Starting from Douluo

Chapter 108: Too Excellent and Not Good (Fourth!)

The next day, early morning.

In Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai and Tang Sanjiu, who had been taking a rest for a night in comfort, had breakfast and were once again called by the bell to the college playground.

Because in the Star Dou Great Forest, the relationship between Dai Mubai and the nine of them was even closer than before.

Even Oscar dared to make fun of the little princess Ning Rongrong.

But a pity!

Except for Xiao Wu who was as glued as Tang San, both Ning Rongrong and Lin Yuechan were surrounded by Tang Ge.

Even Zhu Zhuqing, who has always been a maverick and looked extremely cold, would talk to Tang Ge from time to time in the name of exploring soul skills.

Tang Ge originally wanted to take care of the feelings of Dai Mubai, who was lonely and ate dog food.

But helplessly, his charm was so great that even Xiao Wu called him Brother Tang, and even the three girls Ning Rongrong could not be pushed away.

Tang Ge simply gave up the effort and let the three men of Dai Mubai continue to eat dog food!

Fortunately, the suffering days did not last too long.

When Dean Flander and Yu Xiaogang came to the big playground together, the nine talents gathered together scattered one after another.

Dai Mubai, Oscar and Ma Hongjun, who were about to collapse, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, their attention was focused on Yu Xiaogang, who seemed unfamiliar.

Who is this person?

Could it be that the newly hired teachers from the college failed?

On the contrary, Xiao Wu was not surprised by Yu Xiaogang's arrival because of being with Tang San yesterday.

Just as everyone was thinking wildly, Flander finally spoke.

He glanced across the nine colleges in front of him, and said with a smile: "I am very glad that in this trial course of the Star Dou Great Forest, all nine of you can safely complete the mission and return to the college.

And among them, I would also like to congratulate Oscar, Tang San, and Xiao Wu for successfully finding a soul ring suitable for them, and becoming the three new soul veterans after Dai Mubai and Lin Yuechan among students.

Therefore, the three of you, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, must continue to work hard to achieve breakthroughs in your cultivation to the soul deity as soon as possible."

"Well, we will work hard!"

Hearing what Flanders said, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and nodded firmly.

Ma Hongjun lowered his head in embarrassment.

Flander ignored him, his eyes fell to Tang Ge again.

He continued: "Of course, I want to focus on complimenting Tang Ge.

Not only did his cultivation base break through to the Soul Sect, he was also in danger when facing a strong man far beyond his own, and he did not abandon his teammates!

This spirit should be promoted in our Shrek Academy, everyone should study hard!

Come, applaud for Tang Ge!"



Along with Dean Flander's personal leadership, Dai Mubai and Tang San suddenly applauded.

Feeling the warm welcome from everyone, Tang Ge waved his hand modestly.

"Students can do whatever they want, and I like to keep a low profile in Tang Ge."

just you?

Like to be low-key?

As soon as these words came out, let alone Dai Mubai and the others, they almost couldn't hold back their retorts, and even Yu Xiaogang, who had remained silent behind him, twitched fiercely.

He didn't expect that after five years of absence, this Tang Ge's cultivation is not only good, but his face is thicker than before!

So at this moment, before Flander continued to speak, Yu Xiaogang took the initiative to step forward.

He first asked everyone to stop applauding, and then faintly said: "As you think in your mind, I am the new teacher invited by your dean, and I am mainly responsible for your next training courses.

My name is Yu Xiaogang, maybe this name is very strange to you, but you should have heard the term "Master"."


He is the master, the master who put forward the "Ten Wuhun Core Laws in the Wuhun World"?

When Yu Xiaogang said this, everyone was shocked.

On the side, Xiao Wu said proudly: "Not only that, but the master is also the teacher of the third brother!"

"Teacher, with your personal teaching, I believe that the strength of my classmates and I can be improved by leaps and bounds."

Tang San followed out of the team, came to Yu Xiaogang, and said seriously.

Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and nodded in relief.

After Dai Mubai and the others realized that Tang San's teacher turned out to be a master, they all suddenly realized.

No wonder Tang San knew so much when he was in the Star Dou Great Forest, it turned out to be such a thing.

Suddenly, Dai Mubai and the others were also full of expectations for the next training course.

"Since you all know the master, I will leave this here for you, and you will find me if you have anything!"

After speaking, Flander turned and left.

Yu Xiaogang retracted his gaze, and his gaze swept across Dai Mubai, Oscar and others one by one, corresponding to the information he had read before.

Then he said in a deep voice: "Your formal training will begin tomorrow morning, and today, I need to understand your respective martial arts types and spirit ring spirit abilities.

So I give you a task, no matter how you cooperate and how you use your spirit abilities, you can join hands to attack Tang Ge with all your strength.

As long as you can beat him, I will cook tomorrow's breakfast for you!

Xiao San, don't use your hidden weapons, this kind of thing should be left to your enemy!"

"is teacher."

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San nodded.

Then he looked at Tang Ge, his eyes were suddenly full of fighting spirit.

But Oscar wailed.

"Master, I'm just a food-type auxiliary soul master, do I have to participate in the battle?"

"And me! And me! Tang Ge's fourth spirit ability is too terrifying, he will leave many holes in me!"

As if thinking of something terrible, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but shudder, looking at Yu Xiaogang pitifully.

Even Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's pupils shrank, and their faces looked extremely solemn.

Perceiving this situation, Yu Xiaogang, who wanted to scold the Oscars, couldn't help frowning.

Immediately he looked at Tang Ge and said, "Let me see what your fourth spirit ability is so terrible!"

"no problem."

Tang Ge smiled slightly, Wuhun and the four spirit rings were summoned one after another.

When the Tai Chi sword formation finally appeared under his feet, as the surging soul power entered it, two hundred Yin Yang swords were condensed in an instant.


Void trembling, under Tang Ge's deliberate behavior, the two hundred yin and yang swords appeared in front of Yu Xiaogang.

Countless sharp yin and yang swords pointed at Yu Xiaogang, making Yu Xiaogang's body tense involuntarily.

For a moment, he even had the urge to turn his head and run away.

But thinking that this was in Shrek Academy, Yu Xiaogang still worked hard to calm his trembling heart slowly.

He looked at Tang Ge with a smile, gritted his teeth and forced out a word.

"In the next duel, you are not allowed to use the fourth spirit ring's spirit ability!"

"Hey... It's not good if it's too good!"

Hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang Ge suddenly let out a helpless sigh.

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