Starting from Douluo

Chapter 121 Please Call Me The Ancient Sage Monarch (seeking a monthly pass!)

Facts have proved that being handsome and capable can really do whatever he wants.

Not long after Tang Gexiao beat Ma Hongjun and left depressed, three female classmates Lin Yuechan, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing followed.

Then the three female classmates began to comfort him constantly, and it was not that Ma Hongjun was still in front of him, so they almost pulled Ma Hongjun over and let him run away.

Listening to Tang Ge was ecstatic and extremely satisfied.

It's just that the only thing that makes him feel uncomfortable is that the short rumors of his own aspect may not be able to explain clearly for a while.

Unless... find someone to try?

Thinking of this, Tang Ge's eyes suddenly couldn't help but observe on the three female classmates.

The three female classmates blushed after being looked at by Tang Ge.

Ning Rongrong even shyly said, "Tang Ge, what are you looking at?"

"too small!"

Tang Ge sighed a pity and shook his head.

too small?

The three female classmates couldn't help but wonder. Among them, Lin Yuechan and Zhu Zhuqing's attention followed Tang Ge's eyes to Ning Rongrong's heart.

Then Lin Yuechan's face suddenly turned into a ripe apple.

But Zhu Zhuqing snorted and turned his body directly.

But it was faintly visible that her gaze fell on her own heart, and there was a trace of ecstasy in her eyes.

At this time, Ning Rongrong finally reacted.

Suddenly, she pinched her waist angrily and restored her former little witch's nature.

"Tang Ge, you tell me clearly, where am I young?"

"Sister, you are young everywhere!"

Tang Ge drew out his ears that were a little uncomfortable by the high voice of Ning Rongrong, and he stood up and walked back.

Ning Rongrong's angry scream came from behind him.

"Tang Ge, hate you, I'm not young at all, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

Tang Ge was so frightened that he didn't even dare to turn his head back, for fear that he would see something inappropriate for children.

So he quickly speeded up and left here.

Afterwards, considering that Ma Hongjun was beaten by himself and could not get sympathy, Tang Ge found him again out of humanistic concern.

On the big playground, Tang San and Dai Mubai had not left yet, they seemed to be comforting Ma Hongjun, who had completely lost hope in life.

As a result, when Tang Ge came, these people seemed to be frightened, jumping far and wide.

Suddenly, only self-loving Ma Hongjun remained in place.

Seeing this scene, Ma Hongjun's heart just broke with a click.

He looked at Tang Ge with grief and anger, and shouted: "Boss Tang, I'm like this, you have to fight..."


But before Ma Hongjun could finish speaking, a light of healing suddenly appeared and poured into his body.

Coupled with the "pleasure" effect of the spirit ability, Ma Hongjun turned his grief and anger into happiness, unconsciously indulging in it.

Even his pig-headed face quickly recovered, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Seeing Dai Mubai and Tang San with weird expressions that wanted to speak but didn't dare to speak, Tang Ge suddenly smiled faintly.

"Don't thank me, I'm a big brother who helps others!"

After speaking, he turned around and left here again.

After a while, Ma Hongjun finally got out of his happy state.

As soon as he was sober, he couldn't wait to touch his face.

When he was sure that his face was completely restored to his previous handsome appearance, Ma Hongjun suddenly burst into tears with excitement.

He whimpered and said: "I... I knew that Boss Tang would not really be angry with me; look, he has come back to treat me personally.

It's like you, when Mr. Tang comes, you hide faster than anyone else, it's really shameless!"

After speaking, Ma Hongjun also glanced at Dai Mubai and Tang Ge with eyes full of resentment.

When Oscar heard it, he was immediately unhappy.

He couldn't help but said: "You ate the healing sausage I came to give you before. Didn't I have no loyalty to you?"

"You count loyalty, but the three of them don't count!"

Ma Hongjun said.

Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Xiao Wu laughed, but there was always something wrong in their hearts.

What is the principle of being beaten to thank the person who beat him?


Time flies quickly, and two days have passed since the farce that happened on the big playground in the blink of an eye.

Except for a careful witch who was still remembering what someone said that she was "small everywhere" that day, the Shrek students had once again returned to the rapport.

And after two days of buffering, the impact of the explosion outside Soto City gradually faded.

Therefore, Shrek Academy finally restarted the second phase of the training program.

In the afternoon of the third day.

In an office of the college, the nine Tang Ge people were called together.

After a while, Yu Xiaogang, who was in charge of the training program, walked in from outside.

Looking at the nine people present, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Very well, there is no shortage of one person, all are here.

Calling you today is mainly to arrange your training plan for the next stage; I heard from Flanders, you have all been to the Great Arena of Souls in Soto City."


When everyone heard it, they nodded suddenly.

Upon seeing this, Yu Xiaogang continued: "In this case, you must all understand the rules of the Great Arena of Souls in Soto, so I don't need to talk too much nonsense.

Your next training is to get the Silver Fighting Soul badge in the Great Arena of Soto City.

And in order to facilitate your training, I will find a hotel near the Arena of Souls to arrange for you to stay, but you will be responsible for everything you need to do.

I think that as long as you perform well in the Arena of Souls at Soto City, you should have a considerable income.

Do you have any objections to this training arrangement?"

Tang San shook their heads one after another.

But Oscar couldn't help crying and said with a mournful face: "Master, Ning Rongrong and I are both auxiliary soul masters. Should we also participate in the soul fight?"

"It's okay if you don't want to participate. I can open a small stove for you alone and let you continue the first phase of training."

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Oscar and said lightly.

Soon he ignored the crying Oscar and continued to arrange.

"Okay, I'll talk about the arrangements for participating in the Soul Fighting tournament later; in order to hide your identities and ages and avoid unnecessary trouble, please give yourself a nickname first.

Who will come first?"

While talking, Yu Xiaogang took out nine masks that looked very handsome.

Seeing this mask, Oscar's eyes, who had just been discouraged, lit up and immediately said.

"I am I! My name is Xiao Wang Oscar..."

"Sausage monopoly."

In the end, before Oscar could finish speaking, Yu Xiaogang was finalized.

Oscar, who was originally excited, drooped his head again, feeling glum.

Soon, the others also took their own nicknames.

Soon, there was only Tang Ge left.

Under the curious eyes of others, he smiled faintly and spoke.

"Hello everyone, please call me the ancient sage!"

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