Starting from Douluo

Chapter 103 Fusion! Soul bone attached!

Seeing that Tang San was determined, Zao Wou-ki didn't try to persuade him, so he could only say to Oscar, "Oscar, make another sausage for Tang San!"


Oscar nodded, following the wretched curse of "I have a big sausage", a sausage appeared and handed it to Tang San.

Tang San didn't dislike it, and ate the sausage directly.

Feeling the rapid recovery of soul power in his body, he raised his foot and walked to the body of the human face demon spider.

At this time, the rich purple spirit ring with dots of black light had already condensed and formed above the human face demon spider corpse, which was the best time to absorb it.

"Trouble everyone."

After turning around and talking to his companions, Tang San crossed his knees directly, summoned the blue silver grass, attracted the human face demon spider spirit ring, and concentrated on absorbing and fusing.

And when Zao Wuji saw Tang San start to absorb the spirit ring, he immediately waved his hand, letting everyone scatter and surround Tang San.

As long as they don't fall, no one or soul beast can affect Tang San.

So taking advantage of this moment, Zao Wou-ki finally had the opportunity to ask Tang Ge about the period during which the other party disappeared.

Hearing Zao Wou-ki's question, Tang Ge smiled in his heart, and immediately took out the rhetoric he had just made to Ning Rongrong and others.

When he learned that the Titan Giant Ape with the King of the Forest was scared by a bull roar and left Tang Ge and Xiao Wu and fled directly, Zao Wou-ki was surprised and couldn't help feeling for Tang Ge and Xiao Wu. Fortunately.

Moreover, both of them were able to obtain their own third and fourth spirit rings through this crisis, which was a blessing in disguise.

Of course, if you add the Oscar who has broken through and Tang San who is absorbing the spirit ring, their Shrek Academy and the Star Dou Great Forest team have completely completed the task successfully.

For a while, even as a Level 76 Soul Saint, Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

He couldn't help but smile and nodded.

"In this case, I can feel relieved; the next step is to wait for Xiao Wu to come back and Tang San to smoothly absorb the Fusion Soul..."

"Teacher Zhao! Look at what happened to Tang San?"

Suddenly, Zao Wou-ki was interrupted by an exclamation.

The exclamation was from Ning Rongrong.

At this moment, her eyes widened, looking at Tang San who was absorbing the spirit ring, a look of surprise and worry appeared on her small face.

The attention of Zao Wou-ki and others were attracted, and when they saw Tang San's state at the moment, they couldn't help but stunned.

It turned out that in this short period of time, the rich purple-black light released from the human face demon spider's spirit ring had already enveloped Tang San's body.

A powerful and surging spirit power fluctuation was continuously released from Tang San.

It's nothing more than that.

But the key thing was that Tang San, who was fusing the spirit ring at this time, seemed to have suffered intense torture, his pale face was full of pain.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood.

The blood sprayed on the ground, shocking Dai Mubai and others.

They had all absorbed the spirit ring, but this was the first time they encountered this situation, and for a while they couldn't help but cast their eyes on Zao Wou-ki.

Oscar said nervously, "Teacher Zhao, what's wrong with the third brother? Nothing will happen, right?"

Zao Wuji felt the violent aura continuously emanating from the fluctuating spirit power of Tang San, his brows tightened suddenly.

He said solemnly: "If I'm not mistaken, the reason why this happened to Tang San should be because the spirit ring of the Human Face Demon Spider is too domineering.

If he wants to absorb and integrate it for his own use, I am afraid it will not be easy!"

Is the spirit ring too domineering?

Hearing Teacher Zhao's explanation, everyone's faces became more worried.

Dai Mubai couldn't help but said, "Aren't we just looking at it, can there be any way to help Tang San?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. Now he can only rely on him. Absorbing the spirit ring can't use any external force, otherwise it will only produce counterproductive effects.

So now we can only believe that Tang San can insist on taking it for his own use."

Zao Wou-ki shook his head.

Tang Ge was standing next to him. Looking at Tang San's situation, he suddenly understood that the other party had absorbed more than the maximum limit he could bear.

In addition, the human face demon spider is already ferocious and domineering, and it is more powerful than the soul beasts of other fellow practitioners.

Therefore, even if Tang San had cultivated the Profound Sky Technique and had a physical quality far better than other spirit masters, it was still not that easy to absorb the spirit ring of the Human Face Demon Spider.

If this is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that the amount of violent violence released by the spirit ring will burst the body from the beginning!

However, Tang Ge, who knew the original plot, naturally understood that absorbing the spirit ring this time was completely shocking for Tang San.

Even if no one intervened, Tang San could survive it successfully and reap great benefits.


Tang Ge suddenly came out and smiled at Zao Wou-ki under everyone's puzzled eyes.

"Teacher Zhao, the spirit ability of my first spirit ring works on both soul and body levels, and it should be able to help Tang San."

Hearing Tang Ge's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Zao Wou-ki frowned, and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course it is, and if we really wait here, what if Xiaosandu doesn't go back here?"

Tang Ge nodded, and then asked back.

Zao Wou-ki was silent.

After a while, he said, "In that case, you can try it; but if anything is wrong, stop immediately!"

After getting consent, Tang Ge didn't hesitate, and with a wave of his hand, a column of milky white light fell on Tang San.

With such a situation, Dai Mubai and the others couldn't help but start to feel scared.

But the result surprised everyone.

With the activation of Tang Ge's first spirit ability, Tang San's originally painful face really began to calm down.

Even the tyrannical aura emanating from him was affected and became docile.

If these people could see Tang San's spiritual world, they would definitely find a huge human-faced demon spider shrouded in a column of milky white light, and instantly squinted his eyes comfortably and stopped struggling.

But no matter what, Dai Mubai and the others knew for the first time that Tang Ge's first spirit ability could even help people absorb powerful spirit rings that were difficult to blend.

For a time, these people were shocked again.

Even Zao Wou-ki seemed to have thought of something, when he looked at Tang Ge, his eyes faintly revealed a scorching light.


mock up!I thought it really couldn't cure you!

As for Tang Ge, when I heard the system prompts that continued to sound in my mind, my depressed mood suddenly became much more comfortable.

that's it.

With the passage of time, with the help of Tang Ge's successive milky white light beams, Tang San, who had been closing his eyes and fusing his spirit ring, suddenly said "Ah" and suddenly stood up from the ground.

Hearing a "tear" sound, his coat shattered in an instant, and eight spear-like spider legs quickly extended from his back.

Soul bone attached!

Eight Spider Lances!

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