Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 88 Killing on Arasaka Tower 1

"Are you going to Arasaka Tower tomorrow?"

After the meal, Lucy took Mo Wen back to the bedroom, looked at him and said

"Yeah, but Lucy, how did you know? I've just made up my mind."

Hearing this, Lucy stared at Mo Wen for a while, then slowly spoke.

"Have you forgotten what I do?"

Oh~ yes, Lucy is a hacker. Eavesdropping on communication channels is not a trivial matter. Besides, Lucy manages the network in the manor, so she will naturally be noticed by the other party.

"Okay, Lucy, I promise you, I will be fine. Besides, didn't I buy a yacht some time ago? I planned to take you out for fun, but I was delayed by this matter. After that, I don't care if you are Do you want to go to the moon or go to the sea..."

However, before Mo Wen finished speaking, Lucy hugged him and pushed Mo Wen down on the bed.

"Lucy? You..."

"Shut up, don't talk"

Then they kissed him, blocking Mo Wen's unspoken words.

Afterwards, Lucy just snuggled into Mo Wen's arms quietly.

"Remember to come back tomorrow night and leave you some food."

"okay, I get it"

The atmosphere between Mo Wen and Lucy was intense here, but Rogge was busy with his feet on the other side.

"Have you contacted everyone over there?"

"Boss, I've contacted you all."

"What about other people's arrangements?"

"It's all arranged, boss"

"Well, you go out first, I have a few more phone calls to make."

Early the next morning

"Are you ready?"


"You know, I still think you are committing suicide, but on the other hand, I do know your strength, so I have a certain degree of confidence in you. Forget it, I won't say much else. Remember or Come back, and you will be a legend of Night City, a living legend. I will wait for you at the Afterlife Nightclub."

"I know, and there are still people at home waiting for me to go back."

"Well, according to your idea, the entire Night City police force will be involved today. Civilians will also avoid it after receiving the news. But at the same time, Arasaka has also received the news, and they will be prepared in advance."

"OK, wait and see my performance"

After saying that, Mo Wen hung up the phone, changed his battle uniform and walked out of a corner.

With the help of Sianwistan and optical camouflage, Mo Wen flashed directly at the door of Arasaka Tower

It can be seen that Arasaka is now under martial law, and he was targeted just after he showed up here.

However, this is exactly the effect Mo Wen wants

After throwing out the explosive bomb that was ready to go, Mo Wen rushed in directly.

This time Mo Wen adopted the most difficult method, fighting from the bottom to the top of Arasaka Tower one by one.

As expected, Arasaka is also equipped with a lot of equipment, including various detectors, automatic defense turrets, robots, and many Arasaka agents and ninjas.

However, Mo Wen didn't take it seriously. The human sea tactic would only cause a little trouble. With his own strength and the equipment in his hands, it was just a matter of making a few more cuts.

This time, Mo Wen used the dual-sword style. He held two samurai swords, one upright and one backward, in his hands. If one sword failed, he could use another sword immediately.

In less than a minute, all the agents and ninjas on the first floor were chopped to the ground by Mo Wen, and the security robots and automatic turrets were also paralyzed by electromagnetic pulse grenades.

But the battle is not over yet, people from other floors are walking towards the first floor

Waiting is not Mo Wen's style, besides, he has been waiting for a long time.

Mo Wen rushed directly to the second floor. The various grenades in his hand constantly lured the enemy to harass and kill them. By the way, they also served as pathfinders.

Enemies found along the way were either chopped to the ground or blown up by grenades. If they were grouped together, deep cutting grenades would be used to break up the formation first, and then it would be time to stop the Juggernaut's performance.

However, the situation inside Arasaka Tower is still quite complicated. Even after reading the map beforehand, Mo Wen still took the wrong turn several times.

No way, this is not like in the game, there is map navigation

Mo Wen could only go through everything bit by bit through the small map projected onto the prosthetic eye.

Since the elevator was closed, even if Mo Wen got the access token, he couldn't take the elevator.

In the end, I could only climb up layer by layer.

In this way, even with the plug-in turned on, Mo Wen, who has unlimited endurance, felt tired.

There is no way, even cutting vegetables for several hours will make you feel tired, not to mention that Mo Wen is here with agents, ninjas and robots.

These are either tin dolls originally, or they have subcutaneous armor installed.

Although there are plug-ins, there is no way to deal with the mental fatigue

In this regard, Mo Wen could only find an opportunity to drink medicine after clearing a wave of enemies.

Although it does not require treatment, it is still very effective in relieving pain and mental fatigue.

It felt like a shot of chicken blood, and I recovered instantly, and then it was a new round of fighting.

Of course, when I passed various offices and laboratories during this period, I did not forget to copy a copy of the data.

The special USB flash drive prepared by Lucy can be used to quickly seize permissions and copy and download the data inside.

We also took photos of the laboratory

"Oh, with these things, Night City's Arasaka branch will not have the energy to care about others for at least a year, and other companies will not let this opportunity pass by."

After copying, Mo Wen plugged in several other USB drives.

These are provided by several companies, led by Military Technology, and contain viruses that can contain Arasaka's hackers. Of course, the real purpose of these companies is to steal technology and other data information, but they do help Mo Wen share the pressure from hackers.

If one company shares a little bit, with so many, the strength and number of hackers will exceed Arasaka.

Therefore, Mo Wen has basically not been attacked by hackers.

After dealing with enemies on several floors, Mo Wen came to a special laboratory

It's the laboratory of the prosthetic King Kong in Edgewalker.

"Found it!" Mo Wen directly inserted a chip into the terminal and began to decipher the information inside.


A loud noise sounded

"Little mouse, I heard that you were looking for me. Why did you hide yourself later? Huh? But now I have found you."

A voice with a strong sense of mechanical synthesis sounded.

"Adam Hammer!" Mo Wen raised his head and faced the opponent.

"It's me. I heard that you are very powerful, but I will make you realize how small you are. I will crush you like an insect."

"Haha! Hammer, stop talking nonsense, today will be your lifelong nightmare, and I, the Ghost Walker, will become your nightmare."

"Do it!" Adam Hammer said to the dozens of Arasaka ninjas around him.

"A bunch of rubbish, let's clean you up first." After saying that, Mo Wen directly activated Si'an Westan, and Klenchikov also automatically triggered it. In an instant, Mo Wen's speed and reaction ability reached their peak.

A phantom passed by, and the Arasaka ninjas on the opposite side were instantly scattered in all directions, but more than half of them were lost in the blink of an eye.

But just when Mo Wen was about to continue cleaning up his other half, another figure blocked Mo Wen.

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