Starting from Douluo

Chapter 119 Who is talking nonsense! (Look for a monthly pass!)

As soon as he thought of this, Tang Ge felt that his thinking was out of control, and he started flying around.

He even suspected that if he was from that place; not to mention that he was born with full spirit power, but awakening a hammer should be no problem.

But the result is that regardless of Tang Ge's martial soul or innate full soul power, it was brought by the system.

So is it possible that his Evil Soul Master father or mother swallowed his soul power and martial soul, while the other party abandoned him outside the Holy Soul Village to protect him?


How come the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is an unknown tragic story behind my life experience?

In the end, Tang Ge's brain hurt, and couldn't help whispering viciously.

"Forget it, what about him? Anyway, I have nothing to do with my parents in this life. If they really want to eat me if they are evil spirit masters, they will be slapped to death!"

At this point, all clues have been cut off, and the rest can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to send it to the door.

Therefore, Tang Ge did not continue to stay here, and directly used the wings of Yin and Yang to fly in the direction of Shrek Academy.


At Shrek Academy, the eight people, Tang San and Dai Mubai, who were ready to sleep well after the three-month training ended, had already assembled on the college playground at this moment.

And they basically stayed up all night, and their minds were full of the beam of light rising into the sky last night and the scene of the torn sky.

Such a huge movement not only caused Soto City to be full of wind and rain, but their Shrek Academy also failed to calm down.

So in the morning, Yu Xiaogang and Flender came forward to summon all the students here.

"Teacher, Dean, what happened last night, how could there be such a big movement?"

Tang San couldn't help but asked.

When other people heard it, doubts and curiosity appeared in their eyes.

Because of what happened last night, only Flander went out to investigate.

But even after so long, when he thought of that terrible picture, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Therefore, in response to Tang San's question, Flender took a deep breath and said slowly.

"If I'm not mistaken, the movement last night was caused by the battle between two spirit masters.

And among them, there is at least one soul power level not lower than Title Douluo!"


Is there a Title Douluo fighting?

Hearing Flander's words, all of the Tang San eight people present gasped in air, showing incredible expressions.

The strongest of them now is only at the Soul Sovereign level, and it is not bad to be able to blast out a pit in one blow, but the battle last night produced a pillar of light!

Is this the strength of Title Douluo?

After the shock, the eight people were suddenly filled with envy and expectation.

Yu Xiaogang frowned and looked at Flander and said, "Are you sure that Title Douluo was involved?"

"Then do you think that besides Title Douluo, who else can tear the sky through a crack? Is it a god?"

Flander asked rhetorically.

Soon he ignored Yu Xiaogang who was meditating, his eyes moved to the academies again, and he started to remind.

"Because what happened last night has not been clear, to ensure your safety, try not to leave the college in the near future."

"Can't you go to Soto City?" Ma Hongjun couldn't help but said.

Flender glared at him when he heard it.

"Can't go! Especially you!"

"The dean, you have to be fair, since you don't let me go, the Tang Ge boss can't go either!"

Ma Hongjun said angrily.

Just as he said this, a familiar laugh suddenly came from a distance.

"Fatty, are you not letting your boss go where?"

Immediately following the gust of wind, Tang Ge's figure appeared over the playground.

He slowly put away the wings of yin and yang, and after falling from the air, he looked at Flanders and Yu Xiaogang.

"Is this preparing for a meeting? I'm not coming back late!"

"Just come back safely."

Seeing that Tang Ge was also safe and sound, Flanders completely relaxed his heart and said gently.

But then he seemed to think of something, and his expression suddenly became weird, and he pushed Yu Xiaogang, who was still pretending to be pensive.

"Didn't you discuss with me the trainees' next training plan? In that case, let's go."

Yu Xiaogang was pushed back like this and turned around.

But he just nodded, then suddenly walked to Tang Ge, patted the other person on the shoulder, and spoke earnestly.

"Tang Ge, I know that your strength is far stronger than your peers, but in some aspects it can't be compensated by being strong, so look a little bit more."

What certain aspects?

Why should I look away a little?

Tang Ge was very confused by Yu Xiaogang's ambiguous words.

But when he was about to question the other party, the other party had already left the playground with Flanders.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ge felt a pair of complex, sympathetic, and regretful gazes falling on him.

He turned his head and found that these eyes were from Tang Sanba.

Especially Dai Mubai sighed and walked over, patted Tang Ge on the shoulder like Yu Xiaogang, but Tang Ge directly avoided.

"Say something! Let it go if you have a fart!"

Staring at Dai Mubai, Tang Ge said impatiently.

Dai Mubai couldn't help but touched his nose, and smirked.

"It's nothing important. I just want to persuade Tang Boss to be open. Short time is not a big deal, as long as it hits!"

"Bah, lure ~ wolf!"

Upon hearing Dai Mubai's words, Ning Rongrong and the other girls blushed.

Xiao Wu even snorted.

On the contrary, Oscar agreed with Dai Mubai's words.

He looked at Tang Ge, patted his heart with loyalty, and promised: "Don’t worry, Boss Tang, when I become stronger, I will make a sausage specially for you, which will definitely make you lasting and powerful. !"

At the beginning, Tang Ge didn’t know what was going on, but now it sounds like it’s not working in my place!

And also said that his time is short and not lasting?

Tang Ge was so angry that he directly named Lin Yuechan and said, "Xiaochan, tell me what you hear, I'm going to see who is talking nonsense!"

"Brother Tang, this..."

Lin Yuechan's pretty face blushed, as if she felt that Tang Ge became angry because of her anger, and wanted to show that she didn't mind this aspect.

But feeling the fierce look in Tang Ge's eyes, she obediently told all the rumors she had heard.

In the end, with only a click, Tang Ge had stepped on a crack in the originally flat ground.

His eyes locked on Ma Hongjun who wanted to take the opportunity to escape here.

"Okay, Fatty, I will spread rumors, right? Don't you think that your boss, Don't be too light in my three months?"

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