Starting from Cyberpunk

Chapter 9 Investigation and Harvest

Mo Wen took a deep look at Panan: What is going on? Is it easy to trigger accidents when being around the main characters? Just like Conan, but I’m not the protagonist either?

Mo Wen, who had a headache, looked at Panan and suggested: "If you don't want to give in, I have an idea. Let's make preparations first, but don't be impulsive. Let's watch here first and wait for the results to be known over there. If the Night Walker wins, , then we can grab the goods first, and then see if it is important and whether it will cause trouble; if it is military technology that repels the night wandering ghosts, then we can use drones to identify what it is, if possible We are taking action. If the goods are difficult to sell or there are reinforcements, then we will give up."

"Fuck! Okay, that's it." Panan was still a little unwilling, but her reason told her that this was indeed a good idea and would not bring trouble to the family, and other people in the group also agreed.

Everyone stopped talking, the driver was responsible for guarding the surroundings, and the rest of the people silently watched the pictures returned by the drone.

"It seems that the winner is about to be decided." The hacker looked at the screen and said: "The weapon turret on the company's transport vehicle has been destroyed, and there are two people using speed components in the Night Walker Ghost."

Looking at the two Night Walker Speed ​​Component members flashing on the screen, Mo Wen couldn't help but think of the Time Stop Juggernaut style he had used in the game, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: Both Time Stop and the Hacker It’s a good direction. In the game, hacker streaming develops safely and quickly, while stopping streaming has certain requirements but the damage is high. Well, they are both good choices.

In the picture: The hackers on the company side seem to have finally come online. Various problems began to appear on the Night Walker side, but it cannot change the outcome. After all, the Night Walker caused huge personnel losses to military technology in the early stages of the battle. , although the Night Walker is not weak, it is ultimately better than military technology. As the speed component Night Walker approaches, the military technology side declares failure.

"It's our turn." Panan cheered.

Mo Wen shook his head helplessly and said to the hacker: "Please pay attention to the situation over there with the goods and whether there is any movement from the military technology reinforcements."

"No problem, don't worry." After saying that, several people got into the car and drove towards the fighting site.

While the Night Walkers were happily searching for loot, Panan and his team rushed over and fired at the almost defenseless Night Walkers. A hacker's drone marked friend or foe in the sky, causing Adkar to The results of many battles were quite impressive. In just a few rounds, the night wandering ghosts on the opposite side were defeated and fled.

"Hahaha, we succeeded." Panan and several others looked very excited.

It's not over yet, and we're not sure of the outcome yet, Mo Wen thought, but he didn't try to spoil the excitement of the others. He opened a few boxes that Yeyougui had moved from the transport truck. Most of them contained common weapons and prosthetics. There are also some medical supplies: "The interrogator should not be big, but I still need to check it." As he said this, he began to manually check these boxes. The hacker and several other people saw this and came over to help.

"Hey, brothers, come and take a look." Mo Wen, who was checking, looked up at the train carriage, and Panan inside called out.

"What's wrong?" "What is this?" "It can't be opened!"

"Panan?" Mo Wen asked.

"Hey~ Mo Wen, do you want to come and see what this is? I can't open this box."

"Huh?" Mo Wen walked forward and looked at a white box without any markings in front of him: "Did you scan anything? Or did you find anything like a list?"

"No~ Generally speaking, each box has an exclusive data chip to identify the cargo information and unlock the key, but this one has nothing." The hacker waved his hand.

"It seems that this is a secret piece of military technology. Let's not touch this. It will cause trouble." Mo Wen looked at Panan.

"Okay, the other few boxes are already a big harvest for us. Since this thing will cause trouble, then just ignore it and wait for the military technology to come and clean it up." For the sake of the harvest, , Panan doesn’t care about an unknown thing anymore, not to mention that this thing may bring big trouble to the family.

A few people got out of the transport vehicle, quickly packed up the loot, then got in the vehicle and drove back to the camp. Of course, they had to go around a few times before going back, otherwise the location of the camp would be exposed.

"You guys are back? How is it? Is everything going well? How is the situation at the new camp?" Mitche stood at the door to greet Mo Wen and his party.

"Not bad, the harvest this time is not small." Panan couldn't hide the happiness on their faces: "But we haven't seen the new camp location yet. We encountered other things on the way. Let's take a look at our harvest this time. Yeah, hahaha"

"Oh? What are you so happy about? Are you back from the reconnaissance camp?" Thor's voice sounded behind him

"Hey~ Sol." Mo Wen turned around and greeted Sol.

"Sol! Come and have a look, drive over and have a look, we have a great harvest this time!" Panan shouted excitedly

As he said that, he pulled Sol and Miche towards the car.

"What did you do?" Sol looked at the supplies in the car and looked at Panan seriously.

"Don't worry Thor, it's not what you think." Mo Wen said, "We didn't cause trouble, it's not what you think."

Sol's expression softened slightly after hearing this, and then he looked at Mo and asked, "Sorry? It's just that Panan has always been impulsive, and I was a little too worried."

"Hey! What are you talking about!!" Panan was slightly unhappy.

"Understood~" Mo Wen nodded slightly, then looked at everyone with a smile: "However, companions and family members still need to communicate more and trust each other, right?"

"Hahaha, yes, we are all a family, haha!" Mitche laughed and patted Panan on the shoulder.

"Okay, now come and tell me about the problem of these supplies and your investigation out this time." Saul looked at Panan apologetically and changed the subject.

Panan nodded slightly when he saw this, and told Sol and all the tribesmen about their encounter during this outing for investigation.

"Okay, Mo Wen, you paid good attention and didn't draw the company's attention to the Adecado family, minimizing the trouble. You did a good job." After listening to the stories of Panan and other people in the reconnaissance convoy, Suo asked Er smiled at Mo Wen and nodded in agreement. Mitchell and others also looked at him with approval: "Of course, everyone else did a good job too..."

"Where~ I just made a suggestion." Mo Wen waved his hand and looked at the others: "Without everyone's contribution, there would not be these gains this time." This person involuntarily displayed the humility of a rabbit.

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