, Xiao, we would like to ask you to introduce a reliable middleman. Our ultimate plan is to first become stronger outside and then accumulate fame, and then enter the afterlife nightclub on our own."

"Hmm~ A very safe choice." Then, he sent the contact information of Regina, Okada Wakako, Dai Nuo and the priest to Mann, and also sent messages to these intermediaries.

"These are the middlemen I am familiar with. You can trust Regina. She is a good person. The commission she holds is not big, but it is no problem to maintain your team, and the risk is not great. As for Wakako, she has There are mostly small jobs here, which are not very dangerous and don't cost a lot of money, but the best thing is safety. Occasionally big jobs often mean there will be trouble inside. You can choose on your own. For Dai Nuo, it is mainly in the city center, and the commissions in hand are not small, and the money is huge. What you have given is adequate, but if you mess up, he will be unhappy, remember to clean up the tail; the priest's words are more general, but it is enough for you."

"Thank you, Xiao. Come, I'm treating you today." After listening to Mo Wen's introduction, Mann raised his glass and toasted to Mo Wen.

"You're treating me to a treat? Are you sure, Mann? That's what you said last time." After hearing Mann's words, Mo Wen said with a smile.

"Ahem~ I wasn't drunk last time, but I won't be drunk this time..."

"Okay, I won't drink too much, I'll just drink this bottle."

"No problem, hey~ Why haven't I seen your bottle of wine before?"

"Blue Drunken Champagne has a market value of 20,000 euros per bottle. It is even more expensive on the black market. It is basically the kind that has a price but no market."

Qi Wei, the hacker on the side, heard Mann's question, turned around, scanned the wine bottle in front of Mo Wen, and said

"Pfft~What? Twenty thousand euros!!!"

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